Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1045: Times have changed, kid

"Technology Gate (

Cheng Yuan didn't notice the angel's actions, and his eyes had been on the red star for the past few months.

After a few months, he and Ling made relatively intensive observations of all the creatures on the red star, including Jing Ling.

After the elemental energy entered their cells, no very special changes occurred.

Except for those animals that are more active, on the contrary, there is no special change in the shinny.

Through their performance and zero analysis, Cheng Yuan looked at the results of the feedback a bit puzzled.

The elemental energy didn't transform or strengthen Jingling's body, it seemed to be directly lurking inside their cells.

Such a change made Cheng Yuan a little unpredictable about the elemental energy.

Why is it so obvious in animals, but there is no response to Jingling.

Is there something wrong on the genetic level?

The animals used for the experiment were all sent by him from the earth to the red star, while Jingling was another civilized race.

"Zero, do you think this elemental energy is not effective to Jingling?" Cheng Yuan was a little bit happy and worried in his heart.

Fortunately, if the elemental energy really doesn't react to Jingling, it is definitely a good thing for him.

With these crystal spirits carrying elemental energy in their bodies, Cheng Yuan would never let them leave the red star alive.

Either stay on this planet all your life, or destroy them directly!

Who knows that elemental energy is not manifested in them, will it be manifested in their offspring?

Cheng Yuan would naturally kill this uncertain situation.

Regarding Jingling as the target of the experiment is not how much experimental data he wants to obtain through Jingling.

This was just incidental, he was just wondering what changes and reactions the elemental energy and Jing Ling would produce.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the elemental energy does not match the shinling, and there is no response from either side.

I took another look at the change data on those animals and the data of Jingling.

Cheng Yuan rubbed his forehead.

At this time, Zero suddenly said, "I can try it with my own body. Maybe it's not that there is no response, but the elemental energy will not produce an explicit response on the body of the advanced intelligent life."

When Zero said so, Cheng Yuan immediately held on to the movement of his hand.

He was surprised: "Explicit reaction!?"

Cheng Yuan was stunned, and then suddenly said: "You mean that compared with the instinctive reaction of animals, primates have higher intelligence, but on the contrary they cannot feel the elemental energy and cannot control it, right?"

Cheng Yuan suddenly remembered that Yan Angel had indeed said that they used their mental power to control elemental energy.

It's just mental power, something that is more mysterious, Cheng Yuan and Zero One Time didn't know how to explain it.

"You are talking about the spiritual instinct control of Yan Angel's metaphor?" Cheng Yuan felt that the style of painting was a bit wrong.

Zero also frowned, and said, "Mental power may be a general term for attention, thinking, and willpower. You can only know what it is if you try it yourself."

"Okay." Cheng Yuan nodded slightly, "What are you going to do? Make a new body in Chixing?"

In Cheng Yuan's view, it was impossible for him to let Zero run to Chi Xing himself.

In this case, Zero wants to participate in the experiment personally, and can only recreate a body for himself.

"I'm going to do this." Zero nodded, then asked: "What about those Jinglings, continue to observe or..."

Zero looks at Cheng Yuan.

"Kill all!?" Cheng Yuan blinked, some of them couldn't understand what Zero wanted to express.

"Uh... I mean, find a few shinlings to train and see if my guess is correct."

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he felt that Cheng Yuan was sometimes worse than him.

It turned out not to destroy those shinny spirits.

Seeing the black line on his face, Cheng Yuan smiled awkwardly: "Whatever you want, as long as the experiment goes on smoothly."

As soon as the conversation turned, Cheng Yuan said solemnly: "However, after the experiment is successful, they must be eliminated!"


This time, Zero also nodded seriously.

After the two communicated their opinions, Cheng Yuan put aside the things at hand, stretched his waist, and prepared to go out for a stroll.

I haven't paid attention to the outside situation for several months, and I don't know what it looks like.

What happened to the last spaceship attack! ?


Earth, joint headquarters.

In the conference room of the joint headquarters, representatives from various countries have long been quarreling. Let the entire conference room look like the vegetable market outside.

A fat white-skinned man pulled his tie, untied the opening under his neck, opened his eyes blushing, and stared at the gray-haired old man sitting opposite him.

"Andrew, I don't want to waste saliva with you anymore. If you don't agree to our request, then go to war!"

Fatty Bai angrily tapped his fingers **** the desktop.

Facing the angry white fat man, the gray-haired old man Andrew sneered: "Jeff, you don't have to scare me. If you want to go to war, I'll be with you at any time."

Andrew's dark green eyes were like eagles, his pupils moved slightly, and he looked at the angry Jeff, and smiled: "According to the law of the universe, my company is the first to plant crops on planet B-145."

"And you!" Andrew smiled disdainfully: "You are only the first discoverer, and it is still uncertain whether it is the real first discoverer! A recorded video is not strong evidence."

"You are quibbling!" Hearing Andrew's words, Jeff was like an angry bull, slapped his desktop vigorously, as if using this method to vent his anger and dissatisfaction.

"This is not my final decision. I believe the Aerospace Agency will make a fair and just judgment." Andrew said, looking at a Chinese man sitting in the center of the conference room.

Space Agency.

The Human Federation was established as the largest institution after entering the interstellar age of the universe.

It is also the most powerful institution.

As the main judge of this meeting, Fang Zhe's heart did not fluctuate at all.

He has dealt with this kind of nonsense problem, and he has no idea how many cases.

Since mankind entered the era of interstellar development, thousands of usable planets have been discovered.

In order to belong to these planets, such things have long been commonplace for him.

Just listen to Fang Zhe’s voiceless voice: “According to the relevant regulations of the Cosmos Law, planet B-145 belongs to Andrew Company. The testimony material is that he planted the first crop on planet B-145.

After speaking of his judgment, Fang Zhe asked again: "Then Mr. Andrew, have you made a new decision on the name of planet B-145?"

The old man Andrew seemed to be ready for a long time, and immediately replied after hearing the words: "I have already thought about it, that planet will be named Andrew Star from now on!"

Speaking of this, an excited red light appeared on the face of the originally calm old man.

But Andrew quickly got himself back to normal, then the other Zhe said.

"Mr. Judge, I want to report one thing to you. A few months ago, a spaceship that departed from Phantasy Star was attacked. Among those attacked was this Mr. Jeff's fleet."

"I have prepared the evidence." Andrew said, taking out a circular data medium.

Jeff was startled by Andrew's behavior. Then he snorted and retorted: "Mr. Judge, this is slander! My company is an employment company!

Although the company has many fleets, they are basically under the name of my company. We are of an employment nature.

Their personal actions cannot be used as evidence As we all know, mercenaries are a group of greedy guys. Without legal constraints, who knows what crazy actions they will make. "

Jeff seemed to have known that someone would attack him with this incident, so he was prepared to deal with it early.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Andrew ferociously.

In response to him, Andrew smiled like a gentleman.

The old man seems to be saying, I just want to disgust you like this!

However, this question caused Fang Zhe, who had been expressionless, frowned slightly.

As the first attack in the history of Interstellar Development, the attention has naturally not completely faded.

Fang Zhe said: "Mr. Andrew, if you know anything, please give me the relevant information, and I will submit it to the headquarters. If you just maliciously attack Mr. Jeff, then I will punish you for your actions."

Andrew smiled slightly: "Of course, Mr. Judge, I have a lot of valuable information here."

Andrew pointed to the circular data medium.

Fang Zhe didn't care about Andrew's plan, he just had to get relevant evidence.

After getting the media, Fang Zhe directly announced the end of the meeting.

Watching Fang Zhe strode away, Jeff stared at Andrew with a grim look: "You are looking for death! You are looking for death, do you understand? Do you know how many people and forces are involved in this incident?"

Andrew still had a smile on his face: "Of course, my friend! But it is because so many people are involved that I have to say it even more. Do you really think that you are still in the US?

Don't be naive, kid! Times have changed!

In their eyes, you are just an object that can be eliminated at any time! "

With a cold smile, Andrew turned around and left.

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