Chapter 701

The Bund.

Chen Liang and Melissa walked side by side, enjoying the beautiful night view of the Pujiang River just like the surrounding tourists.

Under the silver gauze-like moonlight, the river flows slowly, shimmering, and carrying several cruise ships on it, colorful and lively.


The wind of the river blew the whistle, blowing the ends of Melissa’s hair. The beauty of the visual impact was no longer obstructed, causing the gaze of the peeking around to become even more sluggish.

Chen Liang sighed secretly.

I knew that she should wear sunglasses.

But wearing sunglasses at night seems a bit too pretentious.

“Thank you for today.”

It’s not a way to go on like this, you should always say something, and as a man, you should take the initiative.

“no need thank me?”

Chen Liang turned his head and glanced at Melissa’s calm profile.

The appearance of Europeans and Americans is in line with the aesthetics of the Chinese people. In other words, they have a sense of luxury.

Melissa’s straight nose, plump red lips, ivory skin, impeccable facial curves, coupled with her inherent coldness in her temperament, exaggerated this sense of luxury to the extreme.

Look at the beauties under the moon.

A great blessing in the world,

I have to admit that his wife is really stunning.

“If it wasn’t for you today, let alone bring Brother Tang out, I’m afraid I will have to stay there overnight.”

Chen Liang didn’t ask who Melissa called. Even if he knew it, it didn’t make sense.

His wife is different from him, she is a true golden branch and jade leaf, even if he still doesn’t know what Du Xiao’s gang comes from, but in terms of weight, she is definitely incomparable with his wife.

After all, Du Xiao’s group of people are still in the office, and their parents are in power, but her wife can control the flow of hundreds of billions of dollars in the hands of her, and she is a figure on the global power list.

The two sides are not comparable at all.

“I thought you were great here.”

Melissa glanced at him.

If I were to be another man, I would be ashamed and embarrassed if my wife said so, but Comrade Chen Liang’s psychological quality has withstood countless tests, and his face remains unchanged.

“This is different from your Citi Country. In your place, money is the only true god that can be seen with the naked eye, but here, above the true god of money, a sword of judgment hangs all the time.”

Chen Liang sighed softly.

“You should understand, right?”

Melissa was noncommittal.

“Then why don’t you try to leave here and live in Citi?”

Chen Liang froze for a moment, then smiled: “I don’t have a green card.”

This is indeed an embarrassing cold joke.

Melissa fell silent.

Chen Liang felt more and more wrong.

Before, when he was in Citi State, Melissa thought all day about how to drive him away, fearing that he would fight for power, but now why did he take the initiative to invite him to settle in Citi State?

Is the mind of a woman really so weird and unpredictable?

“If you really don’t plan to join the Freemasonry, then you’d better prepare now.”

Melissa suddenly jumped to another topic, which caught Chen Liang off guard.

“Prepare? What preparation?”

Chen Liang asked subconsciously.

“In the eyes of Freemasonry, there are only three kinds of people in the world, one kind of ordinary people they dismiss, one kind of their friends, one kind of their enemies. Since they have found you, they have invited you many times. , To prove that they have recognized your ability, and you will no longer be an ordinary person in their eyes. If you refuse to be their friend again, then…”

Chen Liang raised his eyebrows.

“You mean, I still have to join?”

Melissa didn’t answer, just turned her head and asked seriously.

“Why do you resist them so much?”


It can be regarded as the most cutting-edge organization in the world, and it has been leading the development and trend of the world since its birth for thousands of years.

The members use their social resources and influence to support the Freemasonry, and because of the large number of members, the Freemasonry in turn provides a strong guarantee for its members to maintain and expand their social status and influence.

This is a relationship similar to mutual feeding.

There is a saying that there are people in the DPRK who are good officials.

And the whole world may not find any more solid backers than Freemasonry.

“I know that there are many benefits to joining them, but I am a different person from others. I like to be self-sufficient.”

Chen Liang didn’t change his face and his heart was not beating.

If in general, such a smashing organization finds itself, then I must have joined it. Although I will be fettered, I may have to work for others occasionally, but what does it matter?

Anyway, after joining, Feihuang Tengda is just around the corner, and glory and wealth are at your fingertips.

If you want to, you always have to pay something.

But the key is, do you need the so-called connections and help?

If you have a system in hand, as long as you complete the tasks released by the system, even if you “struggle”, you can still climb up quickly.

The truth is actually very simple.


What a sonorous answer.

If you change to someone else, you will be suspected of selling melons, but this man has indeed come to today on his own step by step.


Melissa’s red lips moved, but she only uttered a syllable, and then she pressed it again.

“what do you wish to ask?”

Chen Liang smiled.

“Just ask what you want, there is no need to be so polite with me.”

Melissa shook her head.


She does have a problem.

But she knew that even if she asked, the other party would never give her a true answer.

She knows the rules of the world well.

In this era, the efforts of a generation have made it impossible to make a significant leap in class.

The rise of Chen Liang completely broke this rule.

If it’s just the accumulation of wealth, that’s fine, but many things this man has done are incomprehensible.

She actually had a suspicion that there was a pusher behind this man, or that a huge organization was supporting it. This speculation became clearer after he resolutely resisted joining the Freemasonry.

In this world, there really are organizations that can compete with Freemasonry?

“What are you thinking?”

Chen Liang asked.

This girl not only peeked at him from time to time, but also looked strange in his eyes.

Chen Liangqing couldn’t help touching her face.

They all say thirty-one flowers for men.

I am getting closer and closer to my 30s. Is the value of the buried face gradually appearing?

No matter how clever Melissa was, she would definitely not be able to guess what Chen Liang was thinking at this time. She looked at Chen Liang and suddenly asked.

“Do you accept women?”


Chen Liang was taken aback.

Melissa was silent again, stopped speaking, turned her head and walked forward.

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