Chapter 193 Haiyan is injured

 The next day, the sun rises.

Hundreds of second sons and illegitimate sons with various equipment guarded the closed gate of the dragon's lair.

Rumble —

The door slowly opened, and two dragon shadows rushed out one after another.


Green dragon flames filled the sky, and the glutton soared into the sky and plunged into the clouds.

Syracuse followed closely behind, chasing towards Blackwater Bay.

 The two dragons flew away, and a slender figure walked out of the dragon cave gate.

Sarah walked up to the Second Son Group and said coldly: "The prince has given the order to go to the port and board the ship."


Rhaegar said: "After you take the dragon egg, just go directly to Chaotou Island."

On one side were Dornishmen with dark hair and dark skin, charging in groups.

 On the beach of Bloodstone Island, a chaotic fight was going on.


 “Kill! Seize Bloodstone Island!”

Rhaenyra stopped Syrax, and the two siblings said their farewells softly.

 The dragon arrived on the battlefield, and the sea serpent raised its scimitar and ordered the fleet to charge.

 The number of warships on both sides is equal, about fifty each.

The jagged Dragonstone Island appears in front of us.

 For a time, howls filled the land, and hundreds of people were killed by scorpion crossbows.

 Not only for the two children, but also for the important task of accompanying Lanner and helping to manage Chaotou Island.

 Stone Step Islands.

Robb got his wish and became the leader of the Second Sons, and rushed to the port with a group of brothers who shared the same illness.

 Sarah turned back and glanced at the shadow of the Dragon Cave gate, and set off with the Second Son Group.

He also promised to place dragon eggs in the cradles of the two children.

 The corpses of both sides fighting were strewn across the field, and the tide washed away the blood that dyed the beach red over and over again.

With the support of the scorpion crossbow, the stainless steel spear is extremely powerful and can easily penetrate the soldiers on the enemy warship and shatter the hull of the warship.


 On this trip, she first returned to Dragonstone Island, and then moved to Chaotou Island.

This move could also heat up the relationship between the Targaryen and Velaryon families.

Dragon roars resounded across the coastline, and the scarlet-scaled Melias and Sea Smoke soared in, spraying dragon flames at the pirate ship below.

 Beyond the island, on the sea, is the battlefield on the other side.


Two dragons, one black and one gold, soar over the sea, gliding at low altitude from time to time, their feet cutting across the sea level.

Rhaenyra is the nominal adoptive mother of Lannar's two children.

 “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”



 “Attack! Put down the ramming horn!”

 After discussion with her father, it was agreed that she would ride the dragon and leave King's Landing.

 Over Blackwater Bay.

 The sun is getting higher.

Rhaenyra sat in the saddle, caution.

“Rhaega, please pay attention to safety when you arrive at the Stepstone Islands.”

The pirate ships of the Three Women's Kingdom are far apart, with scorpion crossbows loaded and ready to go.

Rhaegar flew the Glutton over Dragonstone, exited the Throat and headed straight for the Stepstone Islands.

With a command, the Scorpion Crossbow fired out steel spears, streaking across the sky like meteors.


Cole, who was wearing silver armor and white robes, looked solemn and led the king's soldiers to resist bravely.

 The upper decks of battleships with seahorses and mermaids painted on canvas were filled with soldiers, shooting bows and arrows.


Under the bombardment of the dragon, the pirates of the Three Women Kingdom lost their sense of control for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, several ships were burned down by the dragon's flames.

 “Ready the scorpion crossbow and aim at the dragon!”

 Dozens of scorpion crossbows were recharged and aimed at the two giant dragons flying in the sky.


While the giant dragon was spraying dragon flames, it lowered its height and the scorpion crossbows shot out one after another.     "Escape!"

Rhaenys gave a loud command, and Melias burned the mast of a pirate ship with a burst of dragon flame and flexibly lifted into the air.

The scarlet dragon shadow is like a rainbow light, and no steel spear can get close to it.


A painful hissing sound was heard. Haiyan, who was flying too low, could not avoid it in time and was hit by a scorpion crossbow.

 A fine steel spear penetrated the light gray wing membrane of the sea smoke, and hot dragon blood scattered on the sea.

 The wing membrane was damaged, Haiyan screamed repeatedly, and flapped its wings, struggling to maintain balance.

Lanino was shocked and said in a panic: "Sea smoke, fly up!"

It's all because he was too impatient. In order to destroy the pirate ship, he drove the sea smoke to fly too low.


Hai Yan barely managed to steady her figure, screaming and flying high into the sky, constantly spitting dragon flames to vent.

 “Keep your head high and don’t be greedy for success!”

Rhaenys saw the danger just now and shouted worriedly.

The scorpion crossbow is powerful enough to break the scales of an adult dragon. The stainless steel spear has barbs that are difficult to remove when shot into the dragon's flesh.

Hai Yan is still just a sub-adult dragon, his body is not big enough and his scales are not strong enough.

 Fortunately, it was penetrated through the wing membrane.

If shot in the neck or torso, it is easy to lose the ability to fly, fall into the sea and be shot.

 “You go and support your father!”

Finding that the scorpion crossbow below continued to be filled, Rhaenys did not intend to confront the enemy head-on.

Dozens of scorpion crossbows may not be able to hurt Melias.

 It’s hard to say about Lanino and Haiyan.

 Lanino struggled in his eyes, but looking at Haiyan’s bleeding wing membrane, he chose to obey his mother’s instructions.

Rhaenys breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the pirate ship with a solemn expression.

 “Melias, Dragon Flame!”


Melias, who had not been on the battlefield for a long time, was very excited. He flexibly changed direction and lit up the pirate ships with dragon flames.

 Limited to the attack distance, the power of dragon flames is greatly weakened.

It can only ignite the mast and deck of the pirate ship, but cannot cause large-scale damage.

The fleet led by the Sea Snake arrived and collided head-on with the pirate ship. The soldiers jumped to the opposite side of the deck and started fighting.


 Two dragons hovered in the sky, spraying dragon flames from time to time.


 The melee lasted for a long time, and a dull horn sounded.

More than thirty warships sailed from the distant sea, hung with canvases depicting spears that penetrated the sun.

Dornish support has arrived.

 The warships were very fast, and they attacked the fleet led by the Sea Snake in tandem with the pirates of the Three Women Kingdom.


The Dornishmen drew their bows and fired arrows, regardless of the life or death of their allies.

Arrows fell like raindrops, and the soldiers and pirates who were fighting together were hit by arrows one after another, and they kept wailing.

Haiyan was restrained by the scorpion crossbow and wandered to the edge of the battlefield, taking advantage of the gap when the scorpion crossbow was filled to launch an attack.

 Rhaenys drove Melias to jump and move in the air, bombarding the pirate ship with the pressure of the scorpion crossbow.

After the first wave of arrows passed, the Dornishmen continued to draw their bows and slaughter mercilessly.

The sea serpent is attacked from both sides, dodging arrows that don't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and fighting against the fierce pirates.

 “Collis, there are too many enemies!”

 The soldiers suffered heavy casualties. Rhaenys's eyes were solemn, knowing that the situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable.

 If we delay any longer, our fleet will be destroyed.

At this time, even if the two dragons attack with all their strength, they still cannot change the disadvantageous situation of the battle.

 After all, the war is fought by human beings, and the life and death of the soldiers cannot be ignored.

The sea serpent heard his wife's call and said in a loud voice: "Hold on, the fleet from Storm's End will be here soon!"

 The war has reached this point, and you can’t just leave if you want.

 From the time when the Dornishmen came to support the Three Daughters, they launched large-scale attacks every day.

 The kingdom’s fleet only came to White Harbor and the warships of the Celtija family on Crab Island, and could not consume the alliance of Dornishmen and the Three Female Kingdoms at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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