Chapter 777

“Gina, five police cars are chasing us, and they will come to your street right away.”


The police in Erdolton seemed to be much braver than their colleagues in other areas, pursuing them vigorously, and performing their duties loyally.

A few cars walked the streets and lanes, staged a realistic version of speed and passion.

“Damn! Who taught your marksmanship? Can you shoot them more accurately and hit their tires!”

These police officers have not yet realized the danger is coming.


A sniper bomb broke through the air, wrapped in an irresistible impact, and directly smashed the windshield.

The policeman who was still teaching his colleagues to drive the other day was beaten in the face and blood was splashed all over the car.


His death caused the police car to lose control in an instant and slid towards the side of the road. Many vendors had no time to dodge and were knocked down.

On a tall building in the front left, the dark-skinned Gina looked indifferent, squatting motionless on the edge of the roof, squinting, staring at the sight intently, without any fluctuations in her expression, and once again decisively pulled the trigger.


This time, she aimed at the fuel tank.

It’s hard to hit the target while driving, let alone the small area of ​​the fuel tank.

But why is a sniper called a sniper?

What they did was to kill people thousands of miles away.

It was like precise navigation, the bursting bullet pierced the air, drawn a sharp arc, and finally successfully hit the fuel tank.

The sparkle from the collision directly detonated the gasoline in the fuel tank.


There is no good luck before.

The police car bounced on the spot a few times.

The several police officers in the car had no time to react at all. When they felt the heat wave, the raging fire quickly engulfed them.

The sudden change caused the police cars behind to be shocked, too late to dodge, and a series of collisions occurred, and they could only watch the criminals go away.

“Good job.”

Dean took his gaze back from behind, gave a compliment, and then reminded: “Gina, you can evacuate.”


After helping Dean’s three vehicles to escape the pursuit, the black pearl on the roof sniped and disassembled the bags and quickly turned and went downstairs.

at this time.

Abibra over there.

Under the threat of a sniper, they dared not even turn around for a short time, stepped on the accelerator, rammed several cars in the way, and fled forward at full speed.

This choice is embarrassing but also wise.

The enemy is in the dark, I am in the light, turning around may give the sniper rifle full time to fire.

And get off?

They don’t even know where the sniper rifle is, and when they get off the car, they become a living target, which is no different from seeking a dead end.

“Boss, it should be all right.”

Drive a few miles away in one breath to make sure that the driver is not within the range of the sniper before stopping the car.

There was indeed no gunfire.

Abibra’s face kept trembling, from the look in the eyes to the expression very ugly.

The original five cars became three, and two of them had their tires blown out on the way to escape and stayed in that block. Now I don’t know what the situation is, and…

“Call and ask what’s going on at the villa! If you can’t hold on, kill Akiwan for me!”


The driver immediately took out his mobile phone. After a while, he looked panicked and turned around nervously and said, “…Boss, no one answered it.”


Abibra finally couldn’t control his emotions. He was short of breath, and his clenched hand hammered down the window of the car that blocked the fatal shot for him.


The crack seems to have expanded again.

No one picks up, which undoubtedly means that all the people in the villa have probably been wiped out.

“What are you doing in a daze?! Don’t call right away and send someone for reinforcements!!!”

Three cars with bullet craters all the way out of the city and stopped by a small river in the wilderness.

“Boom boom…”

Chen Liang and others got off the car.

Akiwan was carried out and placed on the grass.

“Wake him up.”

Dean said.

Without saying anything, Ebony squatted down and slapped it.


Chen Liang raised his eyebrows.

In any case, this is their mission target anyway, which is too unfriendly.

Although the method was a bit violent, the effect was immediate. Akiwan, who was in a coma until now, slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

“who are you?!”

After a brief period of confusion, he was shocked and found that a group of strangers appeared around him, and the environment had changed.

Enduring the pain in his whole body, he sat up vigilantly on the grass.

“If you want to survive, answer my questions honestly.”

Dean was expressionless, looking down at him condescendingly.

“Are you Akiwan Guzman?”

Akiwan once again confirmed his environment.

It seemed to be somewhere in the outskirts, rather than the dungeon he was familiar with.

Did these people rescue him?

He was very aware of Sinaloa’s “valuation” of him and would never let him go.

“Yes, I am Akiwan Guzman, who are you?”

Although he suffered a long period of cruel torture, the son of this legendary drug lord was still relatively tough and not mad. After confirming his situation at this time, he quickly calmed down.

When he was in a coma just now, something very “exciting” must have happened.

These people took great pains to rescue him, and they probably didn’t want to kill him.

This is why he directly admits his identity so frankly.

No matter what the origin of this group of people, at least better than in the hands of Sinaloa.

“Who we are, you don’t need to know.”

Hearing his confession, members of Leng Feng couldn’t help but lighten up. Dean looked at the miserable face full of blood and said flatly: “Someone has entrusted us to rescue you.”

Even if he guessed that these people might not be malicious to himself, when he heard that the other party was here to save him, Akivan’s mood fluctuated sharply, his tense body and mind completely relaxed, and he couldn’t help laughing.

“Haha, I didn’t expect me to come out alive…cough cough…”

Excited, he forgot how bad his physical condition was at this time, his injury was affected, and he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

The son of a drug lord has been tortured into this appearance by his own organization, which is really full of emotion.

Dean motioned to Kelly.

“Give him the medicine kit.”

Kelly turned around and took out a medical kit from the trunk of the car, which contained some basic medicines and bandages for hemostasis and pain relief, and threw it to Akiwan.

“Take care of the wound yourself first.”


“Shao Chen, is this guy really Akiwan? Guzman’s son?”

King Kong, who was standing not far away, whispered, and his eyes looked at Akiwan with undisguised suspicion.


This is too pitiful for him.

Just like a death row prisoner.

“Is it a mistake?”

Even if you can’t talk about grandeur, the “prince” of Sinaloa shouldn’t be this image, right?

The mandrill curled his lips. Also glanced over there.

“It’s really miserable, but how many people do you think dare to pretend to be this identity?”

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