Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 430 Live a good life

The moonlight was extremely bright tonight, and two large lanterns were hung on the second door. The lights illuminated the two little brothers' faces red. The two brothers danced their fists, kicked their calves, and giggled.

Chu Hanyan cried again, this time she was excited. She touched this brother and then that brother, and suddenly she started talking more, Really, my brother is so cute and beautiful, even more beautiful than my sister, and my sister likes it...

Dabao also wanted to see his younger brother, but he couldn't bear to leave his mother, so he took Chen Afu's hand and walked to the car. After seeing his younger brother, he also liked it so much that he let go of his mother's hand to pull his younger brother. Brother Yu even grabbed one of his fingers and stuffed it into his mouth, making him very happy.

After teasing the two little kids, Li Xuan had a chance to say a word to his elder brother, sister and uncle.

Arriving at the main courtyard, Chen Ming, Wang and Chu Lingxuan were sitting in the hall waiting for them.

After everyone said their goodbyes, they went to the west wing for dinner. After the meal, Chen Ming's family returned to their own courtyard, Chu Lingqi's family was taken to Juyuan to rest, and Li Xuan and his servants went to Xikuayuan.

When Dabao and Chu Hanyan saw this, they did not return to their own courtyards and hugged Chen Afu without letting go. He yelled, I'm going to sleep with my mother and brother today. I'm going to sleep with my mother and brother today.

Chen Afu also missed them terribly, so he agreed, Okay, I will sleep with my mother today.

She raised her head to give Chu Lingxuan a comforting smile, but the corners of Chu Lingxuan's mouth turned up and he was not angry at all.

After the family washed up, they all sat on the big bed. There was no story telling this time. A few people huddled together and talked about their lovesickness. Mainly Chen Afu and Chen Dabao told them in a disgusting way, occasionally teasing Brother Yu and Brother Ming. The little brother is already used to being played by Golden Swallow. He giggles and dances constantly when being played by his brother and sister.

Chu Lingxuan added, After we've been busy for a while, let's go to Yingxue'an and let my mother see them. The children are so old, and my mother has never seen them.

Chen Afu nodded, fed the two little brothers, wiped them out, and put them to sleep on the small bed. She carried the sleepy little girl Chu to the Nuang Pavilion to sleep, while Dabao slept on the bed with Chu Lingxuan.

When the little girl made a faint sound, Chen Afu was still tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. Hearing the rustling sound coming from the front, Chu Lingxuan quietly got out of bed, came to the Nuan Pavilion, and stretched out his hand to pull Chen Afu.

Chen Afu laughed silently and followed him out of the bedroom to the east side room.

The bright moonlight filtered through the small window, illuminating the room dimly, and there was no one on the kang. Normally, the girl on night watch would sleep here.

Chen Afu understood Chu Lingxuan's arrangement, gave him an angry look, and buried himself in his arms. The familiar refreshing smell of him immediately filled her nose, so warm that her eyes felt a little hot. It’s been so long, I really miss him.

Chu Lingxuan smiled, carried Chen Afu onto the kang, and covered him with him.

Because they were afraid that the children would hear it, the two of them moved very lightly. Although Chu Lingxuan was feeling depressed and uncomfortable, there was nothing he could do about it. It was already very good to be able to hold his wife and be intimate with him at this time.

After the two finished their work, they hugged each other and lay on the kang. Chen Afu whispered to him about Mr. Chu San going north.

Chu Lingxuan said, I already know that Master Gui Ling set off for Liaozhou Prefecture yesterday. I also sent two personal soldiers to him and asked the post station to deal with his mount and reach Liaozhou as quickly as possible. He kissed her earlobe again and whispered, We have been preparing for a long time, and the third uncle has brought the magic medicine again. There shouldn't be any big problems. These are things that men worry about. Don't think too much. Have fun with your children. Live a happy life. He added in a more serious tone, Everything I do is not only loyal to you, but also to make you and your children live a happy life.

Master Gui Ling got the news immediately and went to the epidemic area again. Chen Afu turned his head and glanced at Chu Lingxuan. In the haze, the facial features carved by the knife became much softer. He, his father, and his third uncle may be much more powerful than she imagined.

Chen Afu finally let go of his worries and slept until dawn.

She opened her eyes and saw Chen Dabao standing on the bedside, looking at her with bright eyes. Seeing that she was awake, he lowered his voice and said, Mom, it's so good to see you again in the morning.

Chen Afu looked at him who was smiling, then at the little girl Chu who was sleeping next to her with a bright red face, and the two little brothers on the little bed. Her heart was as soft as a puddle of water. Chu Lingxuan was right, those things were for men to worry about, and she should live happily with her children.

Chen Afu gently put on his clothes and took Dabao to the clean room. After washing up, I came to the west room, where breakfast was already on the table.

Chu Lingxuan came back from boxing, and several people had breakfast.

Chen Afu sent the children, one large and one young, outside the courtyard gate. As before, Zhui Feng's family is already waiting here to send their little master to school.

After Dabao walked a certain distance, he turned back and smiled at Chen Afu and waved to her. Chen Afu also smiled and waved to him.

Chu Lingxuan also stood still and looked back. In the morning light, his wife was as beautiful as a fairy, as well as the three charming children who were sleeping, and the little Eleven next to him who was specifically trying to make trouble for him. He must keep these people safe!

Chen Afu watched them disappear behind the magnolia tree before returning to the yard.

She took someone to sort out the things she had brought from the capital. She first put aside the gifts for her two children, Chen Ming's family, and the Animal House, and then began to sort out the gifts for relatives and friends. There are things that he and the Jiang family gave to the Chen family, there were gifts for friends such as the Fu family, the Qin family, and the Liu family, there were also gifts for the first and third bedrooms, and there were also things for the third bedroom from Chen Ayu's brother and sister.

As soon as he finished cleaning up, Chen Afu saw Qiqi and Huihui fly in. She smiled and took out the pine nuts given to them, took off the silver rings on their feet, and replaced them with new ones. He smiled and said, You have served me well by accompanying my little master. Thank you.

The two little guys liked it very much and shouted in unison, Thank you, mother.

It made people laugh and say, What two bird spirits.

Not long after, Wang and Chen Ming came.

Chen Afu took out the food, cloth and jewelry given to them. There are a lot of colorful things, worth a lot of money.

He also took out the gifts for the first and third bedrooms, including two packages of special Beijing snacks and two bolts of silk and satin. He also gave Mrs. Chen a package of snacks and a pair of silver bracelets. This is much worse than the original gift.

Chen Afu was slightly stunned when he saw Wang and Chen Ming. He smiled and said, Take these gifts to dad's house and ask them to pick them up from you. He added, The uncle and the third uncle are relatives. It is enough to give so many gifts to relatives. I think they are poor, so I should support them more. A little more. Now that their lives are better, if they continue to give generous gifts, they will be harmed...

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