Chapter 521 Fifth Avenue

“did you sleep well last night?”

Inside the Peninsula restaurant.

The four of Chen Liang are having breakfast.

The top hotels are different.

It is undoubtedly a very luxurious thing to eat soy milk fritters in a foreign country.

“It took me a long time to sleep.”

Jiang Xin smiled bitterly.


Chen Liang was curious.

“I am a little excited when I come to Manhattan for the first time.”

Jiang Xin answered very candidly.

The immersive experience is far more profound and intuitive than through photos and videos.

When standing in the hotel and looking at the Manhattan skyline, I believe it is not just her, but everyone who comes here for the first time will make waves in their hearts irresistibly.

This city condenses the word wealth into every inch of land and even the air. Those majestic buildings that integrate the past, present, and future make people fully feel the insignificance of themselves.

When all kinds of old buildings carrying heavy history, together with the latest and highest-tech new buildings of contemporary architects, stand in front of you alive, this feeling of traveling through time and space is also unparalleled.

Chen Liang smiled, fully understand Jiang Xin’s mood.

“Would you like to go shopping on Fifth Avenue?”

Fifth Avenue, one of the world’s famous commercial streets, gathers all kinds of luxury brands, and can be said to be a shopping paradise that women dream of.

“You are the boss, you have the final say.”

Jiang Xin glanced at him, her eyes flowed, faintly fascinating.

It’s so pleasant to reach an agreement.

After breakfast, the four of them set off from the hotel without taking a car and walking.

“On Fifth Avenue in New York in the early morning, pedestrians are sparse. Holly Glatley is standing outside the Tiffany store, staring at the attractive jewels in the window, thinking in her heart when she can hang them around her neck. between?”

Jiang Xin was taken aback, with surprise in her eyes, and turned her head inconceivably.

“Do you remember?”

Tang Xiaolong and Shan Xin were one step behind, they didn’t say a word, they looked around and listened to all directions.


Chen Liang smiled and said, “Your teacher even lit me up and asked which class I belonged to. At that time, your whole class was laughing at me. How could I not remember such an unforgettable thing.”

Jiang Xin chuckled.

Chen Liang glanced at her, “It wasn’t you who asked me to accompany you in class, but after being caught by your teacher, you actually didn’t care about me.”

Jiang Xin pretended to be calm, “What can I do? I’ll help you explain that I have to be criticized. It is better to be trained for one person than for two.”

Chen Liang nodded and sighed: “That’s great.”

Jiang Xin smiled shyly.

What Chen Liang just said was a scene from “Tiffany’s Breakfast” in the movie.

At that time, the teacher showed it to them in class.

This movie not only makes people always remember Audrey Hepburn, who played the leading role, but also Tiffany and New York’s Fifth Avenue.

In the East China Sea, every inch of land and gold, but compared to Fifth Avenue, it is still insignificant. The most expensive commercial street in the world is probably here.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the four of them came to the world-famous commercial street.

All kinds of gorgeous luxury brands are dazzling and dazzling.

“Many domestic shopping malls want to recruit these big names to settle in, but they still have to see whether they are willing or not. But why this street can have such a big influence, so that the world’s top luxury stores are vying to use the world’s top luxury goods stores. The most expensive rent to occupy a facade here?”

Chen Liang asked casually.

Without thinking about it, Jiang Xin quickly responded: “In the early 19th century, our area was just a large area of ​​farmland. In 1883, the then railway king Vanderbild built a large scale project on a country road here. An extremely luxurious private residence. This news spread among the rich in America.

‘Living near Beard’s house? Sounds like a great idea! So, more and more wealthy people gathered here and built luxury houses. Owning a house on this country road has gradually become a symbol of the status of the rich.

So far, Fifth Avenue has become a wealthy residential area with no commerce. It wasn’t until the 1880s that a bloody New York social circle kicked off the change of Fifth Avenue. At that time, there was a fierce contradiction between the upper class in New York and the emerging aristocracy-the equivalent of the nouveau riche we are talking about now.

At that time, the most powerful socialite in New York was “Mrs. Astor”. She allegedly had a list of 400 people in her hands, detailing the ladies and ladies of the famous families in America. Among them, there was no member of the emerging aristocracy. Every time she held a dance, she selected participants from this list, without exception.

However, once she was forced to extend an olive branch to the new aristocracy and invite them to participate in a social dance party she organized. This move caused extreme dissatisfaction with her nephew who was also a traditional nobleman, so she launched a retaliation action in 1893-a luxurious Waldorf hotel was built next to his aunt’s house, and the location and layout of the hotel- It’s entirely to hide the aunt’s house in the shadow of the building. ”

“So naive you can’t imagine, right?”

Jiang Xin smiled, “The aristocratic world is so arbitrary.”

“Living next to a noisy hotel is really unacceptable for Mrs. Astor. In desperation, Mrs. Astor demolished her own house and built the Astoria Hotel with the same height. Finally, the two hotels merged into Waldorf. -Astoria Hotel, yes, it was the origin of the now famous Waldorf Astoria hotel chain. The birth of this hotel ended the positioning of Fifth Avenue as a residential neighborhood.”

“A dog-blood farce full of the breath of the times, thus opened a new chapter on Fifth Avenue.”

“In 1896, Benjamin Ultraman built the first store on Fifth Avenue. In 1906, Benjamin Ultraman also established the first department store here, which gradually formed a high-end shopping area. .”

Jiang Xin talked about the historical changes of Fifth Avenue, and even Tang Xiaolong and Shan Xin behind were unknowingly attracted and listened attentively.

“Miss Jiang is really knowledgeable and talented.”

When Jiang Xin finished speaking, Tang Xiaolong spoke in admiration, not all compliments, and half of them were sentimental.

Such women are undoubtedly better than those who only know how to buy vases.

“The teacher told us specifically about it before.”

Jiang Xin was not worth mentioning.

“Anything you want?”

Chen Liang asked.

He was not surprised by Jiang Xin’s performance. After all, Jiang Xin attracted him more than just beauty.

“No, you can buy them all in China. There is no need to contribute to the GDP of the U.S. Empire.”

Jiang Xin joked.

Chen Liang laughed dumbly and looked at the gorgeous shop windows around him.

“Since it’s all here, you can’t go back empty-handed. Go in and have a look.”

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