From the Perfect World

Vol 3 Chapter 908: Only 1 line

Now that Lin Yang is here, Meng Qi has let go of his worries about Gu Xiaosang. He opened his mouth curiously at this time: "Brother Lin, how short of you are at this moment?"

Although this kind of matter is related to personal secrets, it is generally inconvenient to inquire, but he has known Lin Yang for many years, and even exchanged core skills, plus this place is the realm of Fusang ancient trees, and there are no outsiders, so he asked.

At least there is Lin Yang's example, which can be used as a reference when he has reached a similar level in the future.

"If you only talk about Dao Xing and don't talk about combat power, it will be a bit worse than the burning lantern at that time."

Lin Yang said lightly.

When Meng Qi heard this, he was surprised and delighted.

In the years after leaving Lingshan, he also knew why Landeng shot him.

What Burning Lantern cultivates is the path of cause and effect, and the foundation has already reached the perfect state of perfection. He is definitely the top supernatural power under the other shore.

However, it is simply impossible to condense the corresponding illusory Tao and effect based on the Tao of Causality.

How can everything have two ‘causes’?

When Yuanshi Tianzun still existed, let alone burning the lamp, even the great figures of the other side of Buddhism who are proficient in cause and effect, none of them are based on the way of cause and effect to condense the illusory Tao and fruit, at most after reaching the other side Through other aspects, he indirectly grasped all the mysteries related to cause and effect in the heavens and all realms, thus becoming an ancient one.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun mysteriously disappeared, he, as a symbol of the cause of the fruits, was cut out by him and integrated into the Dao Yiyin, placed in the Yuxu Palace, and finally obtained by Meng Qi, becoming the cause of the new fruits. And it still blocked the way to the other side of the burning lamp, so that he could not use cause and effect as the foundation to condense the illusion of cause and effect.

"Since Brother Lin said so, doesn't it mean that he is only the last line from the other shore?"

Meng Qi took a deep breath.

According to his understanding, since Senior Brother Lin would say that regardless of his combat power, he is inferior to Burning Light on the way, then the hidden meaning is that the strength of Burning Light must not be so. When the foundation is not complete, Senior Brother Lin is not yet complete.

According to the rumors I’ve heard, as long as burning the lamp gets the cause of the fruits, it will immediately climb to the other side. Then I think that other aspects of him have reached the level previously mentioned by Brother Lin, and Brother Lin is stronger than him. , At least the eternal innocence is not a problem.

As for the will, the problem shouldn't be big, except that the foundation is not satisfied.

When Meng Qi's thoughts were turning, Lin Yang's deep eyes seemed to be watching Meng Qi.

Does Meng Qi know that as long as he gives up taking time as the foundation and seizes the cause of the fruits, then after refining the foundation, he can condense the illusory Tao and the fruits with the way of cause and effect, become the one on the other side, and become the cause of the fruits .

But that end is...

He may refresh a record.

It’s not “reaching the other shore from a mortal in less than a hundred years,” but “was slain on the spot while reaching the other shore”. If you don’t abandon your own Tao fruit and turn it into the land of the reincarnation seal at the cost of your life, then he is all ages. Since then, the shortest time to live on the other side.

Doing this, even without waiting for him to go back to the eternal emptiness before the birth of the heavens and ten thousand realms, was killed by the moral gods halfway, and even the gods might kill him.

"Not to mention that Meng Qi will be an ancient in the future. Gu Xiaosang, who succeeded in taking over everything from an unborn mother, is also an ancient, one door with two other sides."

"He who has escaped the destiny of death, if he didn't want to get help from Meng Qi and Gu Xiaosang when he was fighting for the fruit in the new era, how could he stabbed the lamp at that time, in order to comply with the order of the Dust Palace? The arrival of the Great Sage has won a crucial opportunity."

"No, everything was just discussed by them. Otherwise, if the Great Sage Qitian arrives a few moments earlier, there will be no chance for him to save Meng Qi's life."

Lin Yang's mind turned.

Although no one said it directly, there is no doubt that everything was arranged by those two long ago. As long as this body is out of line, said that it should not be said, and has done things that should not be done, everything created at this time will disappear.

The thought stopped, Lin Yang changed the subject, and said, "You came to the realm of Fusang Ancient Trees to find a possible successor to Gu Xiaosang?"

Hearing the words'Gu Xiaosang', Meng Qi's spirits suddenly shocked, and he looked at Lin Yang with anticipation.

To say that Gu Xiaosang's backhand was only one step away from the other shore, and Lin Yang, who had been in the realm of Fusang ancient trees for a long time, was naturally clear.

Facing Meng Qi's gaze, Lin Yang said, "This will disappoint you. The Wusheng mother sent someone to come. Although it was in the name of looking for Gu Xiaosang's successor, Gu Xiaosang did come here, but But there is no means of resurrection left, just a suspicion formation."

These words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing all hope in Meng Qi's heart, and a trace of mood swings appeared in the depths of his eyes.

He saw that Lin Yang had drawn out an illusory mirror, which reflected various things in the past here, just in the blink of an eye, it was decades ago.

Gu Xiaosang, who was only on location, didn’t know what method he used. He actually entered the realm of ancient Fusang trees decades ago, ignoring all the weirdness that made the legendary power to be solemnly correct, and came all the way to this leaf. Above.

With a bit of sadness and a bit of resoluteness, she set up the grave with her own hands, sprinkled it with petals, and finally turned and left.

Through the illusory mirror, Meng Qi could feel that it was the last period of Gu Xiaosang's life.

When Meng Qi's mood changed, Lin Yang continued: "At the beginning, you and Gu Xiaosang entered the ruins of the Nine Layers of Heaven, and each served in the Hall of Three Lives. That is where her resurrection lies, that is, you. When you first enter the legend, you will be here, otherwise you will calm down and use the power of the legendary realm to examine the thoughts in your heart. It is not difficult to discover this."

Although it seems that a long time has passed, at this time, it hasn't been long since Meng Qi's self-certification of the legend, his last legendary vision is still vaguely visible.

"When you return to the Yuxu Palace and approach the chaotic green lotus seeds you left for yourself, she will also come back."

Lin Yang said here and looked at Meng Qi's side, seeming to be muttering to himself: "After all, using the chaotic green lotus seed to reshape the body can gain innate virtue and magic. Same as Nezha back then."

The Emperor of Heaven has the authority, and the secret connection between the two people who obey the fruit of this life may be able to hide the great figure from the other side who has not returned, but it is impossible to hide it from him. After all, the fruit of this life was conceived in the nine heavens.

It's just that before Meng Qi self-tested the legend, the true spirit of Gu Xiaosang, who had not been moisturized by the heavens when Meng Qi broke through, had been sleeping, and Lin Yang had ignored it before.

Upon seeing this, Meng Qi suddenly turned his head and looked at the inexplicable place Lin Yang was looking at, but he could not see anything. Even so, there was hope in his heart.

"Go, you can't reshape your body. Even though you are a legend, you can't see her."

Lin Yang Road.

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