Chapter 144 Shell Town

 “Rhaegar, do you really want to give me rights?”

Rhaenys’s eyes were wrinkled and she looked at her nephew in disbelief.

 She doesn't want to control power, change her husband's mind, and ease the relationship between Targaryen and Velaryon.

 But she didn’t expect that the opportunity would come in this way.

“You are the princess of the royal family, and you have followed the last wishes of your great-grandfather Jaehaerys. I believe you.”

Rhaegar admitted without changing his expression.

Everyone has doubts.

As the head matron of Velaryon, Rhaenys certainly would not be completely at ease.

It is precisely because Rhaenys has the dual identity of Targaryen and Velaryon that she can act as a bond and achieve her goal without losing any blood.

 After receiving the confirmation, Rhaenys looked down at her husband's painful expression, and she had already made up her mind.

Raising her head again, Rhaenys looked directly at Rhaegar and said solemnly: "I accept your proposal. There are only three descendant families of old Valyria left. Only by uniting can we remain undefeated."

 “The right choice, aunt.”

 After getting the answer he wanted, Rega clapped his hands with a clear voice.


Gluttony stopped breathing dragon flames, roared towards Climax City, and flew high into the air.

That old dragon may return to Chaotou Island at any time, so it must be on alert at all times.

 The dragon flame disappeared, the temperature slowly dropped, and the air circulated again.

 The sea snake opened its mouth wide, breathing air greedily, and its dilated pupils regained their luster.

Just now, he seemed to have seen a stranger.

 He has lived with this feeling for so many years.

Only when I was young, I took a boat on a long voyage to Asshai, and the boat was capsized by a storm on the way, and the people on board were swept into the waves.

Rhaenys stroked her husband's cheek, her eyes firm, and advised: "Corlys, we should reconcile with the royal family."

Having been married for many years, she didn’t want to see her husband go astray.

 “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

The sea snake gasped for air, clearly realizing the different ways of doing things between Viserys and his son.

 He decided to give up his original plan and reconsider the future of his family.

“As long as you can figure it out, if we lose the opportunity, we should learn to let go.”

  Rhaenys is referring to the failure of the competition for the successor of the 101 Great Council.

The sea serpent has always been worried about this matter, believing that his wife can be elected as the heir, and the Velaryon family can use this to achieve a rapid rise in status.

This sense of gap is also one of the main reasons for the break between the sea snake and the royal family.

 Lanino and Lannelle came to their parents' home, and the atmosphere in the family was gloomy.

Rhaenyra walked towards Rhaegar.

Aegon gritted his teeth when he saw this, and stood behind Rhaegar.

 Surrounded by a circle of guards' torches, the two families clearly occupied one side.

“The danger is over and the party is over.”

 After a moment, Lanner spoke first and gave the third sister and brother Rhaegar a forced smile.

 “Go back and rest, it’s getting late.”

The sea snake's legs were sore and weak, but he tried his best to maintain a deep image and invited Rhaegar and his three siblings back to the castle to rest.

At this point, House Velaryon cannot rebel against the kingdom at the risk of losing both sides.

 He has traveled all over the world and has developed a broad mind along the way.

 You won’t lose your head after one failure.

“Thank you, Lord Corliss. You and your family are indispensable friends of the royal family.”

Rhaegar nodded and the matter came to an end.


 Three days later.

There were many guests on Tidehead Island, and ships from all over the harbor filled the harbor, all coming to celebrate Rhaenys’s name day.

 The celebration banquet was held grandly and met the expectations of the guests.

As the master, the sea serpent took his eldest son Lannino to entertain the guests in the castle.

As early as two days ago, Leonor returned to King's Landing, escorting Daemon, who was tied up, on the ship. Lannar volunteered to follow and took her two children with her to King's Landing.

Vagar has not returned yet, and some fishermen said they have seen traces of it on the sea.

The sea serpent did not stop Lannar's approach.

 He has decided to return to royal rule to a certain extent and is not worried about Viserys embarrassing his daughter.

After the celebration is over, he will also lead his family to King's Landing to discuss the issues of the Three Daughters Kingdom and his wife's duties.

 As a politician, Velaryon will make up for the benefits he loses on the other side.


 Shell Town.

 A large theater theatre.

On the occasion of the name of the Uncrowned Queen, many theater actors and circus actors rushed to Chaotou Island, intending to make a fortune.

Rhaegar sat on the edge of the second floor, admiring the theatrical performance below.

 An old drama about the election of the successor of the 101 Great Council.

As expected, the actress playing Rhaenys was quickly knocked to the ground by the actor playing Viserys, representing the failure of the competition for the heir.

 “It’s a boring performance. Why doesn’t the kingdom ban this kind of drama that makes fun of the royal family?”

Rhaegar ate grapes one after another and looked at the seat next to him curiously.

 “Just a bunch of clowns.”

Rhaenys was wearing a black robe and sitting next to him with her legs crossed, watching the performance calmly.

 She could not see a trace of annoyance, and she was still commenting on the actress's ugly appearance, which was detrimental to her image.

“Auntie, today is your name day, are you sure you don’t want to go back to the castle?”

Rhaegar asked casually.

Rhaenys shook her head: "I have already shown up, and I don't want to entertain those female guests anymore. I am bored to death."

 “We’re just going to watch this poor performance?”

Rhaegar speculated on Rhaenys’s purpose in bringing him to watch the play.

 “What else?”

Rhaenys asked back and said, "This is the kingdom's prejudice against women. I believe Rhaenyra has many similar dramas."

 “There are very few theatrical troupes in King’s Landing.”

Rhaegar turned his head and said something irrelevant.

After he was elected as the crown prince, King's Landing was full of dramas about the sleeping young dragon overthrowing the light of the kingdom.

 The play was performed during the day, and the actors’ tongues were cut that night.

 No one knows who did it, but there is no doubt about it.

Since then, there have only been a handful of theatrical troupes in King's Landing, and they only dare to perform vulgar plays to make money.

Rhaenys had heard some rumors and lamented that Rhaenyra had a good brother, and asked: "Are you planning to take back the dragons of Laninor and Lannar?"

Rhaegar shook his head and said: "Once a dragon recognizes its master, it will not accept being controlled by a second person."

“Dating back to the old Valyrian period, forty dragon king families adopted a parliamentary system to maintain their glory for thousands of years.”

"There is only one dragon king family in Westeros, Targaryen. I decided to form a dragon knights legion and bring dragon masters with other than Targaryen surnames under the jurisdiction of the royal family."

 “Is this why you chose to push me to the stage?” Rhaenys was not surprised, but just sighed.

“Targaryen rule comes from dragons, and only dragons can be destroyed.”

Rhaegar uttered the words of his great-grandfather Jaehaerys.

 “I would warn Corliss to give up his unrealistic fantasies.”

Rhaenys sighed, sat back in the chair, and slowly closed her eyes.

Seeing that his aunt had lost the intention to talk, Rega stood up sensibly, grabbed a handful of candied dates and left.

 The celebration is over, and there is still a negotiation waiting for him in King's Landing.

  Three Women's Kingdom is peeping in the dark and will attack at any time.

 The kingdom is internally unstable and cannot concentrate on dealing with external enemies.

Targaryen’s enemies come from outside, Dorne, the Iron Islands, the Free Cities…

The internal power struggle will continue, but it will not break out.



 (End of this chapter)

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