Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 502:

Regarding the issue of differential treatment, Cheng Yuan would not deny it. Anyway, he did it willfully. Who asked him to be in Anhe City, but not other cities?

And now the game has just begun to emerge, Anhe City is only the first test point, which is almost the same as the closed beta of online games.

Is to give some people a try first, see if there are any problems with the game, and then make adjustments step by step.

Although Cheng Yuan believes that a game with zero debugging is unlikely to have any data problems, at least it must be a look.

And before the official gaming satellite was launched, Cheng Yuan did not plan to expand the game's range.

Because the satellite ’s main job at this time is to read the map data of the city and then use holographic projection to cover it.

The other part also needs to support the work of the space telescope. It can be divided into a game, which is already very difficult. Cheng Yuan could not lose the job of the satellite for a game.

So Cheng Yuan let Zero make a statement on the official website, saying: Pokémon rp is a brand new game launched by our company. It has a unique game engine and contains some unresolved technical problems that have not yet been resolved. Improve in the future.

The game is expected to be released on November 15th, and the price will be announced on the official website. The open area of ​​the game will radiate from the center of Anhe.

Because this game needs to be equipped with a city network and holographic technology, for the moment, the technology crystallization company will only open in Anhe City, and then it will set up related technical equipment in various cities.

The statement is short and the content is very simple, which is to say that the problem is that other cities do not have this device! As for the specific situation, Cheng Yuan did not say, no one knew.

Maybe people like Zhao Jun will guess something, but they don't understand the specific content, so naturally they won't jump out to explain anything.

As soon as this explanation came out, it caused a sigh of sorrow and complaint. Cheng Yuan's equipment problem immediately made them helpless.

Although they don't understand the specific details of holographic technology, they also understand the truth. The imaging technology in the official website video must be matched with high-end equipment. Otherwise, how can there be such a real Pokémon?

Therefore, for Cheng Yuan's explanation, they have to believe it or not. After all, no one dares to talk to Cheng Yuan about the so-called technology, which will only make himself appear more ignorant and shameful.

So after this statement came out, those outside of Anhe could barely brace their feet and nothing else.

But others are different. After learning that holographic cities and holographic games appeared, they rushed to Anhe City the first time, and then started to buy real estate in Anhe City.

It turns out that third-tier cities like Anhe will naturally not have people settle down. Although the emergence of technology crystallization companies has made some of the people who have a high priority choose to purchase land and real estate in Anhe, this is a minority.

Nowadays, those who buy property in advance have all grinned, they are very proud of their foresight.

But later people were not too late. After all, Anhe City had a large area of ​​land to be developed. As people moved in and the land appreciated, those development investors would naturally be attracted.

Zhao Jun is naturally very happy about this phenomenon. Only by attracting investment can he build a city. Otherwise, where do they have so much money to do big development?

At the same time, however, he also solemnly instructed the staff below to pay attention to behavioral discipline and not to ruin the reputation of Anhe City because of certain things!

When they are busy, the citizens of Anhe City are different. Seeing that the time is getting closer and closer to five o'clock, they all rushed out of the house and came to the street, looking forward to the holographic test.

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, good afternoon, I'm Xiaoyu, the live show host of Anhe TV. Today is a great day for all Anhe people, because it is today , The first test of the holographic city led by the technology crystallization company. "

"According to the information received by our station, the length of this test was not specified. Maybe it was ten minutes, maybe half an hour, or longer."

"The specific time is not certain, but it is certainly not short. It is now 4.58. There are two minutes left. The test is about to begin. I am now standing in the most famous commercial street in Anhe City. Here is the central flowerbed. I do n’t know what kind of changes will happen here after the holography is turned on. ”Xiaoyu is a young handsome guy who speaks with emotion and is easy to think of.

As soon as Xiaoyu's voice fell, behind him, a sudden flash of light followed, and a huge holographic projection screen suddenly appeared two meters above the flowerbed.

A video is displayed on the screen. The content of the video is exactly the picture of the elf duel shot by the technology crystal company. The super-dream and fantasy powerful battle, the sensitive action and powerful skill collision, with the cool sound effects, instantly Attracted the lens.

"Oh, it started now. It seems that my watch is a bit slow, but it doesn't matter!" Xiaoyu suddenly saw the lens shift, he immediately turned around and looked back, and immediately saw this huge holographic screen .

He held the microphone and said excitedly: "Did you see it, right here, this holographic screen suddenly appeared! And around this flowerbed, we didn't find any electronic equipment at all!"

"This is an extremely advanced technology that has exceeded the cognition of ordinary people. I really want to know how this holographic projection is launched!"

When Xiaoyu was shocked by the sudden holographic screen in front of him, crowds gathered in the streets and alleys of Anhe City, and they all looked at the street signs made of holographic projections on the road. China is full of shock.

"It's amazing!" Although many people have watched the videos of the technology crystallization company, watching the screen through the screen has no such intuitive feeling.

At the moment of the holographic test, the entire city seemed to be in a short pause.

On a main street in Anhe City, a black car was driving forward in a hurry. The driver was a middle-aged man.

In the co-driver's seat, there is a woman who still has a charm, and in the back seat is a lively child.

"Dad, mom, you see, you see, holographic projection!" The little boy looked at the changes outside through the car window and shouted to his parents with excitement.

The middle-aged couple heard the words and smiled on their faces. The smile contained many emotions, including pride, novelty, and a touch of excitement.

"See, son, our city will get better and better in the future." The middle-aged man who drove did not care whether his son could understand or not.

On the side of the other street, a young man with a bicycle stopped stopped and watched the surrounding changes while holding a mobile phone to take pictures of the surroundings. He said excitedly to the mobile phone, "Dear viewers, You can now clearly see the changes that holography brings. "

"Looking at the middle of the road, the huge traffic light formed by the huge holographic projection, should no one make an excuse to say that the traffic light is invisible?" The young man pointed at the huge traffic light floating in the sky in the middle of the road, jokingly.

This happened at the same time in different places in Anhe City. The video on the holographic screen was not long. After the playback was finished, the picture disappeared.

However, although the picture disappeared, the screen formed by the holographic projection did not disappear. After a while, the picture turned on again, and an extremely advanced room appeared in the picture.

As soon as the room appeared, a figure appeared in the picture.

"Cheng Yuan !?" Everyone exclaimed unexpectedly when they saw the people in the picture, and then looked forward expectantly.

They wanted to hear what Cheng Yuan would say.

"Ah, everyone, I'm Cheng Yuan. This time I came out to see the effect of the holographic test first, and then I wanted to see if there were any problems with the sound equipment installed around it, and if there were any problems with the messaging." Cheng Yuan had a faint smile on his face, explaining why he came out.

"Finally, I want to inform you that after several months of difficult research in our company, our company's Lan Yin mobile phone will be released on November 15th with the holographic game Pokémon."

Cheng Yuan was very polite and began to advertise, which made the viewers suddenly cry and laugh, and at the same time he had a new understanding of Cheng Yuan's cheek.

However, more people are praising Cheng Yuan ’s behavior ~ ~ A sudden wave of advertisements almost made Lao Tzu flash to his waist! "

"This wave of ads can!"

Regardless of other people's comments, Cheng Yuanke advertised himself, "Lan Yin mobile phone is a new mobile phone built with holographic technology and intelligent hub, it will bring people a more convenient life."

"In addition to the Lan Yin mobile phone, this time I will focus on the holographic game everyone expects, Pokémon! This is the world ’s first holographic game, which will bring you an alternative experience, while also training everyone body of."

"Since information technology is becoming more and more developed, lack of exercise is a common problem among our young people, and some people say that this problem is due to high work pressure, but this is not the whole reason. The decision without insistence is the most fundamental."

"So, while you are entertaining, for your health, this game will be a combination of peripherals and mobile phones. The function of the mobile phone is only a data storage terminal. Of course, you can also store data in your computer."

"Here, I will focus on introducing Pokémon's gaming peripherals." To be continued. ..

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