Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 401:

Enron was taken away, and just before stepping out of his villa on the front heel, the news of his being taken away quickly spread within the area of ​​the Anhe Chamber of Commerce.

After he was taken away, the procuratorate directly entered the Dawei Group to lead personnel from the industrial and commercial and taxation departments.

This series of actions was very abrupt. Neither the provincial government nor the municipal government received any news. It came so suddenly, and then suddenly took away Enron.

Not only that, two hours after taking away Enron, a big man in the provincial government was also taken away.

A thunderous action ended before everyone had time to react.

Although this operation is over, everyone in the Ontario system is trembling.

The news of Zhu Mingliang and Kong Jie was still well informed. They were received shortly after the big brother in Enron and the province was taken away.

"If you don't take it, you just take it up," Kong Jie groaned. At the same time, he knew more about Cheng Yuan's background.

Zhu Mingliang also smiled bitterly. "I didn't expect that the support for him was so great. It seems that we still miscalculated!"

Both of them were extremely emotional at this time, and at the same time they were deeply apprehensive about Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan doesn't care what kind of impact the above actions will cause. At this time, he has focused his attention on his own affairs, and Enron is just a jumping beam clown in his eyes.

It's not worth his trouble.

The construction progress of the engineering robot is very fast. After the ordered materials have been transported, the construction of the cutting-edge laboratory began. However, Cheng Yuan encountered a problem from the beginning of the construction, and this problem made Cheng Yuan feel extremely depressed. That is the rental and use of excavators.

The core matrix of the engineering robot does not have the operating information of the excavator, and he does not understand this, and the information found on the Internet is incomplete. For this reason, he also secretly filmed the entire learning of the excavator school through satellites. Process.

Looking at the material accumulated beside the cutting-edge experimental division site, but the middle was empty without any engineering robots working, which made Cheng Yuan stare.

No way, until the engineering robot learns the operation of the excavator, the construction of the cutting-edge laboratory can only be stopped.

This made Cheng Yuan have to temporarily put aside the things in the cutting-edge laboratory and focus on satellite matters, but the satellite incident also left Cheng Yuan speechless.

First of all, he wants to build his own satellite launch base, and the construction of this base also requires excavation of the foundation! So this project is directly stuck like the cutting-edge laboratory.

The only comfort for Cheng Yuan is that his engineering robot has entered formulas for anti-gravity applications, as well as relevant data for satellite construction.

The satellite that Cheng Yuan wants to shoot, not only includes the prism holographic projection function, but also needs to be explored externally. If he does not want to create a strong space telescope like Hubble, he only needs to be able to observe the solar system and Celestial bodies within one hundred light years of the solar system are sufficient.

Mastering anti-gravity technology, he can not only easily send his own machine or satellite into space, but also master another type of aircraft that allows him to enter space to fly in space at an unimaginable degree!

However, this technology needs to be tested a lot. Zero has begun to perform repeated simulation tests in his intelligent center. After all, although this technology can make space flight reach an unprecedented height, once a technical failure occurs, then The disaster it brings is also huge.

The lightest thing is to let the spacecraft be scrapped directly, and even a little bit, it will even be directly annihilated in space, leaving no residue.

"Let's start manufacturing satellites, and the shooting base will begin with the cutting-edge laboratory. You can't waste time." Cheng Yuan said to zero.

"Sir, we don't have the corresponding equipment for manufacturing satellites. We need to introduce related production lines and then transform and process them."

"Er." Cheng Yuan suddenly felt embarrassed for a while, ashamed: "The equipment is looking for Rockefeller, let him help us import from abroad, we can pay as much as we need."

"Good sir." Zero responded.

After getting rid of zero, Cheng Yuan felt that he really wanted nothing, and he couldn't help but feel congested.

However, he knew that he could not be in a hurry. Everything was done step by step. He could not become a fat man in one breath. Now he does not have it. When his satellite base construction is completed, there should be something naturally.

At the same time, he also began to think about whether he should build a machinery factory, otherwise all equipment needs to be bought by others, which is not a good phenomenon.

It's humiliating! Human debt is the most difficult to pay back!

If it weren't for Rockefeller Jr.'s support for a computer in the first place, his next show wouldn't have been so fast. Although he paid for it, he would have owed it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't cooperate with Rockefeller Jr. so much now, as said before, there are more people who want to cooperate with him, he doesn't have to choose Rockefeller Jr.

It all started with a class computer

"Zero!" Cheng Yuan said in a serious tone.

"Yes, sir, do you have any instructions?" As soon as the voice of Cheng Yuan was zero, the voice sounded.

Cheng Yuan Shen said: "Starting the third workshop and remanufacturing one hundred engineering robots. I want to build my own equipment manufacturing plant. We ca n’t want to order all the equipment outside and process it. not good."

If we analyze it in depth, sometimes it will cost more to rebuild the equipment than to re-manufacture it, and Cheng Yuan will start a space exploration project next. At that time, a steady stream of basic mineral materials will flow into the technology crystal company.

It is far from possible for these resources to be sold directly on raw ore. That is the most idiot and lowest-level approach. Everyone knows that oil alone cannot directly act on motivation. It can only be used better after processing and refining. At the time, there was more than one Rockefeller family in the oil business, but why were they the most successful?

Is it still an important means for people to grasp this post-processing of the refinery?

If Cheng Yuan wants to develop vigorously, he will certainly not be stupid enough to sell raw ore. Basic processing is still necessary!

The most important thing is that Cheng Yuan's technology crystallization company is staring at more people. He will definitely pay attention to what equipment he buys, so that he will know what he wants to do and what he will do.

Although he couldn't guess his specific behavior, Cheng Yuan could not buy a CNC machine to make meat muffins. As long as there is a rough guess, they can shamelessly continue to pre-sale some related patents or search for some relevant information.

But if Cheng Yuan buys some basic minerals, what can they guess? Can't guess anything, how did he know what Cheng Yuan would do to buy copper ore?

There are more copper mines available, and it is impossible for those people to guess what Cheng Yuan will do from a copper mine. This is naturally a very favorable thing for Cheng Yuan.

"Good sir." Regarding Cheng Yuan's decision, Zero did not say anything embarrassing him this time, which also made Cheng Yuan relieved.

If he tells him something less than zero, he thinks he will lift the table.

While Cheng Yuan was thinking about his future, the foreign country he didn't know was a lively one. Regarding the recovery liquid, it had spread from Huaxia to foreign countries, and everyone knew the same with the publicity of foreign media.

However, unlike Huaxia, where most people believe that the effect of the recovery fluid is different, both the media and the masses abroad have maintained a skeptical attitude towards the recovery fluid.

It is not that they do not believe in Cheng Yuan, but the description of the recovery liquid is too exaggerated, it is difficult to convince them. The most important thing is that as soon as the news of the recovery liquid spread, some well-known related professionals immediately expressed this. doubt.

Cheng Yuan, a well-known genius, has no one in the field of intelligence. They do not deny this, but a person who has such in-depth research in the field of intelligence suddenly turned and turned into a biological expert. They make them very skeptical. Is Cheng Yuan also the so-called 'knowledge' of Huaxia?

Belonging to the group of omnipotent and all-powerful people who can talk about any field?

As soon as this idea came up, they were annihilated. How could Cheng Yuan be the kind of liar? The existence of intelligent robots cannot be faked.

But they are even more confused. Is Cheng Yuan really so scary?

Have such a strong and deep understanding in two completely unrelated fields?

If Cheng Yuan was both titled in the fields of physics and chemistry, then they could still accept it. After all, these two disciplines are closely related, and many people have such identities at the same time.

Even if they have both physics and biology, it would not be too surprising, but from the computer side to the biology side, it makes them feel too weird ~ ~ If it is analyzed, then they will still I think it's normal, but whether it is a high level of intelligence or a healing fluid like a magic potion, it involves a very high level of knowledge in related disciplines.

They didn't even know the knowledge themselves, and they really didn't believe that a 19-year-old could eat it all.

Perhaps this is not just the cause of disbelief, but also jealousy and other emotions. After all, what fears you most is not your excellence, but someone comparing you with another person.

People are more mad than people!

Because they are jealous they can degrade and doubt others without hesitation.

And while they were talking about the effects of the recovery fluid, Rockefeller Jr. and his family should have been quietly operating. After the oil industry was stable, they also extended the family's business to many fields, including medicine. It is indispensable.

From the war they realized the preciousness of oil, the importance of weapons, and the indispensable medicine. It is impossible for them not to stare at this piece of fat which can make a lot of wealth. (To be continued.) 8

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