As soon as we entered mid-May, the weather continued to be sultry and there was no rain for many days. Many elderly people and children who were in poor health fell ill, and many even died. But Rong Zhao, who was seriously ill, not only survived, but also recovered.

Chen Afu secretly thought, this must be the scourge that people in the previous world like to talk about will last for thousands of years.

Now the Marquis of Chu doesn't have much time to go back to the Marquis Mansion. Even if he goes back, he won't stay there at night, but will stay at the Princess Mansion honestly. From what the old marquis said, the emperor had already stated that he regretted his previous promise. When the Emperor asked the Marquis of Chu to be Rong Zhao's consort, he said that as soon as the Ninth Prince gained power, Rong Zhao would be made a monk for persecuting important court officials.

But now, not only has Rong Zhao not been allowed to become a monk, but he has also interceded for her.

The Marquis of Chu analyzed that the emperor clearly wanted him to continue to be his consort, but in fact the emperor did not want him to have any power.

Ever since the prince was injured, Lord Chu had secretly arranged almost everything for him. Including contact and treatment, personal protection, cultivating various forces, etc. The prince's feelings for Lord Chu can be said to be more than that of a monarch and a subject. It's more about gratitude, respect, and even dependence.

At that time, although the Marquis of Chu was a consort, he had no real flaws in appearance. However, with the emperor's support and permission, the Marquis of Chu secretly controlled and developed many forces. Coupled with the power in the military that Mr. Chu now has, and the thriving Chu Lingxuan.

Your Majesty, I am afraid.

During these days, Lord Chu Hou has handed over the dark forces in his hands. He also stated that his health was not good and he was tired of official life. Even if the prince succeeded to the throne in the future, he would no longer hold any official position. Even his title will be passed on to Chu Lingxuan when he returns from the war. From now on, the Chu family will rely on the third master and Chu Lingxuan.

Chen Afu felt that Mr. Chu was a real man and should let go, so he let go without hesitation. There are really not many men who can let go of their power so freely.

Although the Marquis of Chu chose to retire completely at a young age, at least the emperor was able to let go of his fear and preserve the entire Chu family.

Thinking of this, Chen Afu still felt a little sorry for Mr. Chu Hou. He was obviously a very capable and charming man, but his loyalty to the emperor caused difficulties in his career, love and family. In the end, the emperor still didn't trust him.

No matter who has been in the profession of emperor for a long time, he will become mentally ill. The prince looks good now, but who knows if he will change after being emperor for a long time? The answer is of course yes.

However, there is also something that makes Chen Afu happy. Chen Alu passed the exam to be a scholar, but he was still a natural student, so he entered the Imperial Academy without the help of the Chu family.

Chen Yulan was also a gifted student, but Chen Shiying did not let him go to the Imperial Academy. Instead, he was taught by his husband and himself at home.

Chen Afu has asked Luo Fang to buy a three-bedroom house in the capital for Chen Ming and Wang, which has just been renovated. He asked them to come to the capital to live for a while and see their daughter, son, and grandson. Because it is busy farming now, they are still busy in the countryside.

In early June, news came from the south that the first battle at the end of May had resulted in half casualties and half casualties. The Wang family has been operating in Nanzhong Province for decades. Coupled with the mountains and forests, it is very difficult to attack.

There is also the fact that the second prince and the Wang family raised an army under the banner of clearing the emperor's side. They said that the emperor was seriously ill and was held hostage by the ninth prince and the treacherous Chu family, so they appointed the unrelated ninth prince as the crown prince. What they did was an act of justice.

Chen Afu learned about the war in the south the next day because Jin Yanzi went there for a day.

The emperor found out ten days later. After hearing this, he was furious and dragged his sick body to court. He demoted the king and queen to a commoner and gave her a white silk ribbon. Concubine Shan Xian was also canonized as queen. And once again he raised 200,000 troops and sent them to the south to quell the rebellion.

The current queen is from the Shan family, and the ninth prince is from the middle palace and is the direct descendant. Then, there is no doubt that the second prince and the Wang family are rebelling.

On the tenth day of the sixth lunar month, which was auspicious, a ceremony for the canonization of the queen was held. Because this is a special period and the emperor is seriously ill, the canonization ceremony was not so lively. It's just that women of rank three or above in the capital came to the palace to kowtow to the empress and have a palace banquet.

Mrs. Chu San and Chen Afu both attended. I went out early in the morning, entered the palace in the morning, lined up under the scorching sun to kowtow to the queen, and then waited for the palace banquet. It was already Shenshichu when I returned home.

Chen Afu was hot and tired, and he was exhausted. She complained in her heart that in ancient times, holding group activities in the summer was punishable. The sun is scorching outside, there is no air conditioning in the house, and the smell of sweat and all kinds of fragrant powders are all over the house, which can make you faint without suffering from heatstroke. Several old women actually fainted and were specially approved by the Queen to go to a side hall to rest.

As soon as she arrived at the door of Zhuxuan, she heard people laughing and dogs barking from inside, including the voices of Lord Chu and the old Lord.

Chen Afu was secretly happy. Both father and son now took pleasure in teasing their grandson.

Entering the yard, I saw the old Marquis and his two brothers having fun with the Animal House under the tree, while the Marquis Chu was holding Xiao Yu'er and watching with great interest. Xiao Yu'er's hahaha was so loud that even Chen Afu at the door could hear it.

Chen Afu walked over to the old Marquis and Chu Marquis and knelt down to bless them, then went into the room to wash up. When Xiao Yu'er saw her mother entering the house without hugging her, she opened her mouth to cry in grievance.

Lord Chu quickly coaxed, If you're a good granddaughter, don't cry. Your mother doesn't care about you. Grandpa cares about you. Grandpa cares about you very much.

Chen Afu twitched his mouth when he heard the voice of Lord Chu behind him. Lord Chu now dares to say and do anything in order to win the favor of his children.

The Marquis of Chu returns to the Marquis Mansion every five or six days. In addition to talking secretly with the Marquis, he also takes his three grandchildren with him. In order to please these three children, he used all kinds of tricks, even condescending to be a big horse.

Chen Afu came out refreshed after taking a shower. She first carried Xiao Yu'er into the house and fed her breast milk, and then kissed the two little brothers who were holding her legs. He smiled at Mr. Chu Hou and his son, I will take people to the kitchen to prepare some food that grandpa and father-in-law like, and then invite third aunt and son over, and have a light meal at Zhuxuan in the evening.

Both Lao Houye and Chu Houye said it was very good. Now when Lord Chu returns home, he almost always has a meal at Zhuxuan.

Chen Afu went to the backyard, drafted the menu, and asked Hua's mother to cook it, while she sat under the tree in the backyard to enjoy the coolness and drink tea. She didn't want to go to the front yard. Those children were naughty and would come to pester her whenever she saw that she was free. As long as Lord Chu came to fight for her child, Chen Afu would always surrender and admit defeat. In Chen Afu's view, the Marquis of Chu has no career and no love for the time being, so he must be comforted by his grandchildren.

In the evening, the third lady led Chu Lingzhi to Zhuxuan. Chu Lingwei is currently studying in the Imperial College and has only been back for one day in ten days.

Everyone had a lively dinner.

I just finished writing it, and I'm seriously stuck. . .

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