From the Perfect World

Vol 3 Chapter 903: Dao poor see Yuan Shi, only know that I am me!

"Who is it? Su Wuming or Lu Da?"

Everywhere in the real world, a Dharma body looks to the sky, guessing the identity of the new legend.

Among the Dharmakayas of the current world, only these two are the most likely to prove the legend. As for the Emperor Yuan, there were rumors three years ago that he was severely injured and even suspected of falling. Although it was later confirmed that the Emperor Yuan did not have an accident, the other party has been Judging from the silence, it is considered good to be able to restore the original cultivation base, how could it be possible to make further progress, following the God of Xuanyang and the King of the Middle Ages to prove the legend.

Outside the boundaries of hibiscus ancient trees.

The two Luojiao divine envoys looked at the layers of the real world, and the **** envoys handed the lamp in an uncontrollable astonishment: "Hengkong?"

He has lived for a long time, and he has seen many people who self-identified legends, whether it is Hengkong of the Immortal Realm or the arrival of the Nine Nethers, and even the very special first-class vision of the legend.

But at this time, it was the most shocking and stunned time for the palm of the lamp.

Until now, when the legendary powers and great supernatural powers began to return, finally a self-certified legend was born!

This will undoubtedly have a lot of impact on the current situation. Although God Xuanyang has become a great supernatural power three years ago, this does not mean that the legendary great power is not worth mentioning. The current major forces include the heavens and can send The strong who came out to walk the world are no more than legendary series.

When the great supernatural powers did not fully return, the legend is also one of the few super figures in the heavens and all realms at this time.

In the real world, even when countless creatures in the universe were confused, the phantom of the Nine Heavens gradually dissipated, and an illusory and primitive gate appeared with countless strange patterns inscribed.


The door opened, revealing the scene behind the door, which is chaos that cannot be accurately described in words.

Everyone has a kind of understanding at this time. The chaos behind the door is a place that can live forever in the world. There is no time washing, no multiple voids. It is one and all. As long as you can enter the world behind the door, you can live forever, even if The destruction of the era will not affect the immortal land behind the door.

"The Gate of the Avenue!"

The palm lamp divine envoy murmured solemnly.

Even in the ancient times, only True Monarch Qingyuan Miaodao was able to prove the'gate of the avenue' in the second legendary vision. Before the opponent disappeared, his strength might not be as good as the acting **** envoy who was the ancestor of the earth immortal at that time. It is absolutely impossible for him to be too different, and besides the identity of Yuxu Palace's progeny, he also served in the heavenly court.

Except for the true monarch of Qingyuan Miaodao, no matter how many strong people have been able to achieve the vision of the'door of the road' when they are promoted to the legend, even the emperor is no exception. Xuanyang, who shows off his edge at this time The same is true for God.

A strand of golden light from the principles of the law is scattered, bordering the heavens and all realms, and countless creatures have been transformed by this.

When the gate of the avenue slowly dissipated like a nine-layer phantom, a voice suddenly sounded, deep and powerful, and an indescribable temperament.

"Go over a thousand mountains barefoot, not begging for immortals and Buddha."

"Dao Qiang sees Yuan Shi, and knows I am me!"

The loud sound rang in the ears of all the creatures, making countless creatures confused, but also awakened some people.

Dao poor see Yuanshi?


"Yuan Emperor Su Meng!"

Someone blurted out, full of shock and incredible.

Who doesn't know that Yuan Emperor Su Meng is the head teacher of Yuxu Palace, and he is the first master to open up heaven and earth. The voice spreading here is undoubtedly telling the people of the world, which celestial immortal self-certified legend.

"It turned out to be him?" First Reading Network

The palm lamp **** envoy said solemnly.

He is slightly heavy in his heart. Although there are treasures from his mother, he is not afraid of most of the legendary powers, and he is also extremely powerful. Even if he returns a few months earlier, he is close to the legendary consummation, but facing Yuan Huang Su Meng, the ambassador of the lantern dare not say that he will win.

Not to mention that Su Meng is a descendant of Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi Nine Seals and Eight Nine Profound Art co-cultivators, just the horrible thunder knife can make the legend extremely jealous.

A peerless piece of the other side, even if the awakening level is only legendary, but as long as it is mastered by the legend, it is definitely a big killer that can not be found in the legendary series.

As the realm gets higher, the gap between the **** soldiers of a certain realm and the peerless peers who only awaken to a certain realm will become larger. After all, the essence of the other side series is there, and the innateness is not strong. Make sense.

Sha Wujing was silent. He turned the rosary in his hand. He didn't expect a blink of an eye. When he woke up, he went to Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace to speak to his old mother. He came to this step and stepped into his own hardship. Even the journey to the west was finally achieved.

At this time, the envoy of the palm of the lamp opened his mouth. He looked at Sha Wujing and said:

"Rolling curtain, you take a step first and look for Gu Xiaosang's successor. I will stay here to stop Su Meng."

Although the realm of Fusang Ancient Trees is full of dangers, with the strength and temperament of the curtain, it is unlikely to make a mistake. If the curtain really falls, then there will be no change in the end of the game.

Instead of fighting in the area of ​​the ancient Fusang tree under Su Meng's persecution, it was better to stop him outside.

Sha Wujing didn't act immediately. He slowly said: "You and I will join hands and it is not a big problem to win Su Meng."

Even if Su Meng has the Overlord Absolute Sword, but the Overlord Absolute Sword has the mark of the Demon Buddha, as long as it fails to further suppress the Demon Buddha's brand, then the Absolute Absolute Sword will not allow its temper to wake up.

If this is the case, two legends can not join forces to rival a new legend?

In terms of inheritance, a gods envoy has the inheritance of the old mother, and the martial arts and Shinto fellow practitioners, even if they are slightly inferior to the core inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun, the gap cannot reach the level of one enemy and two defeats.

"This is not a matter. The ancient Fusang tree boundary is constantly changing. In case of delay, maybe the ancient Fusang tree boundary will be closed. At that time, even you and I will not be able to penetrate the barrier as before. If Gu Xiao Sang Zhen left some important things in it, then you and I are sinners, even if Su Meng is captured, it will not help."

The palm of the lamp **** makes the way.

He was very calm, knowing that it was more important to find the things or clues that Gu Xiaosang had left in the realm of the ancient trees of Fusang than to deal with the Yuan Emperor, who was bound to come, and cut off the possibility of Gu Xiaosang's resurrection.

When Sha Wujing heard the words, he didn't say much, and immediately fleeed towards the ancient hibiscus tree, and was wrapped in illusory mist on the other side, manifesting in the form of an ancient tree in the worlds of the East China Sea.

"Two generations stand side by side!"

Suddenly, Sha Wujing's heart jumped slightly and saw the vision that appeared after the gate of the avenue dissipated.

This is a vision of the other side!

"Some come!"

In a trance, Sha Wujing heard a long-depressed violent drink, and then saw the purple thunder in the sky, and the breath of the lamp **** envoy suddenly rose. Even in the real East China Sea, it was suppressed by an unknown amount, and it was similar to the grandeur of a galaxy. Sense of.

It was at this time that He escaped into the realm of the ancient hibiscus tree, and could no longer see everything in the real world. Even the ubiquitous energy was correspondingly Even if you don’t think about it, Sha Wu Jing could also understand that a legendary battle must have erupted over the East China Sea.

"We must hurry up and find Gu Xiaosang's relic."

After Sha Wujing secretly restructured his own three views, he felt a sense of vain when he was standing here, and everything he saw in his eyes was only deep and dark, like a mortal in the abyss.


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