Chapter 738 A Journey That Never Sets (3)

“Go in and take a look? This is not a place for royal coronation. Controls should not be so strict.”

Thinking of the regret that Gu Hengbo had not been able to enter Westminster Abbey just now, Chen Liang made a proposal.

And he also observed that tourists were entering and leaving the church.

Gu Hengbo nodded cheerfully.

As the second largest domed church in the world, St. Paul is second only to St. Peter in Rome, and is known as the representative of classicist architecture in the British Isles.

Gorgeous Baroque style, unusual Greek Latin cross design, the tormented St. Paul’s Cathedral has long become an indispensable part of the English spiritual culture, like an old man who has experienced vicissitudes of life, telling its history.

The two-story rotunda stands at the intersection of the two Latin crosses. A dome stands on the rotunda. The spire and the cross coexist on the dome. On the two corners of the west end of the cross-shaped building, there is a bell tower that echoes each other.

In the bell tower in the northwest corner, a group of church bells with harmonious tones is hung; in the bell tower in the southwest corner, a large bronze bell weighing 17 tons is hung. This bronze bell with the largest sun setting is ringed by church personnel at 1 o’clock in the middle of the night.

Walking into St. Paul’s Cathedral, there is design everywhere and history everywhere.

The huge and beautiful Catholic style dome frescoes, the colorful mosaics added in the late Victorian period, the uniquely designed porches and bell towers, and the gorgeous Baroque style all give people a deep shock.

The stained glass windows of the Cross Hall, large oil paintings on the four walls, frescoes on the dome, and exquisitely carved ceilings are deposited with historical statues. Religious colors, art and history blend in the same space.

Standing under the gorgeous dome and looking up, Gu Hengbo couldn’t help feeling a little lost.

Even Chen Liang can’t sigh that human imagination can actually build such a gorgeous building.

“You know, St. Paul’s Cathedral was actually built on a cemetery.”

Gu Hengbo took Chen Liang and continued walking inside.

“In the underground palace of Sao Paulo, there are many tombs of famous people.”

Hearing this, Chen Liang subconsciously glanced at the ground under his feet, “Really?”

Gu Hengbo nodded.

“It’s said on the Internet, but it’s too late now, I shouldn’t be able to go anymore.”

As they spoke, the two walked into the church hall.

The arched hall of São Paulo is all supported by square stone pillars. Inside are rows of long wooden chairs. The walls and ceiling of the hall are decorated with various exquisite carvings and luxurious decorations. The front is preached by the priest. Pulpit.

The “Marriage of the Century” of Prince Charles and Princess Diana was held here, the diamond wedding ceremony of Queen Victoria, the golden wedding ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II, and the funerals of Margaret Thatcher, Nelson, Wellington and Churchill were also held here. .

The bishop of the Diocese of London is giving a lecture at this time.

Although they don’t have any religious beliefs, Chen Liang and Gu Hengbo subconsciously let go of their steps, and did not disturb others. They quietly found an empty seat on the bench behind.

“Can you understand what he’s talking about?”

Chen Liang asked in a low voice.

Gu Hengbo shook his head honestly. First, because the distance was too far, the bishop’s voice was a little vague. Second, because her English was not very good, simple communication might not be a problem, but it involves this. Occasion, the natural power is inadequate.

“From now on, those of us who are still alive will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. In this way, we will be with the Lord forever.”

Chen Liang looked at the bishop at the forefront, and did not hesitate to translate.

“Do they really believe that there is a so-called Allah in this world?”

Gu Hengbo looked at the devout observers around him. Although he maintained respect, he couldn’t avoid being somewhat incomprehensible.

“Isn’t this just the same as the Chinese people’s belief in gods and buddhas?”

“But the god Buddha clearly doesn’t exist.”

It seems that Gu Hengbo should be a firm atheist.

Chen Liang was silent.

As a person of higher education, he was a typical materialist like Gu Hengbo before, and he did not believe in the existence of so-called Buddhas and Gods in this world.

But when the system was bound, his beliefs began to waver.

Of course, he didn’t become a theist, he just learned to look at the world dialectically.

After thinking for a while, Chen Liang told Gu Hengbo a story.

“A pair of brothers who had left their hometown returned to their hometown and walked into the garden of their former house. Due to long periods of care, the garden was overgrown with weeds, but among the weeds, there are actually a few flowers and trees that were planted in the past.

The elder brother thinks this is just a natural accident, and the younger brother thinks that some gardener must have sneaked in to take care of these plants. But the neighbors have never seen anyone enter the garden, and there are no footprints on the soil, and the brothers even squatted all night without finding anyone coming in.

But in the end, my brother still thinks that there is a gardener taking care of these plants, because the few remaining plants have an arranged beauty. As for why no one has seen it, it may be because the gardener is invisible to mortal eyes. But my brother insisted that no gardener had ever been here. ”

Although Gu Hengbo had not received a very good education and had a low level of education, her understanding ability was not bad, and she quickly realized what Chen Liang’s story was explaining.

As a successful salesperson, the basic ability that must be controlled is to learn how to persuade others. After thinking about it, she quickly spoke.

“Then I also tell you a story?”

Chen Liang was startled, then nodded meaningfully.

“Listen thoroughly.”

“…In the past, two explorers found a small piece of cultivated garden in the jungle. The grass and flowers are lush. A said that there must be a gardener taking care of it; B disagrees: there is no gardener at all.

Then they pitched the tent and waited in place for a few days, but in the end they still didn’t see anyone. A said: This gardener may not be visible to the naked eye.

So they set up the power grid and circled again, but there was still no movement. A is still unconvinced: maybe this gardener can not only see but also teleport.

So B couldn’t help it: What is it that makes you stubborn in your initial thoughts? What is the difference between this gardener who is never seen or touched and no gardener at all? ”

Chen Liang raised his eyebrows and looked surprised.

He really underestimated the cleverness and responsiveness of this goblin.

Gu Hengbo looked at him triumphantly.

“How is it? Nothing to say, right?”

At this time, an old man next to him patted Gu Hengbo on the shoulder, “Sorry, can you be quiet?”

Gu Hengbo stuck out his tongue and immediately apologized, then took Chen Liang’s hand and whispered: “Let’s go.”

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