From the Perfect World

Vol 3 Chapter 912: Reap the benefits of fishermen

"Since you have jumped into the origin of life and death, you must want to use the way of life and death as the foundation of the way. My archenemy also wants to use the way of life and death as the foundation of the way. Although I also have this plan, I am not just entering Good fortune will not be like him, it may become a competitor that hinders you from perfecting the foundation of life and death."

The Demon Emperor replied.

His words made Zhen Wu's heart a touch of solemnity, and there was a bit of speculation.

Although the heavens and myriad worlds are vast and boundless, but the great supernatural powers are a carrot and a pit, and will not suddenly jump out, and how many are qualified to be competitors in the way of life and death?

Is the normal grade of good fortune qualified to be tied with Him?

"you are right……"

Zhenwu's words were slightly heavy, and his tone was slow.

"He claims to be... Emperor Fengdu, the lord of the underworld."

The body of the demon emperor spoke.

"Sure enough it is Him."

Zhen Wu secretly said.

Originally, there are very few good fortune perfections. Although it is a bit exaggerated to describe the number of less than two palms, it is impossible to exceed this value. In such a rare perfection for good fortune, they will choose to lay the foundation with the conflicting path of life and death. , Naturally less.

"That's it."

Zhen Wu said, "Do you want to use the hands of the old Dao to eradicate the Emperor Fengdu... This is also for the old Dao to reduce a competitor for myself. No wonder you have the confidence to jump into the origin of life and death and convince the old Dao."

By this time, Zhen Wu's claim had changed, which also represented that his attitude had also changed.

He was not surprised, why the body of the Demon Emperor would know this kind of secret for ordinary great supernatural powers, the inheritance of the Demon Lord, it is too normal to record the relevant facts.

At this point, Zhen Wu suddenly smiled, and said: "Being able to support him under his hands, it seems that the demon lord has left a lot of things."

He would say so, because he knew the true identity of the mysterious emperor Fengdu in the eyes of the great supernatural powers and even the great figures on the other side.

One of the three corpses of Bodhi Ancient Buddha, the incarnation of the other shore!

If it hadn't been in the ancient years, accidentally heard that the Emperor of Heaven, who was suspected of getting some benefits at the top of the Nine Heavens, had mentioned this matter, even if he would be kept in the dark.

The body of the Demon Emperor didn't say anything when he heard the words, and let Zhenwu guess it by himself. If he said too much, he might show up.

He changed the subject and said: "There are seven swords in "Jie Tian", but now there are only five swords circulating in the world. I wonder if the remaining two swords can be mastered?"

Ananda practiced the Tathagata and came to the other shore to become a demon Buddha. What would happen if he collected the "Seven Swords of the Sky" and followed suit?

Against the sky, can he break free from the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore?

The Demon Buddha came to the other shore, and I don’t know any great figures from the other side supported him, but with his various behaviors, at least Buddhism, it is unlikely to support the Demon Buddha’s ascent. Holy, naturally even more impossible.

Only the unborn mother with an ambiguous attitude might support the Demon Buddha's ascent to the other shore. After all, in the battle of Lingshan, all the other people except for them have completely fallen.

Climbing to the other shore with the support of only one person from the other shore is likely to be the same as asking for death, and since the demon Buddha finally climbs to the other shore, it also means that the palm of the **** of rebellious Tathagata has another miracle, and it may be a new kind of other shore. The road is more unique than the Qingdi's road to the other side, and it is difficult to be influenced by the outside world.

"The Tao has no years, the Tao stays in the line..."

Zhen Wu pondered for a long while, he took a deep look at the body of the Demon Emperor, as if to see through his heart.

Finally, after a while, Zhen Wu spoke and said: "These two swords have long since been detached from the venerable and disappeared in the heavens and worlds. They had never been passed down before the last epoch of the Primordial Ancient Times."

"Although the old Dao in the past was the last boy to serve the esteemed honour, he also knew the truth of greed and not chewing. At first, he only chose Dao to destroy Daosheng. I saw that I and Dao Chuan Huanyu also learned later. Come up, for "Jie Tian", the old way does not have your complete grasp."

Although Zhenwu's words were in the expectation of the Demon Sovereign Body, when he heard it, it was inevitable to be a little disappointed.

The palms of the Tathagata God and the Tathagata Nipa are all together, and it is really regrettable that there is no way to collect Shuten at the same level as the Tathagata.

It is estimated that I can only think about it for practicing the Seven Swords of the Sky.

"Unless you wait until you become an ancient person, in the past epochs, you can fill in the sky."

The body of the Demon Emperor secretly said.

Since Zhenwu said, those two swords had already disappeared before the last epoch of Taigu, and the ordinary other side naturally could not be traced back to that era.

"Found the old way, what are your plans next? You can't pull the old way away from the origin of life and death to find the capital. It is more important to improve yourself than to solve foreign enemies. At this time, the origin of life and death is still a lot of help for the old way. It’s not enough to let the old man leave here just for your reasons."

Zhenwu said at this time, the purple meaning in his eyes became more and more faint, as if he had broken free from the state of being assimilated by the power of the shortcut.

"There is no need for us to go out. I have arrangements before we come in, and Feng will sooner or later enter the origin of life and death, even if the arrangements I left do not take effect, knowing the existence of the origin of life and death, plus at this time is a race against time, he will naturally come in. "

"As long as you sit back and wait for the rabbit, that's it."

The Demon Sovereign body spoke and said a way.

Since Emperor Fengdu, one of the masters of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, is cultivating snack products like the original time and space, she has obtained two piano scores of Fu Huang, naturally, she wants to use a unique vision when the snack products obtain the Dharmakaya. Jump into the origin of life and death.

What else does he need to do? Waiting quietly, just wait until Emperor Fengdu is killed by Emperor Zhenwu and go out to take over the underworld established by Emperor Fengdu.

When he killed Emperor Fengdu, he was not prepared to come forward, and the external body also turned a blind eye to the existence of Emperor Fengdu. After all, the other party did not disturb the order of the world. Since this is the case, the ancient Buddha Bodhi even took possession of the underworld from him. Some doubts, it is impossible to put the main target on him.

In the final analysis, the so-called that he and Emperor Fengdu are great enemies, it is just to deceive the words of Emperor Zhenwu who has been at the origin of life and death for a long time. They belong to the ranks of good fortune, and he has the original heart imprinted on him. As long as the logic is not wrong, Can Zhenwu see if he is lying?

"It's almost the same as the old Tao thought."

Zhenwu nodded gently In order not to arouse the vigilance of Emperor Fengdu, it is inconvenient for me to come forward, otherwise I will be suspicious, which will cause some changes. If Tianzun really feels very difficult to face him, I can bring Fengdu The great emperor brought me to the place, and it was also good fortune. It was not difficult for me to interfere with him. I could create the opportunity for Tianzun to kill him. "

The Demon Emperor spoke.


Zhenwu did not object.

In the end, the two agreed, and the body of the Demon Emperor also left, to understand the mystery of life and death.


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