"I think my conditions have shown enough sincerity, Agent of Ability God."

He spoke slowly, his pale and withered skin wrinkled together, as if it would fall apart in the next second.

The Three-Eyed Crow was a little angry, but more of it was helpless. It was true that he said there was nothing he could do about Clay. When his crow observed Clay, he was shocked by the magic filled in Clay's body.

He had already tried to use the power of magic to interfere with this "heresy" running rampant in the north, but it had no effect at all.

"No, in my opinion, you call me the agent of the power god, so there is no basis of trust between us. Besides, Lord Three-Eyed Crow, how do I know that you will fulfill your contract?"

At this time, Clay no longer needed to pretend, so he simply pointed out the other party's identity.

The three-eyed crow's bloody pupil dilated slightly, obviously surprised that Clay knew his identity. After a long time, he spoke:

"You surprised me again, Agent of Ability God. I don't seem to have appeared in front of you before. How did you know my identity?"

His question was met with a set of white teeth and a slightly mocking voice from Clay:

"As you said, it's not important."

Clay thought to himself, if I tell you that your body is outside the wall again, will you be so frightened that your three eyes will turn into four?


Taking a deep breath, the Three-Eyed Crow decided to give up on this issue. He finally understood what the basis of trust was for the infuriating agent of the power god in front of him.

"Well, as you wish, I want to hear your terms."

To be honest, Clay doesn't want to fall out with the Three-Eyed Crow. Be ruthless. If Bran is not under his control, what does it have to do with him whether he dies or not?

If these great nobles from the Seven Kingdoms are regarded as investment targets, to be honest, none of them are high-quality targets. If you don't believe it, just look at the outcome. Within a few years, almost all of these famous dukes died.

The old wolf died on the guillotine, the old Duke of the Tully family died of illness, Lord Tywin died in the toilet, all the Tyrell and Baratheon families died, the prince of Dorne was assassinated, and the now deceased Prime Minister Jon ·Aelin, it can be said that the death rate is full.

Therefore, this is why Jon Snow, who has the halo of the protagonist, can cheat all the way, from the bastard to the Commander-in-Chief of the Night Watch, and then to the King of the North. Because everyone with prestige and ability has died, only then can he get his turn. he.

Frankly speaking, Clay most wants to invest in Daenerys, who is far away across the Narrow Sea, but now, he lacks an opportunity, and Daenerys, who has not experienced blood and fire, is also an unqualified candidate. Gillian.

"You can do what you want to Bran, but the magic of the Northern Heart Tree must be open to me, and the previous requirements are still valid."

This was Clay's condition. In fact, he had no intention of asking the other party to actually get him a dragon or a hatchable dragon egg. The real purpose was the magic power in the heart tree.

He is not Daenerys, and leaving aside the question of whether he can control dragons, at this stage it is impossible for him to abandon White Harbor, one of the most prosperous cities in Westeros.

White Harbor is not Essos. As long as Daenerys solves her own safety problem, no one can do anything to her dragon. But imagine raising a dragon to play in White Harbor?

With Xiaolong's growth rate, no matter how good the confidentiality work is, he will inevitably be discovered. Then there will be fun. There is a high probability that the Seven Kingdoms will stop the civil war and directly march to White Harbor.

The best ending is that the dragon is snatched away or killed under the force of the soldiers, and flies away by himself if he is lucky. Then Clay is deprived of his status as the heir, puts on black clothes and goes to the Great Wall to eat snow foam with Jon Snow.

However, things never go as Clay thinks.

"Okay, but I also have a condition. Except for Winterfell, all the weirwood trees in the North under the protection of my Lord have magic power, but this magic power has an upper limit. You can't do what you did in the godswood. That would Causes serious damage to the tree itself.”

I understand, you can smoke, but not too hard, um, it's acceptable.

etc! Did He agree to really get himself a dragon?

Clay just reacted and before he could open his mouth, he heard His voice:

"The deal is done, Agent of the Ability God. You can contact me when you touch the weirwood in the future. I look forward to seeing you next time."

The throne room distorted in front of Clay's eyes, and then his eyes blurred, and he returned to the hall of Winterfell again, and not a single minute passed here.

Looking at Clay's somewhat stiff posture, Rob asked doubtfully:


Being brought back to reality by this sound, Clay finally reacted and quickly let go of Bran. In his field of vision, a magic thread broke through the wall and wrapped around Bran's body again, but this time For once, Clay didn't stop.

He stood up straight and bowed to Duke and Duchess Stark, who were looking at him with smiles.

"Okay, Clay, go back. Remember, you are always welcome in Winterfell."

The towering walls of Winterfell have been left behind by Clay. Clay, who was riding a horse, breathed in the cold air of the north and looked at his grandfather who was as tall as a city wall.

"I have to say, kid, you did a pretty good job this time."

Seeing his grandson looking at him, Earl Weiman turned his head, touched his gray beard and smiled.

He is now very satisfied with his grandson who has returned from Essos. He dares to kill Lannister, has made good friends with the Stark family, and has good sword skills.

What made him unhappy was that he shouldn't have let Vera run wild when he came out this time, otherwise Clay wouldn't have gone into the dungeon. He shouldn't have such thoughts after his efforts on Wilfield failed. of.

What’s more, the choice of the guard captain was also mistaken. He already knew about Clay sleeping in the mud. In addition, Vera was harassed. If it weren’t for the wrong occasion, Count Weiman would have hanged this guy named Hosta. The guard captain has the heart.

Earl Wyman felt very happy when he looked at the White Harbor Guards surrounding him.

When they just left the city, the Lannister king who got the news actually sent someone to stop Clay and himself from leaving. Seeing this scene, his 100 cavalrymen directly drew their swords from their sheaths. Those idiots were really scared to death, and they gave up. The army moved out of the way.

Clay, who was watching this scene, had the same feeling. Sure enough, a big fist is the last word. No matter if you are a queen or not, in this world, when your fist is big enough to crush everyone, you are a king.

All the way south along the Bairen River, a week later, Clay once again smelled the unique salty smell of the seaside, and also saw the huge city at the end of the field of vision, wrapped by a giant gray wall.

The mermaid flag was flying, and only under this flag did Clay feel the relaxation he had not seen for a long time.

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