From seeing it

Chapter 238 Undressed State

The dwarf child opened his mouth and let out a scream, desperately trying to pull out the slender tentacles pierced into his arm, but within two or three seconds, the skin of the dwarf child quickly withered, and the blood in his body was like blood. They were all drained, turned into skinny skeletons, and fell down.

The slender tentacles sucked a dwarf child dry in just two or three seconds, and its withered body became a bit fuller, and the tentacles on both sides of the snake-like body immediately came alive.

With a flick of the body, it hit another nearby dwarf warrior. Its ugly face was close to the dwarf warrior. It opened its mouth with jagged teeth protruding from it, biting the dwarf warrior's face. Eight teeth on both sides of the body Tentacles, like two rows of javelins, plunged into the body of the dwarf warrior.

This time, it drew blood at a faster speed, and in just one breath, it sucked the dwarf warrior into a skeleton corpse.

All these changes were too fast, until the blood in the dwarf warrior's body was sucked dry and fell down, the other dwarves around reacted one after another, and the dwarves who were close screamed and fled towards Xiao Ling.

When the monster suddenly came alive and absorbed the first dwarf child, Xiao Ling rushed down from the pothole without hesitation.

His heart was shaken.

No one would have thought that this ugly monster, which had been dead for so many years and turned into a mummified corpse, would suddenly come back to life, sucking up the blood essence from the bodies of the two dwarves. The fuller it is, the body seems to have grown a bit. It was only one meter long, but it has grown to about one meter and two meters.

Without saying a word, Xiao Ling rushed over at full speed.

He saw the blood on the hands of the first dwarf child who was sucked dry, and he had vaguely guessed the reason in his heart.

This suspected alien creature, which they mistaken for a mummy, did not really die. It entered a very rare state of dehydration.

In this state, one can neither drink nor eat, and all life is still, existing for a long time, and can survive in an extremely harsh environment.

There are also creatures with such abilities on the earth. Xiao Ling knows about "water bears", known as the most powerful species on the earth, and they have lived on the earth for at least 500 million years. They can survive in almost any extreme environment, whether it is the highest peak in the world or the deep sea of ​​4000 meters, they can also survive in the vacuum, space radiation and other states, relying on "dehydration". Academically, this is also known as "cryptobiosis".

In a state of dehydration, tardigrades will eliminate all the water in their bodies and reduce their metabolism to 0.01% of the original, which is almost equivalent to stopping metabolism. Even if they have experienced a high temperature of 150 degrees Celsius and an ultra-low temperature of minus 272 degrees Celsius, as long as they are placed in 4 degrees Celsius water again, they will almost all be resurrected within a minute.

Of course, dehydration will cause genetic damage. Some scientists have found that tardigrades are particularly good at repairing genetic damage caused by dehydration. In other words, water bears can not only rely on inheritance to obtain gene fragments, but also repair their own genes through their own absorption.

The only reason why the alien-like monster in front of him can come back to life from the "mummy" is that it did not die originally, but was in a "dehydrated state" that was almost dead.

These dwarf children entered the aircraft and found the dried corpse of this ugly and weird creature. Out of curiosity, some naughty dwarf children dragged it out.

Because of the collapse of the cave before, everyone was more or less injured, and their hands and bodies were stained with blood. This dehydrated alien monster accidentally came into contact with the blood. As the blood penetrated into its skin, it immediately It is digested and absorbed by it, awakening it from dehydration.

After waking up, he immediately stretched out a tentacle, sucked a dwarf child closest to him into a mummy, and then jumped up, sucking up another dwarf warrior.

After sucking the two people dry, it seemed to wake up completely from dehydration, and began to repair the genes damaged by dehydration. The body that had been withered due to dehydration began to recover, and fell to the ground, supported by the eight tentacles on both sides of the snake. Touching the ground, like a weird giant centipede, it suddenly jumped up, a few meters in length, and rushed towards another dwarf.

The dwarf was shocked, backed away, trying to dodge, but it was already too late, and was instantly hit by it.

The dwarf waved his hand and wanted to fight back, but the strange-shaped monster twisted its body and entangled him in an instant, and its eight tentacles pierced deeply like two rows of daggers.

The dwarf screamed in despair, his eyes widened, and the expression on his face froze instantly.

Almost at the same moment, Xiao Ling rushed over.

Although I don't know what kind of creature it is, and there is no record about it in the ancient books of the pre-Qin period. Seeing its strange and ugly appearance, and appearing in a crashed aircraft, Xiao Ling has long secretly regarded it as some kind of creature from an alien planet. Special life, of course, all this is just speculation and cannot be confirmed.

Looking at its ability now, it is even more astonishing. It can enter the dehydration state by itself. It has survived in this crashed aircraft for an unknown number of years. It is only stained with a little blood and immediately wakes up. , Powerful, this is an extremely terrifying monster, Xiao Ling needs to kill it before it fully recovers.

Xiao Ling observed its speed from a distance. Although it was very fast, it was not as fast as his own. Xiao Ling was confident in killing it.

Holding the mother-child knife in both hands, Xiao Ling swung the mother-child knife out as soon as Xiao Ling appeared, and slashed towards the alien-like monster that was entangled with the third dwarf.

The monster was very alert, and seemed to know the sharpness of the mother-child knife. It shrank, and suddenly retreated behind the dwarf.

Xiao Ling's knife continued to chop, and he would only kill the dwarf first.

Xiao Ling snorted, and had to withdraw the knife to avoid accidentally injuring the dwarf.

After retracting the chopped off mother-in-law knife, Xiao Ling's arms couldn't bear it anymore, and his face showed a look of difficulty.

Just as Xiao Ling was busy retracting the mother-child knife, the strange-shaped monster shrank behind the dwarf suddenly grew long, as fast as lightning, and rushed across the air, like a sharp arrow, straight to Xiao Ling's chest.

It turned out that its retreat just now was not because of fear, its real target was Xiao Ling.

Among all the people around, Xiao Ling is the strongest. It has been eyeing Xiao Ling for a long time. The stronger the creature it devours and absorbs, the stronger it will get. After so many years of dehydration, it has already weakened and needs enough strength.

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