Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 331 Looking for a place

Chen Afu arrived at Anrong Hall. In the hall, Mrs. Chu San's eyes were red from crying, and Mr. Chu San was still trying to persuade her.

The old man was sitting in the main seat, pointed to the side of the third lady, and said, My eldest granddaughter-in-law, please sit down.

It turns out that Prince Rui found the old man and the third master, hoping that Chen Afu could take Li Xuan to the countryside. The emperor also hinted to the third master that if Chen Afu really has a way to cure Li Xuan, he should take Li Xuan with him.

If it were Prince Rui alone, neither father nor son would agree. After all, the responsibility is heavy, and they are afraid that if something happens to Li Xuan, it will be difficult for the Chu family to deal with. But when the emperor spoke, they had to do it.

Just now, they told her about the Ninth Prince's leg that was about to heal, and about the Eleventh Prince, the boy whom the Third Lady had met in Fuyuan.

They decided it was time to tell her. She must keep an eye on Rong Zhao so that Lord Chu can have more time to do other things. You also have to pay attention to the movements of the Queen, the second prince's concubine and other royal women. It is best to stir up trouble to make the Queen and Sun Guifei fight more fiercely. But the matter is so important that you must not confide it to anyone, including the Queen Mother.

Mrs. Chu was happy for the Ninth Prince and the Eleventh Prince, but also sad for the Chu family who had endured the humiliation and burden for so many years. She cried for a long time.

After hearing what the old man said, Chen Afu hesitated and said, Bringing Li Xuan to Tangyuan will make the Second Prince and his party pay special attention to that place?

The third master said, No. Li Xuan is a child, and the second prince can't focus on him yet. The second prince didn't even expect that the ninth prince got the magic medicine and his leg was almost cured. Now all his attention is on the third prince. The prince's party is here. Listening to the emperor's wishes, we are going to let Prince Rui go to the Ministry of War for training. In this way, while the second prince's party and the third prince's party are afraid of Prince Rui, they will also find ways to win over him. Let Changhua enter the palace. Looking for some trouble to muddy the waters...

Chen Afu was secretly happy that the capital would be more lively in the future, but fortunately he would leave soon.

It was already late at night when she returned to Zhuxuan. Look at the dazzling stars in the sky and think about the golden swallows. She was very excited thinking about that moment. It's a pity that Chu Lingxuan is at home and she can't enter the space to welcome it out.

After washing and going to bed, her movements were already very gentle, but she still woke up Chu Lingxuan.

He pressed Chen Afu on the bed and chuckled, Why are you coming back now...

Chu Lingxuan took a particularly long time this time and even blamed Ah Fu for not paying attention.

Chen Afu thought to himself, it's amazing that he can concentrate. It's almost midnight, and the little thing is about to come out. Being listened to in a corner is frustrating enough, but being seen in a big show is even more shameless.

Just as she was thinking about it, she felt itchy in her left palm. It was Golden Swallow giving her a hint that it was about to come out. She was complaining in her heart, couldn't she wait any longer?

She broke away from Chu Lingxuan's hand with her left hand and stretched out the tent. She felt the golden swallow jump out and fly out of the half-open window.

Chu Lingxuan heard the slight movement and quickly raised his head and asked, Who is it?

Chen Afu said angrily, Where is the person? You are not paying attention, and you still say that I...

The next day, the couple got up early, and Chu Lingxuan went directly to the outer courtyard, where he even had breakfast. Chen Afu then led his servants to pack the boxes and cages.

The fourth master Chu Lingwei and the fifth master Chu Lingzhi came to give Cheng Yi to Chen Afu. What they gave was food and books for Miss Chu, Dabao and Alu.

Chen Afu expressed his thanks and allowed them to have snacks.

Later, Mrs. Song, the second grandmother of Chu, sent someone to secretly deliver a package of Wei Island sea cucumbers, saying that she was not in good health and would not make a special trip to see her off.

Chen Afu also accepted her love. His relationship with Mrs. Li was so bad. As a concubine's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Song would not dare to blatantly show favor to her mother-in-law's enemy.

The other two concubines in the second room didn't dare to come, but Chu Zhen did come. It was probably Aunt Qian who escorted her here. Judging from her face, she was not convinced yet.

She gave Miss Chu two small handkerchiefs she had embroidered by herself. Chen Afu expressed his gratitude as usual and invited her to drink tea.

Then Chu Hua came with Brother Heng and Mrs. Chu San, and they each presented Cheng Yi with one hundred taels of silver.

At about the end of the day, Prince Rui and Princess Rui arrived. They brought Li Xuan, the wet nurse Aunt Wei, four girls, four guards, and several large carts and things.

Princess Rui's eyes were red from crying. She hugged Li Xuan and kissed him again and again. Then she asked the nurse to hold Li Xuan and kowtow to Chen Afu. Li Xuan didn't know that he would be separated from his parents for a long time, and looked at Chen Afu with a silly smile.

At noon, everyone went to the flower hall of Anrong Hall for dinner, and Prince Rui and his wife were also invited there. Chen Afu asked someone to invite his uncle's family, but Wang Cheng said he wouldn't go and they could just stay in the yard and eat by themselves.

Li didn't come because he was sick, but everyone else from the second room came, including Mr. Chu and Mr. Chu who were supposed to go to the Yamen.

While they were eating, a servant suddenly came to whisper a few words to Mrs. Chu San. Mrs. Chu San burst into laughter after hearing this, even crying.

Chu Hua smiled and said, Third Aunt, you should talk about funny things so that we can have fun together.

As soon as he finished speaking, several men's exclamations came from the other side of the screen.

Mrs. Chu San glanced at the screen and said in a low voice, A strange thing happened this morning. Mother Rong Zhao and her daughter went to the palace to visit Concubine Shu. They were walking on the road when suddenly many birds flew from all directions. It was so dark that it was said that there were nearly a thousand of them. Rong Zhao's mother and daughter and some palace residents were surprised. When they all looked up to see the excitement, the birds suddenly started to poop, crackling for a while, and then quickly dispersed. Those people were He made a face... Hahaha... I heard that many people watched the fun with their mouths open and even ate bird droppings... Hahaha...

Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Chu San was already out of breath with laughter.

Princess Rui, Chu Hua and others were surprised at first, and then couldn't help laughing when they thought of that scene. But they could only cover their mouths with handkerchiefs and laugh, and did not dare to laugh like the third lady.

Rong Zhao's staff relations are really bad. Everyone in this room is related to her, but no one sympathizes with her. Although Chu Zhen flattered Rong Zhao and her daughter in front of them, she still secretly hated them for looking down on her. When I heard about this, I covered my mouth and kept laughing.

The men's table also got the news. But after all, Rong Zhao was a princess and the daughter-in-law of their Chu family, so they were embarrassed to laugh out loud, and the laughter caused internal injuries, so they had to keep coughing.

While laughing and coughing, it was quite joyful, which diluted the hatred of separation.

Chen Afu knew that Jin Yanzi must have gone to find a place for himself. The little guy is so nice, go back and give him a kiss.

After the meal, everyone sent the old Marquis and Chu Lingxuan's family to the outer courtyard, where Wang Cheng's family was already waiting.

Everyone parted with tears.

In the evening, the large group of people arrived at Tongxian Station.

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