Chapter 317

The next day, Mercedes-Benz Tianchao headquarters.

Delef came to the office early in the morning, took a cup of wolfberry tea, and walked back and forth at the desk.

It has been a night, and he hasn’t waited for the reply from the Black Widow, which makes him a little anxious.

At this point, he must take down the Black Widow, which will determine whether he can get rid of the current experience of Charles.


Isn’t the woman’s reply this day being too casual, it hasn’t happened for so long.

What Delef didn’t know was that Chen Ningzhi didn’t reply to him, but was too lazy to reply.

As a star, whether it is a singer or a racer, Chen Ningzhi needs to maintain a very good condition, and adequate sleep is the most important part of it.


Yesterday, when she said “good night” to Lin Feng, Lin Feng hadn’t gotten off work yet, and it was only seven o’clock in the afternoon at that time, but Chen Ningzhi already needed to prepare for sleep.

Resting and taking a bath are when Chen Ningzhi is most relaxed, and she hates being interrupted the most.

Delph has already committed her taboo.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, there was still no call back.

Delph really couldn’t sit still, so angry that the enamel cup in his hand almost fell off, he called Charlie over.

“Is there still no reply?” Delph asked.

“No, the other party only said that after we waited for the reply, there has been no movement until now. Is it because we are discussing a higher price?” Charlie analyzed.

“Wait for a ghost, these people are really bad. They must be secretly discussing the lion’s open mouth.”

“Then what should we do now?”

“Can’t let them continue to discuss, if you want to cooperate with our Mercedes-Benz manufacturers, you have to listen to our terms.” Delef quickly issued an order.

“You will contact them right now, interrupt their meeting, and when they reply, tell them confidently that we have the final say in the automotive industry and let her come over and sign the agreement.”

“Okay, I’m going now.”

“Attention, speak more vigorously when speaking. To deal with these little people, we have to be arrogant, so that they will come over and build a relationship with us.”

Before Charlie left, Delph hadn’t forgotten to remind him of his speaking strategy.

“Don’t worry, boss, I’m the best at this.” Charlie patted his chest.

After all the orders were given, Delev finally relaxed, lying on the office chair and continuing to drink tea, and by the way he praised his wit a little.

As a result, Chen Ningzhi’s side would be uncomfortable, and the assistant sister was bombarded by phone calls early in the morning.

Yesterday Chen Ningzhi said, don’t rush to reply, just ignore this matter.

Listening to her voice, she seemed to have no interest in cooperating with Mercedes-Benz.


The little girl didn’t take it seriously, and she didn’t pay any attention after she hung up the phone. Who thought this morning, they were not over yet.

At this time, Chen Ningzhi had already gotten up and was doing yoga on the rooftop with a mask on. This is her daily routine and should not be disturbed.

The other party was so helpless, and the connection was seamless. After hanging up a few times to no avail, the little girl couldn’t help it. Pressing the power button was to curse together.

“You guys are endless? I told you to wait for a reply, and keep calling, so shameless? Be careful if I sue you Mercedes-Benz to disturb the people, get out of here right away.”

After scolding, the little girl feels much more comfortable. She has never seen such a brown candy person, and no one who does sales promotion has the perseverance of you.

After being scolded for no reason, Charlie was stunned. The language he had originally organized in his mind was thinking about how to overwhelm the opponent in a domineering state.


This was just the beginning, before he spoke, he was scolded by the other party without warning, interrupting his thoughts.

“Miss Black Widow, today we…” After the line of thought was cut off, Charlie couldn’t lift up his momentum for a while, so he had to make ends meet.

“Who do you think is a widow? Your whole family is a widow, and you don’t know what is good or bad.”

The irritable little girl was getting angry, and she sweared smoothly, but she was a little eloquent.


“What are you guys, you, let you wait and wait, what do you think?”

After speaking, the little girl hung up and looked back to see Chen Ningzhi standing at the top of the stairs, looking at her in surprise.

“Eldest sister, I…” The younger sister hesitated, thinking that she should have said something wrong.

“Hahaha—” Chen Ningzhi burst into laughter, and one of them was almost crippled when he didn’t stand firm, and the little girl hurried up to support him.

“Haha, Xiaolin, you really want to laugh at me. I didn’t expect you to be so funny. To deal with those shameless people, that’s it. Well done, let’s have steak for lunch.”

0 ··········Find flowers···········

“Thank you, big sister.”

With Chen Ningzhi’s appreciation, Xiao Lin’s little sister immediately burst into self-confidence.

After a while, the phone called again.

Xiao Lin looked at Chen Ningzhi, Chen Ningzhi took the phone and hung up directly.

“When they fight over, you tell them viciously that I’m not cooperating, so that they don’t bother me again.”

Sure enough, every two minutes, the call came again.

After this time, Charlie spoke first.

“Three million, tell the black widow, we will pay three million, as long as she uses our Mercedes-Benz car when she races, if there are other conditions, we can still discuss.”

Xiao Lin is too sturdy, after Charlie deflated continuously, there was no way to directly ask Delev for instructions.

.. 0 …

Delev rubbed his temples, but he didn’t expect this woman to be so difficult to deal with, so he asked Charlie to directly tell the Mercedes-Benz’s three million asking price.

“What’s wrong with three million, is three million a lot?” Xiaolin still didn’t give her a good face. “My eldest sister said, don’t cooperate, you don’t bother us anymore.”

The roles were completely reversed. In Delve’s original plan, they were the arrogant party, but in the end they became more and more humble. This made him angrily slapped the table and cursed, shocking colleagues passing by.

Charlie is not persevering.

“Please be clear, this is three million. As long as she finishes the track with a Mercedes-Benz, she can take away three million.”

“Then can you take out the assembled car we want in three days? Can you ensure top performance? Besides, can you guarantee that the fuel tank will not go wrong?”

There were three questions in a row, none of which Charlie could answer.

In terms of productivity, a custom car for a racer usually takes at least five days or more because the performance test is too critical.

In terms of mobility, Mercedes-Benz has fallen behind Bao’ao. This is an indisputable fact. They can only make money by spending money.

Facing the third question, the other party was obviously sarcasm, and he could only remain silent.

Xiao Lin hung up the phone and hurriedly ran to dress Chen Ningzhi to go out. She was full of expectations for the noon steak.

After a wave of catharsis, the mood is really the best.

In contrast, some people may not even be able to eat.

That’s right, it’s Mercedes-Benz. superior.

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