Chapter 320

Baoshan Development Zone.

Entrance of Refraction Medicine Factory.

The iron fence door opens automatically.

Koenigsegg drove in.

“Dong Chen.”

Peng Chengdong walked over quickly and shook hands with Chen Liang who pushed the door and got out of the car.

A group of high-level cadres from Refractive Medicine also laughed behind him.

This is Chen Liang’s first appearance, but they have already heard about the company’s acquisition.

Seeing me now, they only have one idea.

It turned out to be so young!

Even younger than his own son!

“Dong Chen, this is our administrative building, and I usually work here.”

Peng Chengdong led a group of subordinates with Chen Liang to tour the factory area.

Refractive Medicine covers an area of ​​50 acres, which is not too large. It has about 300 employees, an administrative building, two factories in the east and west, and two staff canteens.

Chen Liang also went into the factory to watch the process of drug production.

“Can’t sell medicine, why didn’t work stop?”

He originally thought that the dilemma faced by refractive medicine should have been discontinued internally, but on the actual production line, workers in protective clothing are still working intensively, and the drugs that are destined to be pushed into the warehouse are still being sourced. Continuously produced.

“If the medicine can’t be sold, that’s my responsibility, but if work stops, what should these employees do? Most of them are the pillars of the family. No matter how difficult the company is, I can’t transfer the responsibility to them.”

“Dong Chen, Mr. Peng often said that as long as the company does not close down, production will not stop.”

One person answered.

They have been able to persist until now and have not left, which shows that they have feelings for Refractive Medicine. Now that they see the company come back to life, they are more or less grateful to Chen Liang.

“I’m all bragging.”

Peng Chengdong smiled bitterly: “If it weren’t for Chen Dong, I’m afraid I would have guilty of these employees a long time ago.”

He knew very well that if he hadn’t met Chen Liang, no matter how unwilling he was, production would have to stop.

Because he can’t afford to pay.

Fortunately, the sky is endless.

“Dong Chen, let’s go to the laboratory building and have a look.”

Chen Liang nodded.

A group of people walked out of the factory and came to a construction site that had just broken ground.

“Dong Chen, in accordance with your instructions, I contacted the best construction team I know to expand the original laboratory building, which is expected to be completed within four months.”

Peng Chengdong introduced.

Although he felt that the previous laboratory building was of sufficient specifications, there was no need to spend much time, but after all, he was not in charge now, and the new boss had requirements, so he could only obey.

“It doesn’t matter how much you spend, I hope it will become a first-class research room in China, at least in terms of hardware conditions.”

Chen Liang exhorted.

Since it is pretending, it must be realistic.

He even wants to build the world’s top laboratory, but this is too difficult.

After all, that can’t be achieved in a short time.

“Chen Dong rest assured.”

Chen Liang then accompanied a group of Refractive Medicine cadres to eat a meal in the administrative canteen of the administrative building, which initially promoted feelings.

During the period, Chen Liang also mentioned that he would assign personnel to Refractory Medicine later.

In this regard, Peng Chengdong did not express any displeasure, and even offered to demote to deputy general manager.

Chen Liang was not polite, and naturally agreed.

Although he admires Peng Chengdong’s personality, one yard goes to one yard.

After inspecting Refractive Medicine, Chen Liang returned home.

Gu Hengbo is applying nail polish, the charming and coquettish black color complements her temperament perfectly.

Chen Liang’s lips closed, he hesitated for a moment, and he still said the thoughts that had emerged from Jiang Xin’s departure.

“I want to take Jiang Xin over.”

Gu Hengbo was stunned for a moment. She almost applied her nail polish on her toes. She raised her head and said, “Do you want to catch Jiang Xin?”

Her feet are very beautiful, well-proportioned with fleshy, and very white. Her toes are like shrunken jade bamboo shoots. They are tightly close together, making people feel itchy, and she can’t help but want to hug them and have fun.

If you are seen by someone with a special fetish, I’m afraid you will all want to chew.

“It’s not for her to live in with us.”

Looking over the beautiful foot with three nails, Chen Liang further explained: “Aren’t my houses still vacant? Why don’t you vacate one for her. I went to live with her today.” I looked at the place, the environment is bad, and the law and order is not very good. She lives there as a girl and it’s not safe.”

Gu Hengbo looked at him for a while, then laughed, put the nail polish on first, and then inexplicably said: “I recently read a piece of news.”

“What news?”

Chen Liang asked subconsciously.

“It is said that there was a corrupt official who bought the entire community, and then put all of his more than 100 lovers in it, one house for one person, impartiality, a modern version of the harem three thousand.”

Chen Liang was stunned and felt a bit weird.

“Are you news or jokes?”

“The news, what really happened. The world is full of surprises. If you want to watch it, I can find it for you.”

As soon as Gu Hengbo made a gesture, he planned to get his mobile phone.

“Need not.”

Chen Liang couldn’t laugh or cry, raised his hand to stop, “I want Jiang Xin to come and live, there really is no other meaning, if you disagree, then forget it.”

“I didn’t say that I disagree.”

Gu Hengbo blinked his slender eyelashes, his face was pure and innocent.

“Don’t say you just lend her to live, even if you give it to her, I have no objection.”

Even Chen Liang can hardly tell whether this is true or false.

Of course, he instinctively felt that this should be just a polite.

“Well, when I haven’t said it.”

He can still distinguish between close and close. Gu Hengbo is his woman, and he can’t ignore her feelings.

The big deal is to find a new place for Jiang Xin to rent a set.

“I have so many houses left unused. Why rent outside?”

I don’t know if it is because of the impact of the recent nightly spiritual communication, Gu Hengbo now seems to be able to see through his inner thoughts easily.

“I really have no opinion, but I think she might not agree with it.”

Chen Liang frowned slightly.

This is his personal opinion, Jiang Xin would not agree with him, but he hasn’t thought about it yet.

“Isn’t she discharged from the hospital, invite her to come home for a meal, let me tell her.”

Chen Liang’s eyelids twitched.

In the past, Jiang Xin had lost her memory, but now Jiang Xin has recovered her memory. For two women sitting together… I am afraid that any man will feel resisted.

“This… isn’t necessary?”

“Why is it not necessary?”

Gu Hengbo’s face was serious and true to the matter.

“Well, someone called me for so long, and she was discharged from the hospital. I should treat her to dinner. This is a matter of politeness.”

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