Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 499:

At noon that day, a piece of news caused a violent impact on the Internet like a magnitude 10 earthquake!

Anhe City Becomes the World's First Holographic City!

So what is a holographic city?

Anhe local media reporter introduced this in the report: Holographic city, as its name implies, will be applied to all corners of the city. As soon as you go out, you can see the effect brought by holographic technology. . ,

The most intuitive performance of holographic technology is that whether it is a road sign in a city or a public advertising device, it will be reflected by holographic technology.

Think about it. What kind of feeling is it in the leisure park, while you exercise, you can watch entertainment programs and even news and current events brought by the holographic screen?

Not only that, Anhe City will also provide a set of urban network at the same time. The city network is the only network provided by Anhe City. As long as the citizens in Anhe City enter the city network, they can enjoy the holographic technology in real time.

When traveling, the city network will provide you with the fastest route; for shopping, the city network will provide you with the most appropriate store with the most recent address.

Not only that, once they enter the urban network, families with children and elderly people in their homes will not have to worry about losing their children or the elderly.

The city network will provide homes with an accuracy of less than one meter!

At the same time, the city network will also involve traffic to prevent traffic accidents to the greatest extent. It can monitor road conditions in real time and notify relevant departments as soon as violations such as speeding are found.

Introduced here, the reporter did not forget to tease: In the future, owners who often like speeding should pay attention to it, please hold your wallet and driving license points.

And what exactly is the holographic city? The above is also extracted from the announcement of the official website of the Anhe City Government. We do n’t know what the specific situation is, but the only good news is that at five o’clock this afternoon, A holographic test will be performed, and by then we will be blessed!

As soon as the report came out, it immediately caused a sorrow on the Internet!

"It is the birth of a new profession, and Anhe City has allowed people who stole manhole covers to switch to stealing equipment."

"Oh my God, the holographic city, this name is so tall when you hear it, why we don't have it here! Anyone from Anhe City, remember to have a video to let us, those who are not in Anhe City, also enjoy the sight! "

"Tongqiu, I'm from Donghai City. It's too far to pass."

"I'm from the capital, the ticket has been booked, and the person is already at the airport!"

"The real upstairs is upstairs, but I'm wondering if this report came out in a few minutes, is your speed of light?"

"I'm from Anhe City. I also read this report. I was very excited and very confused. How many devices do I need to install for the whole city to be holographic? I haven't seen any staff to install it yet. device."

“Similarly, I did n’t see any equipment. What are they going to do? It seems that this is the cooperation between Cheng Yuan and the city government. I do n’t know what kind of black technology Cheng Yuan will come out of. He has already moved a bench and sat at the door. waited."

"The upper two floors are showing off, and the appraisal is complete!"

At this time, Cheng Yuan was talking with Rockefeller Jr. on the top floor of the company.

After obtaining the copyright of the Pokemon game, he flew directly from Yue to Anhe City. After all, Lan Yin's mobile phone is on sale soon, and most of the game has been done. He will naturally come to China in person.

"Cheng, you said, the game has been completed?" Rockefeller Jr. exclaimed in disbelief, the shock in his heart was definitely not less than when he got the mobile phone cooperation.

After all, how long does it take to get the game's copyright? Cheng Yuan said that the game has been completed! His game company has just registered with the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, and the staff hasn't been recruited yet!

Looking at the shocked little Rockefeller, Cheng Yuan raised his mouth and laughed: "Pokemon ... No, now the name is Pokémon. We have a perfect reference for this game of Pokémon, whether it is an elf The image is still the content of the game, all I have to do is let Zero deal with it, which is very simple for Zero. "

"Yes, sir. For me, such a thing can be done easily." After Cheng Yuan finished speaking, a voice suddenly appeared, his voice was quite proud and proud.

But Rockefeller Jr. felt different. He looked at Cheng Yuan with a strange look. "Cheng, your intelligence is just as proud as you."

Cheng Yuan secretly skimmed his lips. Can it be different? Zero was born by combining part of his thinking, just like me.

"John, you can get things done for the game company as soon as possible, and I will leave the plan to you. You will be the first priority for the Elf Center and Elf Dome, and you only need to recruit those managers. After all, the server is here. You don't care about it. "Cheng Yuan said with a smile.

"No problem, I am going to set up the Elf Center at the Bell Tower Center Garden in Anhe City, the most prosperous intersection, and then build the Elven Road Museum at the second intersection, which is the most prosperous area in Anhe." From these two places, Rockefeller Jr. was excited.

Challenge Dojo, this kind of thing will make those players crazy!

"You just have to take care of it yourself. I'll let Zero announce the news first. What about the game and the phone together?" Cheng Yuan considered his chin.

"By the way, what are you going to do with the game equipment, and you really want to make a mobile game?" Cheng Yuan raised an eyebrow and hesitated.

To be honest, Cheng Yuan doesn't really want to make this game into a mobile game. After all, he already has holographic technology on hand, and it looks weird to make a mobile game.

Rockefeller Jr. looked at Cheng Yuan and seemed to have other ideas, frowned, "Do you have any new ideas? Let's talk about them together."

"Synchronizing this game with a Bluetooth headset. Buying a Bluetooth headset allows players to experience the game perfectly and saves the cost of repurchasing equipment later." Cheng Yuan said his idea, after all, the control of this game is directly using holography Screen to view personal information.

It ’s the same with or without a mobile phone, and they can connect to the city network through their Bluetooth headset, without them having to pay for the number of the city network.

Rockefeller Jr. shrugged without objection. "You can do whatever you say. Anyway, we don't lack this money, so it can increase the number of players."

The two people agreed, and things were naturally settled, although Cheng Yuan played a decisive role in the two and had absolute right to speak.

The next two people discussed some things about Pokémon, and started to act independently. The name of the game company was Pokémon Holographic Game Company, and the address was in an office building not far from the industrial park.

Rockefeller Jr. took his own people directly to deal with the venue issues of the Pokemon Center and the Pokemon Hall, and Cheng Yuan asked Zero to post relevant information about Pokémon to the company's official website.

With your own satellite, it is very convenient to take the real scene. Take a picture of a street in Anhe city, and then add the holographic projection of the Pokémon to make a game video.

But as soon as the effect came out, Cheng Yuan's eyebrows suddenly frowned.

The technology is very good, the Pokémon in the video is very real, without any flaws, no matter it is motion or sound, but Cheng Yuan always feels that something is missing.

After thinking about it, he responded, "I'm going, no one!"

After making the video, I found no one! No wonder it looks weird!

However, to ask someone to shoot a promotional video, it is necessary to ask a director, scratched his head, Cheng Yuan and called Zheng Jia to see if there was anyone in this area.

After calling Zheng Jia and telling his thoughts to each other, Cheng Yuan waited for Zheng Jia's answer.

"On this matter? You can contact our company's advertising department. They are not only designing on the computer, but also people who can handle the machine." Zheng Jia said in a speechlessly after knowing Cheng Yuan's idea.

At the same time, he complained: "You usually pay more attention to the situation of the company's various departments, if you ask three questions, I don't know who you are as the chairman."

"Haha!" Cheng Yuan smiled awkwardly, and said quickly: "Isn't there you are Zheng Zheng, you know that I'm so busy every day that I don't touch the ground, how can I have so much time to manage."

Regarding Cheng Yuan's excuse, Zheng Jia could only roll his eyes and said he had nothing to say.

"Okay, I'll give you the manager of the advertising department, Ying Ning, and you can discuss it with her. There are a lot of things here."

Zheng Jia hung up, and Cheng Yuan received a number.

Put aside, Cheng Yuan dialed the number directly. The ringing sounded and was immediately connected. At the same time, a clear and pleasant voice came: "Boss, yours, Zheng, told me about this. Our advertising department It is perfectly competent, that is, the arrangement of personnel requires your opinion. "

"Are you going to use people from the company ~ ~ or look for some famous models or stars?"

"Star?" Cheng Yuan thought for a moment, and vetoed: "No, it's just a game promo. What kind of star, does our company's products need to rely on stars to increase their popularity?"

Cheng Yuan said confidently: "You just need to pick two people who can look good in the company."

"Okay." Ying Ning nodded. Although she thought Cheng Yuan's words were not very correct, but thinking about the top technology companies, new products will never find so-called stars to support the scene, she did not explain to Cheng Yuan what

"Hurry up and get ready, we will start shooting at three o'clock." Cheng Yuan commanded, and then ended the call.

Ying Ning hung up the phone a little bit, feeling that his boss was really anxious, and for three hours of preparation time, he didn't know if he could be ready.

However, although she was vilifying in her heart, she was not slow in her actions. She hung up the phone and immediately began preparations. After all, this was a task ordered by the boss, and she did not dare to neglect.

After all, Cheng Yuan had grace with her.

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