From Today it is the King of the Basketball

: Eight hundred sixty-three. Super 3 pairs!

How terrible was McGrady and Jason Terry taking turns who were detonated by Liu Mang?

The Nets became the first tragedy. In theory, it is difficult for a team to repeat their tragedy.

In the second half of the first quarter, Jason Terry made a 3-pointer with 4 of 9 shots in the first half, and the Nets were stupid!

The loss was due to Carter's courageous counterattack. Only after the first quarter ended, the Nets were only 11 points behind. The Hawks led the Nets 33 to 22 in the first quarter and entered the second quarter.

By the beginning of the second quarter, Jason Terry suffered a crazy mark. Carter did not give Jason Terry a chance to catch the ball. Jason Terry also seemed to have cast a little too much in the first quarter and lost. Bo Ren character, need to go to rest for a while, after playing for three minutes, only get two out of the phone will still hit the iron, coach Kruger immediately replaced him, replaced with McGrady, and McGrady began to throw.

McGrady is not as good as Jason Terry to prevent him from receiving the ball. Carter ’s height is not enough. Eric Williams or Rodney Buford are not fast enough, and McGrady is more accurate. The second quarter Before the official suspension, Tracy McGrady made three points and 5 of 4 in the quarter. Tracy McGrady's characteristics were similar to those of the little blacksmith. After he threw it away, there was no way to defend.

The Nets started to hit McGrady without a ball. Liu Mang took the opportunity to score and improved his personal score to 12 points before the end of the half.

Due to Liu Mang's irrelevant play, the Nets got some counter-attack opportunities and scored a little more, but the Nets did not stick to the slowdown. The Hawks' rhythm gradually improved, attacking and defending. The conversion of the wave-by-shooter was smoother and smoother. Liu Mang rebounded on the defensive end, then passed the ball to McGrady on the offensive end and then attacked the offensive rebound.

McGrady was desperate for Liu Mang ’s play that made him throw it while holding the ball. It was too unreliable for this group of teammates. The key is that the head coach also helped, and the substitutions were timely. Can play better.

For this situation, McGrady strongly protested inwardly, and then flew away ...

After the Nets' rhythm was brought up, they also scored more, but the Hawks are still a little more.

After halftime, Carter scored 29 points in the half, the Nets scored 51 points in the half, and the Nets scored 29 points in the second quarter!

However, the Hawks scored 31 points in the second quarter! Leading the Nets by 13 points 64 to 51 in the half!

Liu Mang had 12 points and 8 assists at halftime, Jason Terry had 12 points at halftime, Tracy McGrady had 4 rebounds and 3 assists at halftime, and the three waves scored 45 points more than half-time!

Kwame Brown played 16 minutes at halftime and was crying. He only got 4 points and 3 rebounds in 16 minutes!

In addition to scoring 12 points and 8 assists in the half, Liu Mang grabbed 8 rebounds!

Kwame Brown saw Liu Mang encountering an opponent or a teammate to shoot and threw himself into the air first. He was hit with a twist and his body also had to force a rebound. He fell heavily on the ground and ignored it. , The deadly gesture, Kwame Brown was shocked.

The most important thing is that Kwame Brown doesn't understand it well: even if you score and assist, boss, grab my job!

Not only Kwame Brown was scared, but Mo Ning, who played for 7 minutes, was scared. This kid is really dead!

Also, what kind of stuff does your new owner play? Mo Ning said that he has never encountered this style of play.

The key is to be more than ten points ahead of a team in the top four in the East!

Mo Ning feels that his concept of basketball for more than ten years has been collapsed by this half game!

The Nets were also frightened, 12 + 8 + 8 in the half, this is the data of Kidd's super **** state!

When Liu Mang grabbed a rebound, the Nets saw that Liu Mang fell heavily on the ground, so they did n’t dare to hit him hard. Not everyone is Bowen, and he was worried about hurting his opponent. After being recklessly knocked to the ground, rebounding has become cautious.

Sometimes, human kindness was bullied, Ma Shan was ridden, Liu Mang found the opponent's "friendly mentality", grabbed rebounds even more joy, eight rebounds in half.

Kidd defended Liu Mang and assisted McGrady or Jason Terry on the defensive end. After the offensive end reached the second quarter, because he could not suppress the rhythm, he began to receive a pass from his teammates to organize a fast pass and attack the rebound None, only three rebounds in the half.

Carter had grabbed two offensive rebounds, but had no defensive rebounds. The two had only 5 rebounds in the half.

In terms of scoring, Kidd had 5 points in the half, Carter had 29 points in the half, and the two scored 34 points in the half. This is one point more than the 33 points added by Liu Mang and McGrady.

But scoring is Liu Mang's least worry!

Kidd had 6 assists at halftime, Carter had two assists at halftime, and a pair of backcourts combined with 8 assists at halftime was already excellent, but Liu Mang had 8 assists by himself!


Still can't relax, in the third quarter, Liu Mang's eager eyes made coach Kruger's head big during the intermission, saying, "If you lose the next game and you start to pass Tracy to score", They sent Liu Mang, Jason Terry and Tracy McGrady to the outside team. In the inside, Mohamed and Kwame Brown have the best rebounds on the inside line.

The Nets coach Lawrence Frank saw that the rhythm could not be suppressed, and sent a large and four small lineup of Kidd, Carter, Rodney Buford, Eric Williams, Kostic. .

Kidd saw Liu Mang, Tracy McGrady and Jason Terry get on together, he couldn't stop shaking, and then was furious!

In the third quarter, the two teams flew in waves. The Nets saw the Hawks looking for a "three-pointer hit" posture. They all furiously played a fierce fast attack, scoring 32 points in a single quarter.

On the Hawks, Tracy McGrady and Jason Terry made waves in the third quarter. Tracy McGrady dropped one and then the second. If he couldn't, Liu Mang passed it to Jason Terry. Jason Terry received The ball is also directly thrown, and the two of you throw me a three-pointer!

The key is that McGrady felt it in the first half. Jason Terry rested for about half an hour. His character seemed to be saved. The two men combined to make 8 three-pointers in a single quarter, plus Muhammad and Kwame. -Brown gave the two players a ball-free pick-and-roll and leaned against their opponents against McGrady or Jason Terry. After the ball-free pick-and-roll, they went in and received Liu Mang's pass and scored. Liu Mang scored 9 assists in one quarter! The Hawks scored 37 points in a single quarter! More points than the Nets' crazy counterattack!

Carter scored 44 points in the third quarter, but could n’t stand Tracy McGrady in the third quarter. He scored 10 of 5 in the third quarter, plus a layup cut into the ball after receiving a double-throw with a false throw, and scored 20 points in the single quarter! And Jason Terry scored 9 of 3 three-pointers in a quarter. The eagles scored 24 points in a single quarter.

Liu Mang watched 10 assists in a single quarter. As a result, Tracy McGrady played reasonably and passed. Although Tracy McGrady also got two assists in the third quarter, 11 assists in a quarter with Liu Mang, far exceeding the Nets Kidd had five assists in the quarter.

But Liu Mang was so angry: That **** first-round virgin, caused the young man not to get 11 assists in a single quarter!

Liu Mang scored 1 point in the third quarter and made 3 shots because he was too cold. One missed. He only made one foul and only made two free throws. However, he scored 4 rebounds and 9 assists in a single quarter. 17 assists to 13 points, 12 rebounds!

The Nets didn't stick to the rhythm of playing, so the total number of shots in the third quarter of the two teams reached a horrible 60! The Hawks made four more shots than the Nets. They shot 32 in a single quarter because Liu Mang had two offensive rebounds out of four.

The rhythm hits, making Liu Mang's wave-like play more smoothly, mainly because the Nets can't think of it, Liu Mang will play that wave! Unexpectedly, the Hawks played so strangely.

The first time I encountered such a wonderful flower, the Nets were overcast by Liu Mang!

Liu Mang and McGrady scored 54 points in the third quarter, exceeding Carter's 44 points in the third quarter and Kidd's 9 points in the third quarter to get 53 points!

The most important thing is that Kidd and Carter added only 15 assists in the third quarter. Liu Mang got 17 assists alone, plus McGrady's 4 assists, a total of assists!

In terms of rebounds, Liu Mang got 12 rebounds, McGrady had 5 rebounds and added 17 rebounds, while Kidd and Carter added 11 rebounds in three quarters!

Both rebounds and assists have huge advantages!

When the advantage was laid, Liu Mang took the initiative to find Kruger's advice and restore the original style of play when he rested in the third quarter.

The Hawks players once again felt Liu Mang's insidiousness, brought the opponent's rhythm up, and attracted the opponent's defense to McGrady in the third quarter with 41 points.


83 to 101, 18 points behind in the third quarter, it is not without opportunities, the Nets still did not give up, after coming up in the fourth quarter, trying to improve the defense, to attack faster and better, the second and third quarter The Nets' offense is not bad, but McGrady and Jason Terry feel better.

The Nets continued to send a lineup with 32 points in the third quarter in the fourth quarter, which is the best lineup for their fast break.

Seeing the Hawks send Liu Mang and Tracy McGrady in the backcourt, plus Prince, Rashid Wallace, Kwame Brown's frontcourt combination, the Nets are mainly aimed at defending Tracy McGrady, Tracy McGrady. With 41 points in the third quarter, the strongest scoring performance of the season, and Liu Mang scored only 1 point in the third quarter, the Nets' defense against McGrady became stricter and relaxed for Liu Mang.

This is the game. Once the opponent is seized the opportunity, it is difficult to control the initiative when the strength is not dominant. The initiative is all in the opponent who is already stronger and has the advantage.

In the fourth quarter, the Nets were ready to defend McGrady from the outside, and found that the ball was turned into McGrady. Liu Mang began to cut inwards. McGrady hung the ball to Liu Mang. Liu Mang knew that his hand was cold. So he constantly hit the rim or fouled. He got 6 free throws in the first half and made 5 of 6 free throws. He also made a layup and scored 7 points in the first half.

And McGrady not only passed the ball to Liu Mang, but also passed it to others, whoever had the chance to pass it, and tossed it when he had the chance. The Eagles completely lost the feeling of rushing out of the sky in the first three quarters, but switched seamlessly. To regular play.

McGrady has also been accustomed to this style of play over time. He started to use his threats in the first three quarters to organize attacks. After Liu Mang and his teammates pulled the defense back, McGrady's scoring opportunities also came.

The Nets exploded in place in the fourth quarter! In just 6 minutes, Liu Mang scored 7 points, McGrady scored 9 points, and the Eagles scored 19 points! The defensive strategy failed, resulting in the Nets' counterattacks. The Hawks played steadily in the fourth quarter. Without the large number of irons brought by the waves in the first three quarters, the Nets did not have a particularly large number of counterattack opportunities. Their lineup Small, the Hawks have an advantage.

When the official suspension was reached in the fourth quarter, the Hawks had 19 points in the first half and the Nets had only 12 points!

120 to 95, 6 minutes left, 25 points difference, the Nets announced their surrender!

Tracy McGrady played 34 minutes, 19 of 38 shots, including 10 of 24 three-pointers, 50 points, 6 rebounds and 7 assists, Liu Mang 7 of 20, 20 points and 16 rebounds. 20 stats, plus a super triple double of 14 rebounds!

Coupled with Jason Terry's 26 points, the Hawks' outside "Big Three" combined to score 96 points, helping the Hawks win the Nets by 130 to 109 points!


With 16 rebounds and a difference of 4, you can get 20 + 20 + 20 triple-double data. Only Wilt Chamberlain in NBA history has ever done it!

Liu Mang also tried to grab a few more rebounds, but he didn't have enough energy ... he was only four rebounds away!

But ... In this way, Liu Mang has made Kwame Brown look at him with a grudge, and the opponent has gone crazy in the fourth quarter. Continue to rebound, Liu Mang is afraid of being killed.

And the task has been completed. After the Nets called a time-out surrender to replace Carter and Kidd who had no rest for three and a half minutes and one second, the prompt to complete the task came immediately.

Liu Mang and McGrady scored 70 points together. The Carters over the Nets scored 46 points. In the fourth quarter, they did not defend on the defensive end. Carter on the offensive end was also a bit unsupportable. Without defensive counterattack, he could not move in singles ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ only scored two points in the last quarter, Kidd scored only 13 points after playing 42 minutes, the two only scored 59 points!

In rebounding, Liu Mang and McGrady combined to get 22, Kidd and Carter had only 13 normal levels, and assisted Liu Mang directly over the 18 assists that Kiddgar Carter got together!

Although Kwame Brown scored 15 points in this game, it was not bad, higher than the average score, but only 6 rebounds, Liu Mang was snatched away!

Although Liu Mang got 16 rebounds, he did not plan to play like this in the future. It was too difficult, and it affected the feel too much! If it's the usual way to grab defensive rebounds, occasionally pick up one or two offensive rebounds, and get six or seven rebounds in one game, this kind of approaching the backline with melee rebounds, physical fitness is not a problem, the problem is that confrontation leads to 'S muscles are stiff, which affects the shooting too much.

Liu Mang knows why the triple-double king averaged double rebounds for two consecutive years, and his shooting percentage is so miserable.

Liu Mang did n’t have to do anything for himself. Liu Mang felt that he should n’t go anymore. Although there are bounces and confrontations, every time he fights his old brush, it ’s not impossible to brush the triple-doubles. Fortunately, a defender grabs so many rebounds, no one inside can grab it, someone inside can grab it, it will affect the younger brother's emotions. Although Kwame Brown dare not to speak, but only dare to watch, but The feeling is affected is the big problem.

Liu Mang finished the game, and the average score fell by 0.1 point ...

But the excitement was indispensable to get a super triple double. Liu Mang and McGrady, who scored 50 points for the first time in the Eagles' career, participated in the post-match press conference.

Liu Mang arrived at the press conference. I didn't expect so much to brush the data for the task before. Now that I have seen the media all surrounding the Nets backcourt duo around the data, I realized that this time I played big!

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