From seeing it

Chapter 375 Hundred Times Physical State

"Did three masters come at once?" Xiao Ling understood that the speed of this flying motorcycle was too fast. No matter how fast his two or three hundred people ran, how could he compare to others flying in the sky?

"Get in there immediately." Xiao Ling swept his eyes and noticed that there were a large number of rock pillars at the exit on one side, just for hiding. Although he was not afraid of these riders who were chasing up, the other two or three hundred people did not have his strength.

The crowd changed direction, rushed in, and chose rocks to avoid. Above the sky, there were at least hundreds of these black flying motorcycles. They also dispersed and spread out in a fan shape. The three leaders had a The riders with the white star epaulets each led a team and surrounded them from afar.

There was no way for everyone to escape, they could only shoot towards the distant sky from the air, and grenades were thrown from time to time.

These hundreds of flying motorcycles braved the hail of bullets and quickly approached above the crowd, and the white light of the explosion continued to shoot down.

"Boom boom boom—"

Their firepower was stronger than that of Xiao Ling and others, and a large number of rocks were blown away. Xiao Ling controlled 200 soil balls and flew upwards with great power.

Immediately, three flying motorcycles were hit, fell down, hit the rocks below, and exploded.

The two sides attacked in the air, and all kinds of explosions were heard endlessly. The three riders led by roars, and a flame-like mist rose from the surface of their bodies, and flew above the hiding places of the people. Abandoning the flying motorcycle chief, he jumped down in the air.

Xiao Ling understands that these three people are powerful, and with the fog body protection, ordinary bullets can't hurt them, even Shi Fei and Guo Yongchang are not their opponents, only by relying on the power of the soil can they defeat them.

"If I don't rely on the strength of Xiyang, I may not be able to beat one of them. From this point of view, the strength of these three people is at least fifty times more than their physical strength."

These three people fell like three heavy stones and hit the ground, the rocks below were shattered and smashed into the crowd, several people died immediately.

Under Xiao Ling's order, Guo Yongchang and Shi Fei, who had been slightly injured, teamed up to block one person. Zhou Kesheng summoned ice fog to entangle another person, and Xiao Ling himself wanted to solve another one in the shortest possible time.

Under his command, everyone showed their strength and rushed out.

The breath on Xiao Ling's left hand appeared, and the golden breath stretched out towards his body, and soon he intercepted one of the white star epaulet riders.

The rider opened his mouth and let out a sinister grin. He didn't know that Xiao Ling had killed a white star epaulet rider of his level with two punches before, otherwise he would not have dared to face Xiao Ling alone like this with his courage.

At this moment, Shi Fei, Guo Yongchang and Zhou Kesheng also blocked the other two riders just now.

In an instant, Xiao Ling entered the half-breathing level, with surging strength, he raised his golden left arm and punched out.

He punched out, and the rider felt something was wrong, because Xiao Ling's speed suddenly increased, so fast that he felt dizzy, he couldn't catch it, and he didn't have time to defend.

With a "porf", Xiao Ling's punch directly hit the rider in the face.

Even though he was protected by the flaming mist, he still couldn't stand it. Blood spurted out from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears, and his nose collapsed in immediately.

He roared and rolled back heavily.

Xiao Ling was also secretly startled, the defensive power of the flaming mist was really strong, even being hit in the face with his punch, he couldn't even blow his head off.

One was seriously injured when they met each other, and the other two white star epaulet knights showed a shocked look, they didn't care about fighting Shi Fei, Guo Yongchang and Zhou Kesheng, their first thought was to rush towards Xiao Ling, wanting to rescue their companions .

They were extremely fast, and suddenly roared furiously. The flame-like mist on the surface of their bodies surged, they jumped ten meters, and then fell heavily, pinching Xiao Ling left and right.

Xiao Ling took a deep breath, and the golden soil on the surface of his body continued to wrap his body. Finally, his whole body was covered by the golden soil, only his eyes and nose were exposed, and he turned into a huge golden armored warrior.

Facing the falling two white star epaulet knights, he let out a clear roar, and took the initiative to meet them. A pair of golden giant arms blasted up, almost ignoring the opponent's attack, and his golden fist hit the chests of the two men firmly.

The attacks of the two fell on the golden armor transformed from the soil, and the power was digested. Xiao Ling was not hurt or hurt, but Xiao Ling's attack directly pierced through the defensive flame-like mist on the surface of their bodies, piercing their chests, Dapeng's blood mixed with internal organs and bones burst out from their backs.

With just one blow, these two powerful white star epaulet knights were killed and fell from the sky.

In the sky, groups of ordinary riders were attacking desperately on flying motorcycles. Seeing this scene, they all showed shock and fear.

The white star epaulet knight who was severely injured by him at the beginning let out a series of roars, and he didn't know what he was saying, but it was a pity that Xiao Ling didn't give him any chance at all, just as he landed, he stepped up and stepped on his head , and stomped his head to pieces.

Three knights with white star epaulettes were killed by Xiao Ling within a breath.

Shi Fei, Guo Yongchang and Zhou Kesheng all opened their eyes wide, showing expressions of astonishment and admiration.

Xiao Ling is getting stronger and stronger, and the distance between them and Xiao Ling is getting farther and farther.

Xiao Ling killed the three people in one breath, and then took a deep breath, feeling the "ear consciousness" vibrating, and his heart moved, and he understood that this was a manifestation of "ear consciousness" that was about to turn into supernatural powers.

He touched two big cauldrons in the "Black Fire Headquarters", and the energy in the big cauldrons poured into his body, constantly changing his physique, making him stronger every moment.

Now he has stepped into the first level of the "self-realm" and comprehended the first kind of supernatural power, and now the "ear consciousness" is shaking, which means that he can break through to the second level of the "self-realm" at any time and obtain the second Supernatural powers.

The first level of "Self Realm", comprehend "Sky Eye", 55 times the physical strength, and the full strength of the breath soil, his current combat power has reached a terrifying state, and his strength has even exceeded a hundred times the physical state.

The three white star epaulet knights were so powerful that he easily killed them face to face.

Xiao Ling felt the power in his body surging, and he couldn't vomit quickly. Suddenly, his body shook, and his physical strength increased again. He jumped from 55 times his physical fitness to 57 times his physical fitness.

He needs a stronger opponent, he needs to gain stronger power, the two mysterious energies of the "ego cauldron" and "superego cauldron" are constantly stimulating his potential, merging with his body, strengthening...

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