Chapter 638: Too Far From Heaven (6)

“The reason why Guzman’s escape plan was successful is that there are three key people.”

Tang Xiaolong explained: “First, the prison guard Campolu opened the electronic door of Guzman’s cell and allowed him to enter the prison laundry room smoothly. The car drove to the laundry room, told Guzman to hide in the truck and transport him out of the prison.”

“What about the others in the prison? Isn’t there any response from such an important prisoner?”

Qin Han couldn’t help asking.

The big drug lord, who was finally caught, let him run away so easily. Isn’t this a trifling matter?

“This is due to the third key person. He is a prison official who delayed the message of Guzman’s escape, thus giving Guzman at least twenty-four hours to escape.”

“When the military search team was still on the way to the prison, Guzman had already disappeared. And this escape cost Guzman 2.5 million US dollars.”

“It’s really money that can make ghosts push away.”

Chen Liang said softly.

Guzman’s escape not only reflects the power of money, but also shows the corruption of Mexico’s political system.


In which country does the similar phenomenon exist, including domestic.

Before I saw it, there was a news report that a death sentence was commuted several times, and he was even released from prison in the end.

This world is so bizarre sometimes.

“After the successful escape, Guzman regained control of the Sinaloa Group, and the business grew bigger and bigger, he even initiated wages to the local police. The police who collected the money also played stupidly, when he did not exist. Until 2006 , Mexico’s new President Calderon was elected.”

Tang Xiaolong admired: “I have to say that this new president is a ruthless character. He broke the unspoken rules that Mexico has always acquiesced in the existence of drug dealers, formally declared war on drug dealers, and brought all the top 30 most important drug dealers in Mexico. They listed them and carried out key attacks, either arrested or killed. In February 2014, after more than a month of hunting, the Mexican police finally captured Guzman again at a seaside hotel in Mazaran.”

“Because of previous lessons, this time Guzman was imprisoned in the Altibrano Prison, the highest security level in Mexico, and his standard of living has dropped significantly. He was only allowed to speak with other people during judicial hearings and was imprisoned in solitary confinement 23 times a day. Hours, only one hour can get out of the cell and cannot participate in any group activities.”

“Altibrano prison cells are small and the toilets and bathing areas are open. There is only the only blind spot in the room that cannot be monitored. Guzman always lie down for a while, walks for a while, and often walks to these two places. Staying for more than an hour, this behavior considered by the prison staff to be very normal is actually part of Guzman’s second escape plan.”

The Qin and Han dynasties knew elegance by hearing the sound of the strings.

“He ran away again?”

Tang Xiaolong glanced at him, nodding with a complicated expression.

“At around nine o’clock in the evening on July 11, 2015, Guzman drove back and paced as usual, walked to the shower area, and disappeared from the surveillance screen. The jailers who were accustomed to it did not care until two hours later. Guzman didn’t return to the monitoring screen to react, but it was too late. When the jailers opened the cell door and searched, they found that there was a tunnel under the bathing area in the cell. Ziman has escaped through this tunnel.”

Chen Liang raised his eyebrows.

This is more like a bridge in a movie novel?

Art really comes from life.

“The news that Guzman had escaped again was even alarmed by the president who was visiting abroad. He ordered the cabinet ministers to return to the country immediately to deal with the matter, saying that the escape was a huge humiliation to the Mexican government. The Mexican authorities immediately controlled 120 related persons. The prison staff investigated 31 of them in detail, including the warden.”

“In fact, as soon as Guzman was in prison, his son and wife bought a house next to the prison. They bribed the guards to get a GPS locator into the prison and locate the location of Guzman’s cell. Then I started digging a tunnel under the house I bought. After 10 months of digging, I dug a tunnel 1.5 kilometers long, 1.7 meters high, and 50 cm wide. I even installed lighting and ventilation equipment in the tunnel. Put a motorcycle.”

“It is said that when digging a tunnel, Guzman thought the workers were too noisy and disturbed him to sleep, which was bad for his health. When he escaped from prison, he first crawled into the tunnel and then found a motorcycle. After going out, it’s as casual as leaving work after dinner.”

“After the successful escape this time, Guzman also sent a tweet mocking the Mexican government. As long as something happened a second time, it would definitely happen a third time. The Mexican government really hurt its self-esteem this time and spared no effort. Track down Guzman. Six months after escaping from prison, Guzman was arrested again by the police in his hometown of Mochis, Mexico in January 2016.”

“According to the Mexican newspaper Universe, the legendary drug lord was transferred seven times in the five nights after his arrest. The prison staff prepared at least 30 cells to detain him in turn. During his detention, Guzman will also be transferred A group of police dogs are guarded. These police dogs have been trained to sniff out his scent quickly and accurately. The helmets worn by government personnel are equipped with cameras. They adopt a two-hour change of guard system to closely monitor the prisoner’s movements.”

“The Mexican Security Council declared that Guzman could not enjoy any of the privileges he had previously enjoyed in prison, and that he had shaved off his hair. The American government also quickly requested the extradition of Guzman, and the trial began at the end of 18th.”

“This trial lasted three months and was the highest security-cost trial in America’s history. It cost a total of US$50 million. In order to prevent witnesses from being silenced, all witnesses changed their false identities to live in America. Several jury members were so scared that they did not dare to appear in court. , Two old men who worked for Guzman for decades, an accountant who worked for Sinaloa for 15 years, and Guzman’s ex-girlfriend all stood up to testify, and then the American court convicted Guzman, he I’m going to spend my old age in America prison.”

“In fact, Guzman’s arrest was just a symbolic victory. In fact, under the leadership of another leader, May and Guzman’s sons, the drug business in Sinaloa is still operating normally. , Mexico’s drug business is still booming, and after the arrest of the dwarf Guzman, Cervantes, who has risen by violent means, has become the new drug king targeted by the US-Mexico government to beheaded.”

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