Chen Afu started to tell a story, and one child and one child sat cross-legged on the bed and listened carefully. The story is Ma Liang, the Magic Pen that has been told many times. The two little people still like it so much that their eyes are wide open.

Chu Lingxuan's eyes were also wide open. He was completely looking at the beauty. It's rare to be able to watch so intently in front of children.

Chen Afu spoke once and was asked to speak a second time. After speaking a second time, he was asked to speak a third time.

She shook her head and said, No, it's already very late. Daddy has to get up early to go to the office tomorrow. From now on, my mother will draw this story into a comic strip. You guys can read it slowly. After that, she got out of bed and prepared to take little girl Chu to the Nuan Pavilion to sleep. .

Dabao quickly stood up and hugged his mother to kiss him, Mom, kiss your son. It's been a long time since I kissed you. I want to kiss you more.

Chen Afu smiled and held Dabao's little face and kissed him four times, up, down, left and right. Chen Dabao did the same and kissed Chen Afu four times.

When Miss Chu saw it, she also shouted, Mom, I want to kiss you too, I want to kiss you too.

Chen Afu held her little face and kissed her four times, and the little girl kissed her four times in return.

Chu Lingxuan frowned and said, Ah Fu, what are you doing?

Chen Afu chuckled and said nothing.

Chen Dabao grinned widely and said, Daddy is jealous, daddy is jealous.

Miss Chu quickly hugged her father's neck, kissed him twice, and said comfortingly, Daddy is not jealous, I will kiss you. Then she called Dabao and said, Come and kiss daddy, if we all kiss him, daddy won't Jealous.

The little girl is quite thoughtful sometimes.

Chen Dabao felt that this made sense. Although he was a little embarrassed, he still reached over and kissed Chu Lingxuan perfunctorily twice.

Chen Afu smiled and said to Chu Lingxuan, They both kissed you, so you have to kiss them too. She still wanted to make Chu Lingxuan and Chen Dabao closer.

Chu Lingxuan had no choice but to kiss them back twice, feeling a little embarrassed.

The little girl refused, No, I have to kiss you four times.

The four of them quarreled for a while before Chen Afu took Chu Hanyan away.

At Yinshi the next day, Chen Afu was woken up by Hongfei. This was what she had ordered Hong Fei to do the night before. If the uncle got up before she woke up, he would wake her up.

As a wife, she felt that she should send her husband to work.

The servants had already placed the food in the west room. After Chu Lingxuan had breakfast, Chen Afu sent him out of Yanxiang Pavilion.

Seeing that there was no one around, Chu Lingxuan kissed her and whispered, You can't be soft-hearted. You must send Dabao and Yan'er to rest in their own yard today.

Chen Afu smiled and said, Okay, got it.

Chu Lingxuan said again, You go to Yingxue'an and help me accuse my mother. I will visit her another day. I heard that Master Wuzhi is not in the temple, so don't go to Lingyin Temple to see him.

Chen Afu was a little confused as to how Chu Lingxuan knew that Wu Zhi was not in the temple. But he still agreed, Okay. Then he told him, It's not yet dawn, so be more careful on the road.

Chu Lingxuan nodded, turned and walked towards the outer courtyard, his back disappearing into the thick night.

Chen Afu looked at the morning star in the sky, which was twinkling and blinking.

It was still early, and she really wanted to go to Fuyuan to make vegetarian snacks with her mother and brought them to Abbot Chen, but she felt very sleepy. After yawning, he returned to the Nuan Pavilion and took a nap.

Because there is an oven for making snacks in Fuyuan, and the well water contains agarwood, Chen Afu asked Qiuyue to take Hua's mother to Fuyuan early in the morning to make snacks. She had been taking Mom Hua to make snacks earlier. Mom Hua was a cook, so the snacks she made were very good.

Chen Afu was sleeping soundly when Nanny Li came and called, Grandma, you're up.

Chen Afu turned over and fell asleep again.

Grandma Li added, Grandma, we are going to Yingxue Nunnery today.

After hearing this, Chen Afu had no choice but to grit his teeth and get up, but he still didn't want to open his eyes. He muttered, I'm so sleepy, I don't want to get up.

Seeing Chen Afu like this, Grandma Li thought of a possibility and narrowed her eyes with a smile. Said, Grandma, the day you were supposed to have on the 25th has not come yet. Could it be?

Chen Afu suddenly came to his senses. Yes, he should have received the letter on the 25th. He was so busy every day that he forgot about it. Today is the 29th, and it has been postponed for four days. However, this is not necessarily the case in such a short period of time.

She said, It's only been four days, so it's not necessarily the case. Of course, she really, really hoped it was.

Grandma Li smiled and said, Whether it is true or not, grandma should pay more attention to it. If you are riding in a carriage today, you should pad the seat thicker and let the horse run slower. Pay attention to what should be paid attention to. If it is about other things, Grandma Li I will definitely advise the master not to go. Now is the critical moment and it is best not to take the carriage. But the master went to see his mother-in-law, which was not something that could be stopped.

Chen Afu nodded.

She looked at Chu Hanyan who was sleeping next to her with a flushed face, pinched her nose and said with a smile, It's time for Yan'er to get up, I have to see grandma today.

When Chu Hanyan heard that she was going to see her grandma, she suddenly woke up and saw her mother sitting next to her. She was even more happy. She sat up and said with a smile, Mother and I slept together last night. She smelled good. smell.

The servants came to put clothes on for them. Chen Dabao, who was on the bed, was also called up by Qiuyue and put on clothes.

Several people went to the west room to eat. Jin Yanzi led Qi Qi and Hui Hui to eat from a large plate nearby. The snacks were made by Mother Hua in the morning. In addition to giving them to Tangyuan’s master, Mother Hua also packed several large food boxes to take to Xueying’an, and also sent some to Luyuan.

After getting ready, Chen Afu and others left the upper room and built a small house next to the west wing. This was the home of Zhui Feng's family. Sa Sa was lying by the door, Long and Short were sucking milk in its arms, Zhui Feng lay aside and looked at them tenderly.

Chen Afu thought that if he was really pregnant, he would have to stay away from the animals, except of course the golden swallow. She also ordered her servants to temporarily move Zhui Feng's home to Dabao's yard, while Qiqi and Hui Hui's nest were taken to Sister Yan's yard.

He also left Xia Yue behind. If Li Xuan made a noise, Xia Yue would take him to Fuyuan to play.

Several people said goodbye to the Animal House and went to the outer courtyard. Chen Dabao went directly to Zeyuan for classes, and Chen Afu and Chu Hanyan got on the carriage.

There was a mattress on the car seat, and Grandma Li specifically told the driver to drive slowly and not to bump the old lady.

Because the carriage was moving slowly, it was almost noon when we arrived at Yingxue Nunnery. Chen Afu kowtowed to Chen and presented the plain clothes and shoes he had made by himself.

Liao Chen also gave Chen Afu a string of rosewood beads that had been consecrated by the abbot of Lingyin Temple, Gui Jian. Seeing that Chen Afu's expression was not good, she felt her pulse and said hesitantly, It looks like a slippery pulse, but not quite.

Chen Afu blushed and said that his little day had been postponed for four days.

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