Cheng Yingxuan answered, "So, when Yang Qian wronged me at the reception before, I didn't immediately expose my invitation, but asked Yan Shiting's response. You are kindly trying to help me test Yan Shiting."

"Yes." Moorea asked, "I don't blame me if I do this. After all, if he doesn't go through the test, maybe you will now cry out of the reception, or part ways with him or create a gap?"

"It's parting ways." Cheng Yingxuan did not hesitate to say, "If he can't protect me, I will definitely break up with him and never die."

"Cheng Yingxuan, how dare you!" Yan Shiting frowned. In any case, she can never be separated from herself!

Cheng Yingxuan's face was rebellious, "What do I dare not?"

He was so angry that they were all ghosts made by Mrs. Moore. He threw a knife at Morsia and gritted his teeth and asked, "What is the result of Mrs. Moore's trial?"

Thea was stared at him by his harsh eyes, and his legs were almost soft. He still maintained his grace gracefully. "At first glance, it is a man worth your life."

"Hum, you're the acquaintance." Yan Shiting burst into his teeth, "If you dare to say anything bad to me in front of Cheng Yingxuan, don't blame me for being welcome!"

"Oh! You threatened my old lady to come!" Ya Ya stopped.

"You don't care about others' family affairs!" Yan Shiting's face was somber.

If it weren't for watching the old woman's tentative behavior, but also for Ying Xuan's goodness, he would not be so easy to stop.

Morcia immediately stroked Xiaobao to wink, "Little guy, your dad is violent to your big aunt, you quickly recognize me as my grandma. In this way, your family's business is my family's business. See what other reasons he uses to say that I control Gossip!"

When she cares...

She was scornful to ask her to take care of other people's business.

But, seeing Cheng Yingxuan, she inexplicably wanted to love her.

Cheng Xiaobao shook his head, "My dad said just now, my mother won't marry him, doesn't care if your commander voted or not. In this case, I don't want to recognize another grandma, then I don't."

Morcia was sad, "No one has rejected me..."

The voice echoed tenderly, "Xiaobao doesn't mind being the first."

"Such a big thing, your little child can't make up his mind." He tried to deny it.

"My dad just took it. He didn't need it."

"You should ask your mother." Thea didn't give up, so the grandson she wanted was gone.

"My mother doesn't even need to ask." Cheng Xiaobao said confidently. "Every day under a roof, my mother is the person who loves me most and loves me the most in the world. She won't let me do the forced things. Of course. , If she wants to force me, I will obey."

"Yes." Cheng Yingxuan said apologetically, "Mrs. Moore, thank you for your love for my little treasure. He doesn't want to recognize another grandma, then forget it."

"No!" The more Morsia could not recognize, the more she must recognize, "I will recognize it! Good grandson, call grandma to hear."

"Hum." The little guy's nostrils are skyward. "Auntie, you are so old, don't be so naive, will you?"

"Childish?" Thea pointed to her nose again. "Are you talking about me?"

"Yes." Nun's voice was sure.

Moorea grabbed Xiao Bao's body from Yan Shiting's arms and hugged him to the nearby Yazuo District, angrily, "Dare to resist me, let's talk over there!"

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