Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 378 The eye of power

Orchid, who was watering the flowers in the yard, heard their conversation, put the shower head on the ground, opened the door curtain and walked into the house. Blaming Lancao, You are the one who deserves to quarrel the most. How can you talk to your uncle?

After talking about Lancao, Lanhua said to Alu, My uncle can give away these pens and inks to anyone he wants. They can use them in any way. Anyway, these things were prepared by the eldest grandma for the young master. However, I also think that the foreign affairs room prepared them. We should still take the gifts. If you don’t take them, the cheap ones are just those snobs.”

Although Alu is shy and gentle, but has a stubborn personality, he still shook his head. When he thought about it, the gifts prepared by the Foreign Affairs Office were nothing more than a few packets of snacks and packets of sugar, which were not worth much. If he takes it, people will say that he went back to his uncle's house and took the things from his brother-in-law's house as gifts. That kind of thing is not worthy of being talked about.

Not long after, Sanquan arrived.

Lanhua cursed again, Why did you come here? The young master has been waiting for you.

Sanquan chuckled and said, Sisters, you guys still have some time to rest. I've never been idle all day long. My uncle has a rest today, so he has to let me sleep in.

Then he bowed and said to Alu, Uncle, let's go.

Lan Hua then told A Lu, Uncle, don't give money to that shameless person if you have nothing to do. You are Grandma's biological brother, and you are the master. There is no need to waste money just to see their good looks. Again. Chong Sanquan said, Did you hear me? Keep an eye on my uncle's wallet.

Sanquan and Lancao both blushed, Lancao rolled his eyes, and Sanquan nodded in agreement.

The two came to the corner gate, but they didn't see the fancy carriage.

A porter said, Hey, my uncle is still going out. The carriage has been waiting for a long time and you didn't come. Manager Jiang thought you weren't going out, so he took the carriage and went to work outside the city. Otherwise, I will go to the stable again. , ask them to send another car?

Sanquan said, Do you still need to ask? Go quickly.

Chen Alu said, Thank you, brother, forget it, no need to adjust it anymore, I will just go out and call a car.

Sanquan was so angry that he raised his mouth and did not dare to say anything. He knew that his uncle's hands were tight, so he would have to ask for an ox cart or a donkey cart when he went out. That cart had no compartments, and it was hot and embarrassing to sit in.

After leaving the corner gate, Sanquan said, Uncle, why don't you ask the porter to call a carriage again? Going to visit your uncle's house, it's so miserable to ride in a donkey carriage.

Alu said, If we need to re-schedule a car for us, we will have to pay at least two silver cents for the concierge's errands and the coachman's errands. If we call a donkey cart, it will only cost a few cents.

Sanquan said, My uncle is too honest. Even if he doesn't reward them with silver coins, they still dare to say not to go? If they really dare not to go, they can sue the grandma and let them walk around without food.

A Lu shook his head and said, Forget it, my sister is heavy and has a lot of things in the house. I don't want to bother her with these little things.

Sanquan added, If the eldest grandma sends someone as powerful as Mother Luo to my uncle, my uncle will not be despised by those people, and the slaves will also be able to enjoy the blessings. Look, Brother Bao is still He is not my biological son. Because of Mother Luo, no one dares to look down upon him. But my uncle is my biological brother, but he still wants to...

A Lu was really angry and said angrily, Shut up, I just said it, why did you arrange Dabao like this? My sister and brother-in-law both regard Dabao as their legitimate son, and I also regard him as my legitimate nephew. . If my sister hears such words, she won’t let anyone beat your mouth to pieces.

Sanquan was so frightened that he quickly bowed and said, It's my fault, I'm talking nonsense. I won't dare to do it again next time.

Alu added, Don't worry, I will tell my sister that I will not take you with me when I leave, and I will not let you go to the countryside to serve me.

He knew that Sanquan and Lancao were most afraid of becoming his slaves in the future and following him to the countryside. They are now the servants of the General's Mansion, and they may return to the capital and become the servants of the Marquis' Mansion in the future. If they follow him, they will become the slaves of the rural landlords. When people go to higher places, he doesn't want to hinder their progress.

Sanquan laughed awkwardly and didn't deny that he didn't want to go to the countryside with him. He said, It's not that I don't want to serve my uncle, it's because I and my wife are both in the house and I can't bear to leave them.

When you reach the entrance of the alley, there are ox carts and donkey carts. An ox cart costs six cents, and a donkey cart costs five cents. Chen Alu said that there were only two of them, so he paid five cents for a donkey cart.

Just as Chen Alu was about to get in the car, Sanquan quickly wiped the car with his sleeve and asked Alu to get in. Alu was dressed very decently today, a moon-white embroidered soft satin robe. If there was a ball of black ash sitting on his butt, he would definitely be scolded when he returned home.

On the way, Chen Alu saw a snack shop and got out of the car to buy two packs of snacks and two packs of candied fruits. He also bought two ribbons for each of Chen Aman and Wang Xiaomei to use as headbands.

It took more than three-quarters of an hour to arrive at Chen Shi's home. Not only Chen Shi's family was there, but also Wang Cheng's family.

Seeing them, Alu smiled with crooked eyebrows. He felt that not only was he comfortable laughing here, he was also comfortable venting his anger. In fact, he really wanted to stay here or at his uncle's house at night and go to the General's Mansion to attend classes during the day. But he was afraid that his sister would be sad if he brought it up, so he never dared to mention it.

He took out the gifts and everyone had one. In particular, Atang and his little brother liked the pens and ink he gave them very much.

Chen Aman also chuckled and said, Thank you, brother Alu. I even thought about buying two hairbands for my sister during a visit. You are so sensible.

After lunch, Chen Shi was going to the restaurant. In order to entertain Alu today, he took half a day off. Before he left, Alu secretly asked him to help exchange the ten taels of silver for five small silver ingots of one tael, and the other five taels for dozens of small silver coins.

Chen Shi glanced at him, said nothing, and exchanged the ten taels of silver as he requested. After that, he asked him whether he was used to living in the General's Mansion.

A Lu told him that he lived well. He went to the main courtyard to have dinner with his sister at noon and evening. He only ate breakfast by himself, and there were so many servants serving him. I just miss my father and mother, and Luyuan.

After Chen Shi left, Wang Cheng couldn't stay at Chen's house anymore, so he took a few boys to go shopping. A Lu has been to Fucheng before. At that time, his legs were not healed and he had never played on the streets. Today, he went out to play with A Tang and A Di, and he was very excited.

Wang Cheng treated the guests to dinner, and the snacks they ate in the restaurant made the boys smile.

After that, Wang Cheng called a donkey cart and took Alu and Sanquan back to the General's Mansion first, then sent Atang back to Chen's house, and took Wu and his younger sister home.

Arriving at the corner gate of the Councilor's Mansion, Wang Cheng saw Alu's reluctant eyes and said with a smile, Next time you take a break, come to your uncle's house to play.

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