Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 448:

Jin Tao's movements were quick. He was accompanied by the security guards to his apartment and packed a few simple pieces of clothing and brought his laptop. Then he went outside without going back to the company.

However, he did not take the exit closer to the employee accommodation area, but instead took a detour towards the exit of the main gate. The guards accompanying him did not say much about his behavior, but he did the same everywhere. This person always wants to go out.

The security personnel naturally did not know what Jin Tao was thinking, and Jin Tao also hurriedly walked towards the main entrance with his teeth angered.

Hundreds of reporters lined up at the front door of the technology crystal company, and everyone's face was a little anxious because the time was getting closer and closer, but the people at the technology crystal company still had no intention of letting them in.

The reporters glanced at the expressionless guards at the door. Although they were anxious, none of them dared to ask questions.

After all, at this time, if some small things are driven away, it's not too wrong.

Just then, they saw a young man with an angry face walking towards them accompanied by two security guards.

The appearance of this young man instantly caught the eyes of the reporters. There is no way in this period of time, it seems that no one has come out of the technology crystallization company. Since this young man has come out, I will definitely ask later He has something about the company.

Thinking of this, every reporter looked at the young man who was getting closer.

While reporters looked at Jin Tao, Jin Tao's eyes were shocked by the black crowd at the door.

But watching these people look at each other with their eyes glowing, he immediately let go of the shock in his heart. Although he was still nervous, he was more ecstatic and excited.

He didn't expect that there were so many reporters here!

"Look at what tricks the woman in Cheng Yueming can play, and hit Lao Tzu and want to pass like this?" Jin Tao gritted his teeth and came to the door.

The security guard accompanying him immediately stepped forward to explain the situation to colleagues at the door.

"Excuse me, there is a fired staff member here, let him go out." The person who came forward spoke with a very obvious disdain.

Since the establishment of the technology crystallization company, although it is still short, the employee who has been actively fired has so far been Jin Tao. Can this not despise him?

The defender's voice did not go down, so his voice was heard by the journalists who were standing in front, but these journalists were different. As soon as they were fired, they immediately became interested.

This is no small matter. As the first employee fired from a technology crystallization company, I have to interview you anyway.

After all, they also wanted to hear how the young man who was separated from them was fired.

"So, I'll check." The guard at the door nodded, glanced at Jin Tao, and shouted to a colleague in the security booth: "Little Gu, check it." After shouting, he suddenly turned his head and asked: "He What was the original staff number? "


Soon, Jin Tao's identity information was confirmed, and there was no extra words to guard the door. He waved and opened the door to let him out.

As soon as Jin Tao came out holding his things, the very boring reporters who had been waiting at the door rushed up.

"Sir, I heard that you were fired. Can you tell us which rules you have fired in violation of the technology crystallization company?"

"This gentleman, since the establishment of the technology crystallization company, has never fired employees. As the first person, do you have anything to say?"

"Sir, what is your position in the technology crystallization company?"

"Sir, is it convenient to talk about the environment in a technology crystallization company?"

As soon as Jin Tao came out, he was surrounded by a large group of people. The long or short microphone and the surrounding cameras made him excited.

He had previously thought about how to attract the attention of these reporters after he came out, and then told his ‘experience’. As a result, he did n’t need to worry about it. These reporters automatically posted one by one.

How can this not excite him?

However, when he was excited, he never thought that if he was not an employee of a technology crystallization company, and if he did not happen to encounter such a special day, how could these reporters chase him?

Jin Tao didn't think that much. Now he just wants to avenge Cheng Yueming. He tried to calm down his slightly excited emotions, deliberately showing an angry look, and said loudly to reporters around him: "I am an ordinary employee in a technology crystallization company , I was also the first person fired from this company, but I was framed! "

A word of Jin Tao immediately caused an uproar. The word "framed" used by Jin Tao made them one after the other, and immediately looked like he was hit with chicken blood. He looked at him with green eyes and asked, "Sir Can you tell me how you were framed? "

"Sir, could you please elaborate on your framed process."

"Sir, who were you framed by, and was your leader, why did he frame you?"

"Excuse me, you said that you were framed. Is this true or was it made out of the anger after being fired?"

Questions were asked from these reporters. Naturally, there were some who asked the question and some questioned the exit. However, these reporters were attracted by Jin Tao in any case.

Jin Tao continued to face reporters with his angry look, and said with sorrow and indignation: "I am just an ordinary employee of the company's logistics department. I only accidentally found out that the company's unscrupulous dirty rights transaction between the company's senior management was bold. At the time of the disclosure, not only was not dealt with impartially, but was also beaten by the company's security department! "Jin Tao said, putting down his hands and rolling up his blouse, exposing the scar that had not disappeared.

At first glance, these reporters who did not know the truth really saw the scars on Jin Tao's abdomen, with a little purple in the cyan, and he was obviously hit hard.

At this moment, although they are still skeptical, they already believe what Jin Tao said, after all, this scar cannot be faked.

Even if Jin Tao wanted to fake himself, after all, such a scar could not be made by himself. After all, he would do it himself, no matter what, he would keep it subconsciously.

This is the sudden response of the human's own instinct.

It ’s possible that someone with a scar like Jin Tao was hit by someone, which made them all eyes bright. This is big news!

The high-level leadership position of the technology crystallization company was exposed, instructing the company security staff to beat the employees and fire them! Once such news comes out, it will definitely catch the eye!

But just this way, they will naturally not be satisfied. Since Jin Tao said that someone from the technology crystallization company conducts such a transaction, he must know the name of that person!

A reporter standing next to Jin Tao quickly asked: "This gentleman, can you tell everyone your name, if you are really treated unfairly, our friends in the media will be fair to you."

The reporter ’s words made everyone around them nodded one by one. Anyway, whether it ’s right or wrong, it ’s right to report first to attract the attention of the people. Whether it will really help Jin Tao get back the so-called fairness, then Not necessarily.

Look at the attitude of technology crystallization companies. If they do n’t listen, they will preach a lot. If they have a strong attitude, they will naturally not be stupid enough to go on a deadlock with a world-class technology company such as technology crystallization companies because it is impossible .

But what the reporters thought, Jin Tao did n’t know. He was so excited to see so many reporters supporting himself, he quickly informed his reporters on the scene, and then said the well-written drafts: "Yes In this way, today the company will hold a suitable reception for the stratospheric solar power station. This is also the purpose of everyone here. "

The reporters who were present nodded, they came to see the so-called stratospheric solar power station.

"Everything should be as usual. It is our logistics department that is responsible for preparing these trivial matters, and it is also the leadership of the logistics department that leads us to work, but an accident happened here." Jin Tao was not stupid and naturally knew what to say. Be yourself.

Anyway, as long as he has a preconceived advantage, he naturally has to grasp it well, plus he is on the weak side, and most people sympathize with the weak, he can get more support.

Anyway, he definitely can't go back to the technology crystallization company, but even if he walks away, Cheng Yueming must be pulled down. If he can go further and let the chairman of Cheng Yuan doubt the president of Zheng Jia, it will be even better!

He has made up his mind, just to make the technology crystallization company bad!

Originally, a little man could not make much of a storm, but this special day just happened to be caught up by him.

Some things are just such a coincidence.

"What accident?"

All reporters stretched their necks, waiting for Jin Tao's next words.

Jin Tao looked angry and said loudly: "But the company suddenly changed the leader responsible for this matter. Everyone knows that today is an important day. Anyone who is in charge of this matter will naturally not need me to say it. This is One thing that puts him in the eyes of the chairman very well! If he can be valued by the chairman, then he has a bright future in the company! "

Many reporters made a slight analysis and thought that Jin Tao's words were good. This matter is so important. Cheng Yuan will definitely pay attention to ~ ~ and if the person responsible for organizing the reception is doing well, he will definitely enter Cheng Yuan. Sight.

If it can arouse Cheng Yuan's attention, it goes without saying that he has a bright future!

In a split second, many journalists began to brainstorm. Someone at the top of the company, for his own future, forced the leader of the logistics department who was in charge of the matter to use illegal means. As a result, the ordinary employee saw the clue. This upright employee could not see it and went to report it. However, when the report failed, he also found a number of leaders colluded, and then the leader instructed the security staff to beat him hard, and finally kicked out of the company!

This script ...

"Well, that's not right. So many people colluded together. Is the supervision department of the technology crystal company eating rice?" Some reporters who are more familiar with the technology crystal company are puzzled.

But more people who did n’t know about it, after making up their own brains, looked at Jin Tao with excitement and asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Jin Tao, what is the name of the person who uses the mean and shameful means, can I tell you easily?"

"Of course!" Jin Taoyi said rightly: "That person is called Cheng Yueming!"

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