Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 596:

Early the next morning, Cheng Yuan took Guo Xiaolian to the company's satellite base.

Robots are guarding the satellite base, and a group of journalists carrying spears and short guns gather outside.

These reporters blocked the door and let the tension of driving helplessly reduce the speed of the car.

Seeing Cheng Yuan's car, a number of reporters leaned forward.

Seeing these reporters, Cheng Yuan smiled helplessly at Guo Xiaolian next to him, explaining, "I didn't tell them about my formation, 80% was said by Zheng."

Guo Xiaolian covered her mouth, smiled, and then slightly turned her head, teasing: "Where are you going now, or ... going on?"

"If you say this, I can only go down." Cheng Yuan took Guo Xiaolian's hand and said quietly, "Let's go, let's go together."

After being pulled so far by Cheng Yuan, Guo Xiaolian just struggled a little, then obediently followed Cheng Yuan and got out of the car.

Seeing Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian get off the bus, the reporters present were even more enthusiastic.

"Mr. Cheng, can you talk about your travel plans for this time, and plan to spend a few days in [Hong Nong]?"

"Mr. Cheng, could you tell us about Hongnong, when did it start construction, and why hasn't there been any news before?"

"Mr. Cheng, how long will it take for your company's" Pioneer "to reach the asteroid [Hong Nong], and how are you going to spend this hundred million kilometers?"

"Mr. Cheng does not know if you mind letting us also visit the Trail Blazers ..."

After a group of reporters got out of Cheng Yuan, those reporters who stood near couldn't wait to ask.

The reporter standing slightly outside looked at other people asking, although he was also annoyed that he didn't squeeze in, but he also raised the camera in his hand high, in an effort to take Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian down.

However, when most reporters enquired around Cheng Yuan, some flexible-headed reporters took advantage of this opportunity to come to Guo Xiaolian and raised their microphones: "Ms. Guo, can you talk about this travel plan?"

Guo Xiaolian has not dealt with reporters' experience before, so when facing reporters ’questions, she was slightly flustered:" The plan was arranged by Cheng Yuan. I did not participate because he said he would give me a surprise, so I was also very Looking forward to this trip. "

"Ms. Xiaolian Guo, may I ask why you, as a vice president of a technology crystallization company, have not appeared in the company after only serving for a few months. Is it because of a mistake in your work? Or as it is rumored on the Internet, Are you just hanging up? "A reporter asked a sharper question.

Guo Xiaolian, who was Cheng Yuan's girlfriend, became the vice president of a technology crystallization company.

However, because of the relationship between Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian, no one would be jealous of Guo Xiaolian. One by one, they were very envious of Guo Xiaolian.

But while envying Guo Xiaolian, they are also jealous. Everyone is a child of an ordinary family. Why does she have such an encounter?

So after Guo Xiaolian's tenure in office, she never appeared in the company as a doubt in many people's minds, and those who didn't see others well naturally started their own narrow speech.

What vase, what inability to keep making mistakes is flooded on the Internet with remarks such as Cheng Yuan sending him home.

Fortunately for these remarks, Guo Xiaolian was a person with a big heart and was almost isolated from electronic equipment when she was pregnant.

In addition, the topic about Guo Xiaolian is not the mainstream on the Internet. With the great fluidity of online news, no one will pay attention to this matter in a day or two.

Therefore, Guo Xiaolian has never known that she has been so ridiculed on the Internet.

As for Cheng Yuan, he didn't pay attention to the news on the Internet at first. After all, he didn't have time to read such news.

General valuable news Zero will consciously tell him.

Therefore, Cheng Yuan did not know that such a thing had happened on the Internet. At this time, he heard a reporter's question and frowned.

Guo Xiaolian was also a little annoyed at this time. The meaning of this reporter's words was obvious. She was watching in a technology crystallization company, and it had no effect at all!

Just a vase!

How could she accept it?

When she frowned, Cheng Yuan held Guo Xiaolian, looked at the reporter with a cold eye, and said lightly, "It's best to go through my head before speaking."

In a word of Cheng Yuan, the reporters at the scene suddenly twitched, and then many reporters once again felt the overbearing aspect of Cheng Yuan.

Every time a reception is held, Cheng Yuan's performance has always been unequivocal, and reporters who are unhappy with themselves have always expressed their actions.

When Cheng Yuan stared at it this way, the reporter who spoke was suddenly shocked. He also thought of Cheng Yuan's reputation at this time.

Suddenly, the reporter showed an embarrassing smile and said with a grin: "Mr. Cheng, I didn't mean to offend. I was just curious where Ms. Guo Xiaolian has been going for almost a year. There was no news about her. Isn't that concerned about her. "

He found himself a reason.

Cheng Yuan looked at the reporter who laughed at him, so he didn't hold on. Since the other party apologized, he naturally wouldn't bother to ignore his identity.

He responded perfunctoryly: "Because some personal matters need to be dealt with during this time, they have never appeared."

As for Cheng Yuan's casual answer, this reporter naturally did not dare to ask more, and could only write down with a smile.

Because of this matter, Cheng Yuan didn't answer other questions. He led Guo Xiaolian back to the car, and then asked Zhang Li to drive inward.

And Cheng Yuan's behavior naturally has no reporters dare to stop it.

Missing this interview made many reporters naturally dissatisfied. Such dissatisfaction could not be vented to Cheng Yuan, so they soon found a scapegoat.

The reporter who asked Guo Xiaolian just now.

Facing the staring eyes of everyone, the reporter naturally dared not stay longer, and left quickly.

However, as he retreated, another thing in his mind was thinking of Cheng Yuan's answer. Although Cheng Yuan's answer was perfunctory, he also gave a vague answer.

A private matter?

What private matter takes so long? After he went back, he calculated the time when Guo Xiaolian ‘disappeared’ and ‘reappeared’.

More than nine months, almost ten months!

It takes so long and it is private. This made him suddenly think of a possibility!

If this is true, then this news will definitely detonate the whole of China and the world!

The reporter's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he was excited!

After all, according to his guess, Guo Xiaolian is likely to be pregnant and give birth to a child in nearly ten months!

This is Cheng Yuan's child! It is self-evident that Cheng Yuan's status in the world is now high. If he has a child, he will naturally attract everyone's attention.

Because Cheng Yuan is so genius, everyone wants to know whether his child will inherit his brain, which is also so good?

Of course, all of this is his personal guess, and as Cheng Yuan's status, he naturally dare not arrange this at will.

Thinking of this, his hot heart just cooled down.

If you change a star or something, he can naturally publish his own opinions to attract the attention of the audience, but Cheng Yuan certainly cannot.

But he was reluctant to give up such a possible news, and he quickly came up with a new idea.


Cheng Yuan naturally did not know that a casual perfunctory sentence would make the reporter think so much. At this time, he had taken Guo Xiaolian on the Trail Blazers.

The Trail Blazer is a new type of spacecraft specially manufactured by Zero. Because it is used by Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian, the built-in is naturally more luxurious than those transport ships.

The Trail Blazer has a total length of 8 meters and a height of 4.2 meters. Its shape is similar to that of today's aircraft, but it is more bloated than the aircraft and looks thicker.

And there are no wings on both sides of the Trail Blazer, and there are no wheels underneath. The overall color is not painted white, but a slightly black nano-coating.

Inside the Trail Blazer, it is bright and clean, and the white light shines through.

For the first time on this spacecraft, both Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian looked around very curiously.

"Sir, we are about to leave. Do you have anything else to prepare?"

When Cheng Yuan looked, a holographic window suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and a zero virtual image appeared in it. A smile asked ~ ~ Let ’s go, but ... do n’t we need to sit still? ? Cheng Yuan pulled Guo Xiaolian, curious.

A slight smile: "It doesn't require you to sit still. Our flight is just like you took the elevator before. There will be no adverse reactions."

Cheng Yuan nodded, he has not been in a spaceship, naturally he does not need to do so. After listening to the explanation of zero, he said to Guo Xiaolian, "Xiao Lian, let's go to the lounge and take a look at the spaceship. internal."

When Cheng Yuan pulled Guo Xiaolian to become familiar with the spacecraft, he launched the Trail Blazers at zero.

Outside, everyone only saw a spaceship soaring from the satellite base at a very fast speed, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian didn't take a few steps. They suddenly felt lighter at the feet, which made them both take a nap at the same time.

"Zero, what is the situation?" Cheng Yuanmao surprised.

"Sir, we have left the earth and are now staying above the earth's atmosphere at this time. Most of the gravity is freed from here. Would you like to see what the earth looks like?" Zero returned.

Guo Xiaolian pulled Layuan's sleeves at this time. Before Cheng Yuan hadn't answered, he said with anticipation: "Cheng Yuan, let's see!"

Cheng Yuan naturally would not object, in fact he himself wanted to see what it was like to see the earth from space.

It's just that the spacecraft's flying speed is beyond imagination. At this moment, it was out of the earth, which really shocked him.

The two were next to the porthole guided by zero. Through the porthole, they saw a azure planet wrapped under a blue jacket.

At this moment, the breathing of both of them stagnated unknowingly, and they looked at the planet in front of them blankly, their expressions were extremely shocked. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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