"Stop, elder martial brother, you will die!" Han Xiang looks at Wu Peng in horror. I don't know what happened here. Why did Wu Peng become such a ghost.

"Xiang'er..." at first sight, Wu Peng heard Han Xiang calling himself. His heart was very excited. But when he found out that Han Xiang was afraid of him as hell after he saw him! She even looked at herself with strange eyes. Although she tried to hide it later, Wu Peng, who grew up with her from childhood, saw through the heart of Han Xiang at a glance.

She's afraid of me? She's afraid of me!

These three words keep rolling in Wu Peng's mind. At this moment, Wu Peng's heart was broken. Looking at the cold fragrance hiding behind Chen Xiang, Wu Peng suddenly gave a silly smile.

"Ha ha... Ha ha..." Wu Peng stopped squeezing his inner power.

The wind stopped, the clouds dispersed and everything was quiet.

"Why did you choose him over me? From small to large, I have been spoiling you, silent guardian of you, what is not better than him? " Wu Peng asked with tears in his eyes pointing at Han Xiang.

"Elder martial brother, don't be like this. I always take it as the best brother... I don't know you treat me..." Han Xiang said.

It's OK that she didn't say this. After that, it stimulated Wu Peng's heart. Feelings of their own have never entered the heart of the cold fragrance, at most, but a growing up brother. I was nothing.

"Ah! Ah, ah Because Wu Peng's mood is out of control, his already chaotic breath is more manic. His body is full of real Qi like a small insect flowing in the blood vessels on the surface of his skin. It looks very strange and ferocious.

"Please stop, elder martial brother. I don't want you to die... "When Han Xiang learned that she had failed Wu Peng, she was also very upset. Looking back at the scenes in which Wu Peng had taken good care of herself, she knelt down in tears.

But now it's too late to say that the true Qi in Wu Peng's body has begun to bite Wu Peng's body.

Wu Peng couldn't hear Han Xiang cry to him in the pain. He begged him to stop his madness. He just instinctively squandered the huge power in his body that didn't belong to him, releasing his pain and anger everywhere.

"Chen Xiang! Help my elder martial brother. I know you must have a way to stop him, don't you? " When Han Xiang saw that Wu Peng had gone mad, he was even more upset. She can only turn to her lover, hoping that he can save Wu Peng, who is going to destruction step by step.

"Don't worry, I'll try my best to save him." Chen Xiang carefully wipe off the tears on Han Xiang's face, and gives her a smile. Even if Han Xiang doesn't say that Chen Xiang has such a plan, Wu Peng has a strong power, but he doesn't start with himself. Chen Xiang has understood his intention to help himself and Han Xiang.

"Wu Peng, since your life is not like death, I'll let you free." Chen Xiangru is thinking of a jump, standing in front of Wu Peng.

"Woo Wu Peng has lost his mind after suffering. Now he is a killing machine that only knows destruction. See in front of Chen Xiang, he did not say a word to hit.

The strong wind blows on his face, and Chen Xiang flies up against Wu penggang's fierce fist.

"Boom!" Chen Xiang was directly smashed by Wu Peng's powerful force, but Wu Peng was not moved by Chen Xiang's grain.

Only one face to face, the power of the two sides to see the difference.

In mid air, Chen Xiang, a pigeon, turning over and landing steadily, looks at Wu Peng with solemn eyes.

The strength of Wu Peng has reached an incredible level. Chen Xiang, who is already an ancient warrior, does not even have one fifth of his strength. No one would believe it, but that's the truth. Chen Xiang just made a trial to make sure that if he was hit by Wu Peng's fist, he would not be seriously injured, at least he would be broken.

"Wu Peng! Wake up! I know you haven't been completely controlled by the demons. Do you want to be seen by Han Xiang? " Chen Xiang gave a hint to Wu Peng with red eyes.

"Roar!" Red eyed Wu Peng could not hear Chen Xiang's words at all. Instead, he regarded Chen Xiang's persuading him as a provocation. This time, even more furious, he once again hit Chen Xiang with his fist, which was more fierce than the previous one.

"The waves are falling!" Chen Xiang had no choice but to take out his unique skills to deal with Wu Peng's attack.

His body quickly turned into a top and collided with Wu Peng's strange power giant fist again.

"Boom!" Chen Xiang was killed again, but this time he was not as lucky as he was just now. This time, he had ten feet in a row and fought against Wu Peng's strange power. Unexpectedly, he was defeated. At the moment when he was hit, Wu Peng's strength was deeply imprinted on Chen Xiang's heart, which made Chen Xiang's whole body full of blood and almost didn't vomit blood on the spot.

"Roar! Kill... Kill me... "While Chen Xiang was in pain, Wu Peng also showed an extremely painful look. His blood red eyes recovered a little, and he begged Chen Xiang to kill him in a very painful voice.

"Poof!" Chen Xiang's condition is even worse than expected. The injury that he thought could be suppressed becomes extremely difficult after he has exhausted Qinglong's Qi in his body. At this time, Chen Xiang realized that without the spirit of Qinglong, his strength would even decline. At this time, he was just a warrior with the highest strength, and his strength and physique were not as good as before.

"Ah Xiang! You were hurt. What about? Is it serious? " When Han Xiang sees Chen Xiang's injury and vomiting blood, he is flustered and runs to help Chen Xiang.

"Roar! Ah, ah Wu Peng's concern for Chen Xiang by Han Xiang once again ignited the fire of jealousy in his heart. Once again, his jealousy wiped out the sense that had just been restored.

"Dong Dong Dong!" Wu Peng took a big stride and ran fiercely towards Chen Xiang.

"I'm fine, you hide!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Xiang quickly raised his spirit again to face the enemy carefully.

"Death Wu Peng roared and swung his fists to smash Chen Xiang flat.

"You want to kill me? It's not that easy! " Chen Xiang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand. He began to take Wu Peng seriously. This was the first time that he had the idea of killing him. Wu Peng was possessed by the devil. He had no reason before, and there was only endless killing in his eyes. It's no longer possible to keep him.

"Ghost step! Ghost! Ghost hands Chen Xiang quickly transported all the internal power of his body, and sent out three moves in a row.

Just as Wu Peng's fists hit Chen Xiang's body, Chen Xiang's body suddenly disappeared.

"Boom!" The whole forbidden area mountain was shaken by the strange force.

Chen Xiang suddenly appears in front of Wu Peng in the next second. The distance between them is only one meter.

At this time, Wu Peng is just at the moment when the old force is exhausted and the new force is not born. He can only stare at Chen Xiang's body and become seven people at the same time!

Each of these seven people is Chen Xiang, whose appearance, movement and expression are all consistent. All Chen Xiang stares at Wu Peng with fierce eyes and surrounds him firmly in the middle.

"This... As like as two peas", Wu Peng was shocked by the scene in front of him. He even forgot about the defense. He just looked at the seven identical Chen Xiang in front of him.

At this time, surprise and life!

The seven Chen Xiang's upper bodies were transformed into seven Chen Xiang's upper bodies at the same time. The forty-nine Chen Xiang attacked Wu Peng at the same time. For a moment, what Wu Peng saw in his eyes was all Chen Xiang's eagle claws attacking him!

Chen Xiang's attack came and went quickly. In fact, this series of attacks is only a blink of an eye. It's dreamy.

How does it feel to be attacked thousands of times in a second?

Let Wu Peng tell you.

Wu Peng's upper body clothes were all broken and turned into strips the size of willow leaves. What used to be mottled skin is now replaced by the scratch of Dao Dao's talons. It's no exaggeration to say that he looks like a zebra with red stripes. It's just that Chen Xiang's talons are not only grasping, but also poking, twisting and buckling. Although these will not be shown in Wu Peng's body, but his body can really bear.

"Eh!" Wu Peng let out a cry and fell to the ground. His whole body muscles and tendons were torn off by Chen Xiang's blow, and there were many fractures in his bones. Now he has become a useless man.

"Poof!" Chen Xiang is also exhausted, plus before has been unable to suppress the recurrence of injury, once again a mouthful of old blood vomited all over the place.

cause destruction to both sides!

"Ah Xiang!" The cold fragrance sees two people fall to the ground not to rise for a long time, all don't say a word, think the battle is over. Once again, she quickly ran to Chen Xiang and cared about his injury.

"I'm fine. I can't die." Chen Xiang holds Hanxiang's hand and gives him a bitter smile. This time, he accompanied Da FA. It was clear that Wu Peng was just an Unknown Warrior, but he didn't want to have such a huge resentment in his body. It was terrible that he was crazy. I almost gave my life away.

"Don't scare me. I don't want you to have an accident." Han Xiang fumbles on Chen Xiang's body for fear that Chen Xiang is comforting her.

"I said it. It's really OK." Chen Xiang was gratified to see that Han Xiang cared so much about himself. His efforts in recent days have not been in vain. Han Xiang has returned to his side. It's all worth it.

"Click!" Just when Chen Xiang and Han Xiang were loving each other, suddenly there was a crisp sound.

Chen Xiang was surprised because it was the sound of a stone being squeezed into powder by a huge force. Chen Xiang slowly follow the reputation to see Wu Peng is covered with blood, unexpectedly stood up again!

"Ha ha... Xiang'er, come to elder martial brother." Wu Peng grinned at Han Xiang. This smile with his bloody face looks very seeping.

"Ah! I'm so scared. " Han Xiang was frightened by Wu Peng's appearance that he was not a ghost. He suddenly rushed into Chen Xiang's arms and didn't dare to look up.

"Xianger... Why don't you want me!..." I'll kill you Wu Peng talked to himself foolishly for a long time. The more he said, the louder his voice was and the deeper his resentment was! Finally, his eyes turned red and he looked at Han Xiang hiding in Chen Xiang's arms. He threatened to kill his favorite younger martial sister, Han Xiang.

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