It was a congratulation to her in advance, that after she became Mrs. Yan Shao, she would promote the Jiang's enterprise.

She also readily agreed.

She also intends to use these two million dollars to slowly and well pack herself...

How do you know that this big money will go out!

I didn't fight Cheng Yingxuan for this pink evening dress before I knew it, it was not her favorite color!

I regretted buying it without asking the price. I knew it was 2 million. I definitely regret it on the spot, and the face is not as important as the 2 million.

He glared at Cheng Xiaobao, the treacherous little fart boy, who prevented the store manager from quoting before she swiped the card!

Cheng Xiaobao rewarded her with a glance. The eyes read straight: deserve it.

Not daring to deal with Mr. Yan's son, Yang Qian bit her lower lip and said to Cheng Yingxuan with a face, "What's poor, surnamed Cheng, I'm poorer and richer than you! Who will have only one card this year?" Open the cross-bag, take out the wallet inside, and there are still five or six cards in it, "I see it, each card is a large number. The card I just swiped is still the least money inside!"

Lied, in fact, the remaining five or six cards add up to more than 100,000.

It's really not enough for her to buy a few clothes!

How could Cheng Yingxuan know that Yang Qian's remaining Cary only had more than 100,000 yuan left.

She is a hacker ranked No.1. With her personality, she likes knowing herself and others best, so she can win a lot of battles. She has sneaked into Yang Qian's account.

However, Yang Qian's account was only more than 100,000 a few days ago. Why did he suddenly get 2 million today?

In addition to his father's power, the Yang family actually owes a lot of bad debts.

Perhaps, Father Yang used his power to get some money for Yang Qian?

Cheng Yingxuan couldn't control it, nor did he expose it.

I am billions of cash on my account.

In fact, the Yang family just looked higher than her Cheng Yingxuan. Actually, she was far from rich.

"Stupid spend two million dollars to buy a skirt...Fuck!" Cheng Yingxuan happily slammed a line of words.

Yang Qian has never lost her ambition and snorted proudly, "Two million dollars can suppress you poor ghost, I just buy a cool word!"

Take out the mobile phone, spread out the pink evening dress and the receipt of 2 million documents, "Kakaka" took a few photos, and sent it to the circle of friends and the company's internal group, with the words: Cheng Yingxuan first fancy pink evening dress 200,000, I bought it at ten times the price of two million, only two million, I have money!

Immediately, the pot in the company group boiled, countless people who liked it in the circle of friends, almost all are leaving a message: Miss Yang is really pride!

Really expensive and courageous!

Niu X, that's more than General Manager Cheng!


Almost all are similar messages.

Yang Qian looked very satisfied.

Cheng Yingxuan and her were in the same company and group, and naturally saw messages from the circle of friends.

"How is it?" Yang Qian said fiercely, "Cheng Yingxuan, two million will get you down, you fight me, not qualified yet!"

"Ai yo hello..." Cheng Yingxuan saw his son went to the counter to check out and smirked. "A fool who surnamed Yang made a big deal of grievances and is very bullish."

"What do you mean?" Yang Qian narrowed her eyes.

Cheng Xiaobao walked over with a check, "Mom, borrow your mobile phone."

"No problem." Ying Xuan handed the phone to his son.

Seeing the one-million check in his son's hand, he understood that he was right. The son actually deliberately raised the price and took a'rebate'.

It’s really good to be able to get 50% ‘rebates’.

Xiaobao took her mother’s mobile phone and took a picture of the one-million check “click”, and then went to Yang Xifa’s circle of friends to steal the 2 million small-ticket consumption data chart and pink dress chart she just sent. Along with the one-million check chart, we sent a WeChat circle of friends in the name of my mother: Would you like to thank a fool that half of the two million you just spent went into my pocket?

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