Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1071: Spaceport

The crystallization of technology is undoubtedly a treasure.

The application of this treasure is familiar to Cheng Yuan.

But the current problem is that Cheng Yuan finds that to really apply this treasure, it needs infinite imagination.

Cheng Yuan himself is not a genius. His genius titles are all blessed by the crystallization of technology.

He knows this very well.

If a real genius can master the crystallization of technology, what kind of explosive power will it show?

Of course, Cheng Yuan is also a selfish person.

The inheritance of technology crystals He will never give to outsiders, only his direct blood relatives and offspring can master the technology crystals!

He does not expect that his offspring will be geniuses, but he believes that if his descendants inherit the crystallization of science and technology, they will definitely be better than him.

After all, in addition to one's imagination, there are all external factors such as the conditions of the time, the environment of life, and so on.

It's as if the ancients could never think of a refueling car or an airplane flying in the sky.

This is not to say that the ancients were not as intelligent as us, but that the times in which they lived limited their own vision and imagination.

This principle can also be applied to Cheng Yuan. The era he is in is, after all, an era when the universe has been initially developed!

And this era was pioneered by him.

No matter how the future develops, his thoughts and his vision have stopped here.

This is not a joke, but the environment in which he has lived since he was a child has long been fixed, and a fixed cognition has been formed in his thinking, which is very difficult to change.

Even if he absorbs the civilization technology of the Crystal Empire or sees the technical level of the Zerg, that can only provide him with a reference direction.

The technology of these two civilizations can only allow him to imitate through the crystallization of technology, but cannot expand his imagination and allow more novel things to appear.


The Saturn development plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

After multi-party consultations, all countries continue to make this great pioneering work under the leadership of Huaxia based on the Earth Federation.

As for Mars, although there are still some people who are not willing, this unwillingness can only be buried deeply in the bottom of their hearts, and they dare not take the slightest move.

The technology crystallization company is a towering mountain that stands in front of their ambitions. They cannot climb or dig!

Today's technology crystallization company is no longer the simple technology company, but a group company across all fields!

The company's business has long been extended to all walks of life, including personal food, clothing and housing!

Faced with such a company, what can they do without official support?

So these people can only focus on the Saturn development plan, they hope to get enough benefits in this development.

This benefit includes money and power.

For this reason, as the port city for the construction of this spaceship, the entire Nanhai city is lively!

However, after the first month, it was immediately realized that a construction plant alone could not meet the needs of the entire Saturn development program.

Even if the space port factory in Nanhai City is fully intelligent, it will take a full nine days to build an 800-meter-long medium-sized spacecraft.

Large ships will take 27 days!

You can only build four medium spaceships and one large spaceship after a full month!

But in fact, because the construction factory can only accommodate two ship bases for simultaneous operation, only one large spaceship and three medium spaceships can be built in a month!

This is also calculated at the highest operating speed.

With this calculation, the staff responsible for the project immediately reported the situation and requested the establishment of more space ports and the construction of a factory to meet the spacecraft needs of the entire project.

After understanding the situation, Wang Dongqing kept looking for Zheng Jia.

Although Wang Dongqing hoped to find Cheng Yuan to talk about this matter, the problem was that when he contacted Cheng Yuan, he was directly rejected and asked him to ask Zheng Jia about this.

"General Zheng, only a space port in Nanhai City cannot meet the needs of the Saturn project!" Wang Dongqing sat on the sofa and looked at Zheng Jia with a sad expression on his face.

However, from time to time, he looked at the smart and capable woman beside Zheng Jia. He felt this impression, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"Mr. Wang, do I remember that the country already had several space ports under construction in the early years?" Zheng Jia frowned. As one of the participants, Cheng Yuan explained that they only provide technical support but are not responsible for anything else. .

And building a space port is certainly not within their responsibility!

Wang Dongqing responded quickly: "Yes, there are five, but you also know that we are absolutely inferior to your company in terms of technology, so these space ports are currently only used to dock our previous spacecraft and maintenance functions. . "

"Then we can't help it." Zheng Jia shook his head, saying that he could not do anything about it.

Nothing like Wang Dongqing said, Zhangkou is like letting them build a new space port. Is this possible?

Even the company just set up a space port in Nanhai City. After the completion, it did not mean to build a second space port!

Moreover, the space port in Nanhai City has not been used much since it was completed. If it were not for the Saturn development plan, it might still be a company's large warehouse and a dock for small spacecraft.

"Mr. Zheng, don't rush to refuse first. Of course, we will not let your company build a space port for us for nothing. We are also responsible for providing all necessary materials and manpower. We only need your company to take charge of the construction."

Wang Dongqing stared at Zheng Jia and continued, "Of course, we will pay 80 million credits for your company in each space port." As a hard currency today, the purchasing power of credits is very strong.

Credit points, both in their own value and in liquidity, far surpassed the previous dollar and euro.

After the countries were attacked by the smart weapon ~ ~ Currency depreciation was like paper, and due to the strong purchasing power of the credit of the technology crystallization company, it also directly defeated other currencies at that time and became the most circulating currency at that time.

Over time, although countries reopened their currency systems immediately after re-establishment, they have long been unable to restrict the use and circulation of credit points.

People are more inclined to use credits to buy items than their own currency.

After Wang Dongqing proposed an 80 million credit point for a space port, Zheng Jia was not ready to refuse.

After all, it's too cheap to build today. If there wasn't a billions or tens of billions of dollars before building a space port, you don't have to think about it, but now 80 million credit points of a space port can basically be said to be a big profit!

It was as if launching a rocket once cost tens of millions. Now you can go to space for a lap.

"I can promise to help with the construction, but it ’s just that the space port does n’t have a factory, isn't it? The new space port is also used there as a tarmac?" Zheng Jia smiled slightly, watching Wang Dongqing teased.

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