Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1020: This is too simple!

"Guys, stop your hands and see what I found !?" A Jingling clapped his palm vigorously, attracting the surrounding companions with applause.

"An alien spaceship! It's really rare. Have you received any news about the alien's entry?"

The clapping Jingling gestured to his companion for the new spaceship appearing on the screen and muttered in his mouth.

"Ekdo, there is no need to make any fuss. It's just an alien spaceship. We've seen a lot before.

Besides, with the scorched situation that the Senate is now fighting with the rebels, they will not care about border planets like us, and want them to remind us, are you kidding me? "

The Jingling companion glanced indifferently at the spaceship hovering outside the planet, without any interest, and at the same time hesitantly mocked the recently infamous Senate.

In his view, it doesn't matter whether there are aliens or not, just manage this planet and don't let yourself die here.

If the Zerg had created the vortex area, he would not want to stay on this planet.

Even if the environment of this planet is pretty good, but he always thinks that returning to his hometown is the best.

"Mam, don't be so pessimistic. When their battle is over, no matter who wins, there will always be people who think of it here. They can't let a high-quality planet go." Ai Keduo said softly.

Of course, his view is almost the same as that of Ma Mum, and he doesn't care much about the Senate.

After all, they are considered the abandoned group.

Although the Zerg created a huge vortex area, but as long as the people in the Senate think.

They can still send a fleet to pick them up.

But now it seems that the other party has no such thoughts at all, nor gives them any instructions or promises.

"Well, I don't care who is in power, so how do we face these outsiders and take the initiative to chat?" Mamu motioned to Ike to look at the screen more.

The alien spacecraft on the screen separated two small reconnaissance planes and rushed directly to the planet.

Ekdo almost didn't think about it, "We don't have many weapons in our hands, we still talk on our own initiative. If we can talk peacefully, then everything is easy to say."

A trace of worry flashed through Ekdo's eyes. He sighed and said in a deep voice: "Be prepared for the highest level of alert, don't forget that we have just experienced the war, this time we come to our crystal territory The purpose is not simple. "

"Okay!" Mamu nodded, then turned around to signal the companions who hadn't spoken from beginning to end.

Counting these people, they have a total of fourteen.

Originally, the planet was not alone, but they had hundreds of people.

But after the Zerg attacked, some people ran away.

After the Zerg created the vortex area, some people who wanted to go home left.

These people who left are currently alive or dead. They stay in the planet and they don't know at all, and those who left haven't sent back a little message.

So silently disappeared.

After a long time, everyone including Aikeduo is sure that these people are 90% probable.

"Guys, get ready to arm, and if the communication is not going well, we have to work hard." Mamu smiled brightly on his face, trying to speak as easily as possible about the misfortune they might encounter next.

The rest of the people knew that the arrival of those aliens was very likely to conflict, and they followed Mam silently wearing weapons.

On the other side, the two reconnaissance planes under intelligent control had just broken through the atmosphere and received the signal from Jingling.

"There is a signal coming, this planet is not barren." As soon as he saw the transferred signal, Yang Yu's originally excited expression calmed down a little.

Although he was excited at the beginning, but such a high-quality planet, and within the territory of Jingling civilization, they cannot be deserted and not used.

"Translate." Yang Yu ordered the central intelligence.

"Outsiders, welcome to visit Krkdo Planet, please indicate your identity and explain your intentions."

The alien's voice made Yang Yu, Wang Xing and Zhang Qian all nervous and excited.

This is a dialogue with aliens!

Maybe they were the first team to talk to aliens!

"How to reply?" Yang Yu glanced at Wang Xing and Zhang Qian beside him.

"Think about it for yourself. After all, you are the leader of this team." Zhang Qian directly threw the question back to Yang Yu without asking Wang Xing's opinion.

Wang Xing thought about communicating with this alien at first, but Zhang Qian said that he also understood his position.

"You say it."

Yang Yu watched the two men push the issue back to himself, and he did not evade it. After thinking for a while, he opened the cosmic scan of the base spaceship and checked the surrounding conditions.

Combining with the surrounding conditions, he replied: "Hello, we are a cosmic exploration team and accidentally discovered that there is still a well-preserved planet here.

It ’s incredible, so let ’s take a look. After all, it ’s just a few light years away, but there is a mess. "

Yang Yu looked at the chaotic situation around the scan, he didn't know the specific situation, he just said vaguely.

In order to prevent these Jingling from leading the topic to the surrounding chaos, Yang Yu added: "Perhaps, do you need some help?"

Speaking of this sentence, Wang Xing and Zhang Qian looked at him in surprise.

"Yang Yu, don't you wait for them to reply? Are you sure that this will not cause unnecessary misunderstanding?" Zhang Qian reminded carefully.

"Maybe, but you told me what to say. Do you tell them directly that we are here to occupy this planet?" Yang Yu said he was also innocent.

This is the first time he has communicated with an alien. He doesn't know what to say. It is already very good to have the current performance.

On the other side, Actor and Mamu heard Yang Yu's reply and were a little surprised.

He did not use lingua franca in this communication, but their own language.

But the other party could reply so quickly.

This shows that the other party has some kind of highly technical translation equipment.

From this point of view only ~ ~ The other party is not a small civilization exploration team.

"The other party thinks we need a little help. What do you think they mean?" Ekdo asked.

Mum frowned for a moment, and looked up at Actor: "Maybe we can try to accept them. After all, it seems that they are not bad at the moment. We have no defense devices outside the planet. Just rush in. "

"Moreover, we have only fourteen people. It is unclear about their weapon assembly and their number."

Obviously, Mamu does not want to have any conflicts with the other party, he hopes to live well.

For his choice, Ekdo looked at others.

"I support Mam, he is right, I don't want meaningless sacrifices, if they can really help us, I think this is not unacceptable."

"me too."

Others nodded one after another and agreed with Mam.

The Senate has abandoned them, and they have no reason to continue to defend the planet for the Senate!

Actor saw that his companions chose to accept each other's help, he could only sigh in his heart, hoping that the other party really had plans to help them, not a confused excuse.

"Yes, foreign friends."


Outside the planet, Yang Yu and they heard each other's neat reply, everyone was stunned.

This is too simple, right?

Won't it be a trap?

The three looked at each other and didn't know what to do for a while.

Yang Yu even had a headache. He just casually talked to each other, but he didn't expect that the other party should get down!

So now are they going, or are they going, or are they going?

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