A few minutes later, the patrol guard finally overcame the fear. Step three break out of the exploratory a few people, these people are wearing two bulletproof vest, head with helmet, carefully look around the gun to explore.

"Aha" Chen Xiang and so on hit a big hache, he did not expect the other party's courage was so small. Looking at the slow and careful patrol, Chen Xiang smiles. He even has the intention to let them go and join his subordinates. At this speed, if they want to get out of the corridor on this side of the dock, they can't get out in 20 minutes. I've been fighting for 15 minutes for Xiong Tianliang and Xu Chu. In addition to the next 20 minutes, I calculate how they can take the equipment warehouse there.

"There is no..." there is a character in the patrol guard who is impatient. He thinks Chen Xiang will run after fighting again. Just want to wave his hand to let the companion behind him come forward, don't want to be called by Chen Xiang's Crossbow as soon as this hand is lifted up.

"Hidden!" The other patrol guards saw that someone had been assassinated again, and their heart suddenly raised to their throat. They are most afraid of Chen Xiang's assassination method of shooting several teammates without even seeing a movie. If the enemy can see it, he will die when he faces it. However, Chen Xiang played the role of assassin, which made them struggle in the fear of charge and the desire to survive. The torture method was a little mean. Everyone is afraid of death, can not die, who want to live. Chen Xiang just took advantage of people's psychology to set an example to others and hold more than 20 patrol guards. With a magic cross bow, he made these guards feel cold and dare not move.

When I listen, there is no sound in the distance. Chen Xiang estimated that Xiong Tianliang might have succeeded. Well, the task on my side has been completed. I can't play cat and mouse with these little fish this time. It's time to send them to God.

The arrow was replaced by a feather arrow with a flash bomb. With the sound of a bow string, it exploded in the crowd of patrol guards.

"Ah! My eyes. " The patrolling guards never thought that Chen Xiang would play such a card. Isn't he alone? When facing more than 20 people, shouldn't he choose to kill the enemy first? How can he play this kind of flash bomb that doesn't hurt people but makes people blind for a short time? Because there was no preparation, all the twenty guards were recruited.

Chen Xiang put the crossbow behind him and flashed a curved dagger into the crowd.

"Shua Shua" the Black Dagger cuts through the silent night sky, and the black awn blood splashes everywhere. The blind guards don't know that death has come. He just instinctively covers his eyes with his hands and squats on the ground to wail. The cry just covered up the sound of Chen Xiang's killing. He specially picked the people who bowed their heads and squatted on the ground, and stabbed the guards in the back of the neck, making them dead in silence. Some of them want to escape, but their speed is not faster than Chen Xiang's throwing knife. Chen Xiang has a lot of eyes. He knows who's going to do anything. Once someone gets up and wants to escape, Chen Xiang's throwing knife will hit him in the throat at the first time.

More than ten seconds passed quickly, and the last survivor finally recovered some vision vaguely. His hand touched something sticky on the ground, and he noticed that it was bright red blood! Looking around, he was surrounded by fallen and dead companions.

"Ah! My god! My God... "The surviving member of the Italian skeleton party was scared to pee in an instant. It's only a short time. How can all the people on my side die? Chen Xiang came to him with a bloody dagger in his hand.

"You, you are the devil..." by the moonlight, the skeleton party members can only see the outline of Chen Xiang's body, out of fear, he exaggerated Chen Xiang's ability. Thought he was the legendary bloodthirsty devil. Otherwise, how can you kill all the people in your accident in an instant? Europeans have a habit of calling God whatever is incredible, whether he is Catholic or not. When they meet people they are afraid of, they call each other the devil.

"Tell me your name, maybe I can spare you." Chen Xiang found that the guy in front of him was a coward. He had a whim in his heart. He wanted to leave him to inquire about the skeleton party he didn't know, so he told him in Italian.

The appearance of the skeleton party in yunbao must have something to do with Hua SHAOHAO. If he wants to push to Hua SHAOHAO, he needs to know how many cards Hua SHAOHAO has behind the scenes. Only when you know yourself and the other can you win a hundred battles.

"Won't you kill me?" The survivors of the skeleton party looked at the bloody dagger in Chen Xiang's hand, as if they were too scared to believe Chen Xiang's words.

"It's as easy for me to kill you as to eat pizza. Maybe you can use the information you know for your life." Chen Xiang smiles. It's a wonderful feeling to control people's life and death. Anyway, he's not from Daxia. He doesn't feel guilty when he kills him.

"As long as you don't kill me and let me do anything, please don't kill me." Who wants to die? What's more, the skeleton party has no sense of belonging to hongwumen. Even if it is occupied, it has nothing to do with him. He just came to the wrong place at the wrong time and did something wrong. As long as he has the chance to return home, what happened here today will have nothing to do with him, and he can't let go of his life in order to die, can't he?

"Well, you're a smart man. Then please tell me your name Chen Xiang took back the dagger to show his sincerity. Without the weapons, the skeleton Party member obviously breathed a sigh of relief.

"I, my name is badorio." This member of the skeleton party is very conscious of being a prisoner. When Chen Xiang asked him, he said his name.

"Badorio, that's a good name. So tell me, why are you here? How many skeletons do you have with you? " Chen Xiang asked again.

"How do you know I'm a skeleton?" Badorio's eyes were wide open. It was hard for him to believe what kind of man he was facing. His eyes were burning, as if he could see through his heart easily. He can be sure that he and his companions have never talked about his identity. Is he really a devil with incredible ability to read the secret of my heart?

"You don't need to know that. Please answer my question." Chen Xiang pretended to smile mysteriously and didn't explain much. Interrogation prisoners to have certain skills, it is best to let the other side of the psychological line of defense collapse, so you will quickly know all the information you want to know. Now he's just trying to make bartolio think he knows everything, just to see if he's honest.

"We are appointed by Lord Simon. I don't know what to do. I'm just a member of the bottom. The purpose of this visit may only be known by our head buss. " Baduorio bowed his head in fear. He did not dare to look into Chen Xiang's eyes again. Although Chen Xiang was amiable, in baduorio's heart, he was equal to the devil.

"How many of you have come?" Chen Xiang asked again.

"More than 50 people, we were put on five patrols. My team is the third team. Bass has two teams on the other side of the tower. That's all I know. " Baduorio suddenly found that he knew very little information. He had no more information for Chen Xiang. He was afraid that the information he said could not satisfy Chen Xiang at all. Then Chen Xiang was angry and finally wanted to kill him.

Without waiting for Chen Xiang to speak, there was another "click click" of footsteps in the distance. Chen Xiang didn't panic after hearing this. He found that the footstep of this patrol was different from that of the previous patrol. This time, the voice of special tactics * * shoes is different from that of rubber soled black shoes. This is his own man, Chen Xiang immediately concluded.

"Young master! It's all done. " Sure enough, Xiong Tianliang was the first to appear in front of Chen Xiang's eyes. He ran very fast and ran to Chen Xiang's side in the blink of an eye. He was very excited with a smile.

You don't have to ask Chen Xiang to guess that their operation is very smooth this time. Seeing the black rifle behind Xiong Tianliang, Chen Xiang nodded slightly.

"Who is he?" Xiong Tianliang immediately found baduorio, a very obedient prisoner kneeling on the ground. Then, after scanning the whole scene, Xiong Tianliang found that there were no less than 20 corpses around. That is to say, Chen Xiang himself, in order to buy them time, killed more than 20 fully armed Hongwu men with his bare hands during their attack on the equipment depot, and also arrested a living person. Although he can do it himself, Chen Xiang's family is the master, and the master can do such selfless things for his deployment. Xiong Tianliang still secretly admires Chen Xiang. In his words, he can't do that. Chen Xiang can pay for his subordinates in silence. Chen Xiang has an attraction. He doesn't have any gorgeous words. If he just does a few simple things that can't be done in a simple way, there will be a large number of people willing to follow him. It's a temperament, a leader's temperament. Let a man fascinated, willing to follow in his footsteps to create a future temperament.

"You've come just in time. Arrange two people to look after this person. This person will be of great use to us in the future. The other two teams must be kept here. This is the lifeline of our retreat. " Now they are in the enemy's nest, and the crisis will come at any time. Chen Xiang immediately put himself in a good mood and prepared to attack Blackwater prison.

"All right." Xiong Tianliang received Chen Xiang's order, tied up baduorio like a chicken in his hand, and handed him over to the dragon and tiger team members around him.

"Target Blackwater fortress, let's go!" Stepping on the type 95 rifle, Chen Xiang directs the members of his dragon and tiger team to rush to Heishui prison, the most proud fortress of hongwumen.

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