From Today it is the King of the Basketball

: Seeking monthly ticket ~ push book

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Seeking monthly tickets ... The short and sturdy 5 is more than sixteen thousand ~ Sleep first, continue tomorrow ~ Seeking monthly tickets ~

Recommend the new book "The Basketball Player" by the author of "One Position", coaching style, novel type of angle, Xiaofeng has always admired the big guy who can write coaching style, needs to deal with many details, Xiaofeng is also learning, Anyone who likes coaching can support me.

After Xiaofeng had accumulated enough knowledge and writing skills, he also tried to write a coaching essay, feeling that coaching essays are always different and charming.

But others have finished opening a new book, and the new book is 100,000 words, and Xiaofeng has opened the book earlier ...

Xiaofeng also had to work hard to write a little more. This month included the 415,000 words that had just been issued. There are still three days. It is estimated that it will be about 450,000 or 650,000 words this month. After three or four days of delay, otherwise there is a chance of 500,000 words, and there is a loss of regret. Try next time.

Seeking monthly tickets ~ Seeking recommended tickets ~ Seeking together 15 reward points ~ 6 100 points is enough ~ Thank you, friends, monthly ticket recommendation tickets for reward subscription!

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