Chapter 864 Royal Palace Club (3)

One old and one young, sitting and tasting tea, chatting about the past, talking and laughing happily.

The faint fragrance of tea wafted in the air, refreshing, and the atmosphere was peaceful.

“Uncle Zhao came to Beijing this time, shouldn’t it be just for debriefing?”

After a cup of Biluochun, Xia Changge put down the empty cup and spoke softly.

Zhao Tai raised his head, smiled, and looked at him gently.

“Why do you say that?”

“Since I left Beijing last time, Uncle Zhao hasn’t come back in the past few years. This sudden return is definitely not as simple as a simple debriefing.”

Zhao Tai was noncommittal, smiling peacefully, and asked meaningfully.

“Then tell me, why am I entering Beijing this time?”

“Chen Liang.”

Xia Changge answered without hesitation, without any hesitation or hesitation, and gave a name.

“I have read his information. He has developed so smoothly in the East China Sea, and he cannot do without your support from Uncle Zhao…”

“you are wrong.”

Zhao Tai shook his head, and interrupted Xia Changge’s words, without changing his face, without any unhappiness.

“Perhaps many people have the same thoughts as you, but in fact I didn’t help him. He can come to this day, basically relying on his own efforts. I’m very happy to see someone with you again. The same good young people.”

Xia Changge also laughed, showing excellent self-cultivation, and did not feel any dissatisfaction because the other party compared Chen Liang with himself.

“Uncle Zhao has a good reputation. I can’t compare to him. I can’t keep up with the achievement of breaking dawn alone in my entire life.”

“You can’t say that. After all, everyone has a different division of labor in society. If you say this, then I can’t compare to Chen Liang?”

Xia Changge smiled bitterly and immediately said, “Uncle Zhao, I didn’t mean that.”

After a pause, he continued: “Actually, I have met him yesterday, and Qingzi introduced it.”

Zhao Tai was not surprised, “How do you feel?”

Xia Changge was silent for a while, as if he was thinking of words.

“…He is not the same as I imagined, he is very humorous.”

Thinking of the phrase “I may have been a party member before I was thirty”, Xia Changge’s lips couldn’t help but raise a smile.

“It seems that you talked very well yesterday.”

Xia Changge nodded and stared at Zhao Tai, his expression converged, and he suddenly became formal and serious. He said briefly: “Uncle Zhao, Chen Liang’s terms have been agreed to by the above.”

Zhao Tai didn’t change his face, but his eyes flickered slightly.

Xia Changge’s current rank is actually not high, but his future is limitless. If there is no accident, he will enter the General Staff in the future, that is a sure thing. With his special status in the Xia department, since he said such things, There should be no fakes.

“I think this is a correct decision.”

Zhao Tai said softly.

The tone is not heavy, but at this time, he said such words, the meaning is very important.

To some extent, this can be said to be a guarantee for Chen Liang.

Zhao Tai seemed to feel that this was not enough. He looked into Xia Changge’s eyes and continued: “I think Chen Liang is a man who has a family and a country and understands the big and the wrong.”

Xia Changge nodded.

“I trust Uncle Zhao’s judgment.”


This is no longer a conversation between a junior and an elder.

Xia Changge now represents the faction behind him.

And Zhao Tai represents his original identity, Governor of the East China Sea!

There is a division between the righteous and the evil in the arena, and the political arena is the same. But Zhao Tai does not belong to the Xia family, or even any mountain tops, but the relationship between him and the Xia family is definitely relatively friendly.

at least.

It must be much closer than his relationship with the Nie family.

Perhaps Chen Liang did not expect that before that, Zhao Tai only briefly met him when he entered Beijing, but as Xia Changge said, this time Zhao Tai came to Beijing for Chen Liang.

In fact, in the eyes of many people, Chen Liang has been labeled as Zhao Tai.

When Xia Changge met with Chen Liang yesterday, he didn’t clearly say that the senior management had made a decision, and that was what he meant when he met with Zhao Tai today.

This is the Xia Department showing good to Zhao Tai.

Of course, Zhao Tai also understood it, and the two smiled at each other tacitly.

People in the arena involuntarily.

As long as one lives in the world, it is impossible for a person to exist independently.

The life of ordinary people cannot be separated from the help of family and friends, especially Chaotang.

So far, although Zhao Tai has not joined any factions, it does not mean that he refuses to communicate with these factions.

In the chaotic hall, there is more technical content than the competition in the market.

While adhering to the basic principles unwaveringly, it is hard to say that he used the right and left to get to where he is today step by step.

Because of this, he can benefit cities and benefit millions of people.

When the rules cannot be changed, the rules can only be used.

The bitter children from the countryside step into the Chaotang Center. This is probably a legendary experience that cannot be filmed in TV dramas.

Even ordinary people should be able to imagine how hard it was to walk this way, but Zhao Tai felt it was worth it.

“Uncle Zhao, take the liberty to ask, why do you value Chen Liang so much?”

Xia Changge looked at Zhao Tai, her eyes showing incomprehension from her heart.

In his cognition, this man who has no basic background but stepped through the siege and almost created a miracle is actually a very cautious man.

But this time, he was unusually high-profile and entered Beijing openly as a young man.

Speak lightly.

This is love talent.

To the point.

This connects his political life with Chen Liang.

If something goes wrong on Chen Liang’s side, one can imagine that he can’t shirk the blame.

This should not be a politician’s move.

Too risky.

Zhao Tai was silent for a while, his face suddenly tranced, his eyes flashed with memories.

“Because in him, I saw the shadow of myself.”

Xia Changge’s lips moved, and he was about to speak, but saw Zhao Tai shook his head again.

“No, he is not like me, he is more radical and brave than I was when I was younger.”

Xia Changge, who wanted to say something just now, slowly closed his mouth and fell silent.

The two sat for a while and drank another cup of tea.

“Uncle Zhao, let’s go.”

All that should be said has already been said, there is no need to continue sitting down.

But out of Xia Changge’s expectation, Zhao Tai actually said: “You go first, I’ll sit down for a while.”

Xia Changge’s eyes flashed, and without asking much, he said goodbye, got up and left the box.

Watching the door of the room closed, Zhao Tai sat alone for a while, then took out his mobile phone, dialed a call, and smiled gently and gently: “Xiao Chen, are you busy? Come out for a cup of tea.”

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