Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 508 This may not be a coincidence

World Tree is easy to talk to.

But no matter how easy-to-talk a person is, he will not be happy if he is frequently asked to do things.

Therefore, Hardy prepared his 'sincerity' first.

"Under the crown of the World Tree." Hardy said to the purple seedlings in the atrium: "I want to go to the Demon Realm, hoping to get a prop for teleportation back and forth."

The sapling swayed slightly, emitting a faint purple light, and soon a voice echoed in Hardy's ears.

"The devil world is very dangerous."

"The world is very dangerous now." Hardy said with a smile: "It's the same everywhere, and I can transform into a nightmare knight, so it's not actually dangerous."

World Tree sighed softly: "It's a big loss that my granddaughters like you, okay! I can help you, but you have to be careful. It doesn't matter if things can't be negotiated. People need to be safe."

Hardy nodded: "Thank you, Lord World Tree, for your help. I am willing to pay you my prepared sincerity for this."

"How can you be sincere and make me like it too..." World Tree's voice echoed softly in the air, but she suddenly changed her words and said: "Maybe what you gave me is okay. My granddaughters should like it. Tell me."

"From now on, the elves will be citizens of my territory, and they enjoy all the rights of citizens, including the right to live and be promoted."

In other words, Hardy admits that the elves have dual nationality here.

The people of his territory have no privileges among the elves.

It's a bit of an unequal contract.

But in fact, the elves don't really need these things.

"Hey, your idea is not bad, I am very excited." World Tree's voice was a little surprised: "But I have to add a condition."

"Please say."

"I will set up an embassy outside your city, and there will be a teleportation array there. My children can come and go freely in the teleportation array, but humans cannot enter."

Hardy thought about it.

World Tree could have made a request to set up the teleportation array in the center of the city, but she took the initiative and said that it would be placed outside the city, which was to avoid suspicion.

Because if there is a war between humans and elves, this teleportation array may be a weapon for the elves to attack here.

The other party is already very sincere.

Hardy smiled and said, "No problem."

"Then it's settled."

The purple light on the seedling became more and more intense, and finally turned into a purple ball of light.

And after the light ball dispersed, a round wooden crest appeared in front of Hardy's eyes.

Hardy reached out and grabbed it in his hand.

This thing melted in your hand and soon turned into a pool of golden liquid that sank into Hardy's palm.

It stings a bit, but bearable.

This pool of purple liquid turned into a lavender tree-shaped badge in Hardy's palm. It was very light and could not be seen without looking carefully.

"This is the formation for teleporting to the demon world. There is only one chance, once you go and back." World Tree's voice gradually became inaudible: "I'm sleepy, be careful..."

The purple sapling lost its light and returned to its original appearance.

Hardy looked at the palm of his hand, returned to the study, and told Petola about the matter.

Petola was sorting out the documents. She looked into Hadi's eyes and said with a charming smile: "Go early and come back early, and... replenish my energy first. You are mine alone tonight." .”

"What about Sophie?" Hardy asked.

"It's good for her to go with you so that you can take care of her."

"But the teleportation array that World Tree gave me can only teleport one person."

Petra smiled and said: "It's okay. Sophie will leave from the demon clan's public teleportation magic circle. She will find you soon after arriving in the demon world."

Hardy said he understood.

Then he left the City Lord's Mansion and went to the Magic Academy.

In addition to teleporting to the demon world, there is one very important thing to prepare.

That's food.

Everything is lacking in the demon world, and food is hard currency.

If Hadi wants to live there for a long time, he must prepare enough food.

The best way to carry food is... space equipment.

And this kind of thing can only be produced by the E.P.R trio.

But their space rings were full of books and important information, and Hardy was too embarrassed to ask them to borrow them.

At the same time, the creation of space equipment is also quite troublesome.

So the person Hardy found was Patience Lo.

At this time, Patience was doing potion experiments in her laboratory. After hearing Hardy's request, without saying a word, she took out the space ring in her hand and poured out all the magic materials inside. Then put something in Hardy's hand.

Then her eyes were full of worry: "How long will it take?"

"It can be as short as a few days, or as long as about half a month."

Patience pursed her lips, jumped directly into Hardy's arms, and hung on his body, while a pair of long legs tightly wrapped around the boy.

"love me."

Hardy swept all the books on the desk next to him to the floor, and then put this intellectual and beautiful woman on them.

An hour later, Hardy came out of the lab.

It wasn't that he was having all his fun, but that Patience had no fighting ability.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw a little girl with red skin and a broken horn standing at the door, looking outside.

Hardy walked behind her and asked aloud: "Want to go out to play?"

This little thing is Yinghuo, the Flame Star!

She was startled when she heard the sound, turned around and looked at Hadi, backed away hard, and then hid in a corner, squatting with her hands on her head, not daring to look at anyone, and shivering.

Hardy knew that he had scared her, so he said warmly: "I'm sorry, you don't have to be scared. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm leaving now and you have fun."

Hardy smiled and left.

He has a lot to prepare for now, and he can't waste too much time on this little thing.

Hearing the sound of Hardy leaving, Yinghuo raised his head from his hands and looked at Hardy's retreating back, silently in a daze.

Her memory is very strong.

To this day, she still clearly remembers that when she was little, she was lying in a container and listening to this beautiful but cold human brother sentence her mother to death.

She even remembered that she was in a cage, in a dark cage covered by a blanket, listening to the sounds outside.

It was this beautiful brother who, with a cold tone, ordered his mother to be taken away.

Then the mother never came back.

She is afraid of this beautiful brother.

But she doesn't hate him because no one taught her to hate her brother.

My three fathers all said that my beautiful brother was a very nice person.

Even her mother... didn't make her hate this brother.

He even occasionally said quietly: "Yanxing... you have to flatter him and follow him from now on. Only in this way can you survive, do you understand?"

Yanxing was a name secretly given to her by her mother, which is a demonic language.

Yinghuo is the name given to her by her beautiful brother, which is in Elvish language.

Although they are in different languages, the meanings are surprisingly similar!

This must be a coincidence.

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