Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 102 A strange extraordinary civilization!

After all, normal secondary civilizations use Star Destroyers as their trump card. How can someone like Lu Yuan directly use Star Destroyers as a regular main fleet?

Which normal secondary civilization can withstand the salvo of two thousand Star Destroyers? Isn’t this a dimensionality reduction attack?

However, the cost of building a Star Destroyer is indeed high, and even the construction of supporting Star Destroyer shells is an astronomical figure!

After building it up to now, in fact, the energy supplies that Lu Yuan brought back from his last robbery are almost exhausted again!

Therefore, Lu Yuan stopped the construction of Star Destroyer ships, and maintained regular production of Star Destroyer shells, without having to work overtime to catch up.

The remaining resources will be invested in the renewal of his conventional fungus fleet.

Building a space fleet is an activity that burns money and resources. Lu Yuan has known it for a long time, but this is the only time it has burned so hard and so quickly.

The bulk of it is spent on building Star Destroyers, and the remaining small portion is shared by new generations of regular fleets.

However, the strength of the Star Destroyer is worthy of Lu Yuan's investment. Even if the main gun is not activated, the various statistics of the Star Destroyer are basically two to three times that of the conventional fleet.

Of course, the speed is still the same. After all, half the speed of light technology is also very expensive. The original speed of the Star Destroyer was not that high. It was redesigned after modification to keep up.

However, in terms of hull strength and the speed and flexibility of gun firing, the Star Destroyer completely destroyed Lu Yuan's conventional fleet.

Therefore, even if the main ship guns are not activated, it is more than enough to use these Star Destroyers as the main fleet.

After biochemical transformation and design, all space battleships can basically adapt to Lu Yuan's microbial civilization. And after such design, even if other civilizations capture Lu Yuan's battleships, they will basically be unable to take them back and transform them. It cannot be used on the battlefield, which also prevents some unexpected situations from happening on the battlefield.

For example, it is impossible for some fierce man to invade the battleship and then use his battleship to attack Lu Yuan himself!

After checking the progress of the warship construction and update, Lu Yuan believed that the current fleet strength was enough to fight another invasion war!

Moreover, there are indeed not many energy supplies left. Lu Yuan now urgently needs to replenish energy supplies to maintain the rapid development of civilization! Therefore, Lu Yuan decided to open the star gate again in the near future to plunder energy and materials to maintain the development speed of civilization!

Lu Yuan gave the order, and a thousand Star Destroyers, five thousand conventional fungus main battleships, and twenty thousand mobile attack ships began to assemble in an open star field in the solar system!

Looking at the fleet in front of him, Lu Yuan felt very satisfied!

As before, let’s have a Venom guy explore the way first! Although Lu Yuan is confident, it is better not to be careless. After all, it is not easy to build such a space fleet. If he is careless and loses Jingzhou, then Lu Yuan will suffer a big loss!

Putting on the lurking bracelet for the Venom boy, Lu Yuan opened a star gate the size of a wardrobe. After sending the Venom boy through, Lu Yuan quickly closed the star gate, and then changed his perspective and went to the opposite side.

As soon as Lu Yuan's consciousness turned around, he felt something was not good, because this time his star gate was not positioned in space like before, but appeared directly inside other people's planets.

At such a close distance, Lu Yuan was indeed a little worried about the ability of the lurking bracelet. If the enemy Tiandao discovered it, he would lose his first move advantage!

Although he is not afraid of confronting Lu Yuan head-on, why not take advantage if he can?

Fortunately, after Lu Yuan's observation, the enemy's Heavenly Dao should not have noticed Lu Yuan's invasion. Otherwise, with Venom's current physical fitness, the enemy would have struck down with a thunderbolt!

It seems that the quality of this latent bracelet is quite good! Also, the whole world is so big, it is impossible for Heaven to monitor the creatures on the entire planet day and night, right? It was discovered as soon as it entered the scene before, maybe it was its own The aura caused the alarm, but now that it's covered up, as long as you're careful, it shouldn't be exposed so easily, right? Lu Yuan thought.

Lu Yuan then took control of this body, kicked aside Venom's younger brother's secondary mental retardation, and took control of the overall situation himself.

In the past, we started fighting as soon as we met, and basically I didn't observe the enemy's world carefully. This time, I opened the star gate directly into the enemy's base camp. The enemy hasn't discovered it yet. I have to take a good tour of this extraordinary civilization. That's it! If you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in every battle! Lu Yuan thought happily.

What a drama, it's called to detect the enemy's situation, but it's actually just for fun! I really want to interview the space fleet that is gathering nervously behind the star gate about how they feel now.

Report, we don't want to have such a fungus owner on the stall. We also love the ruthless and decisive BOSS next door! But we have no choice! It's uncomfortable~

Lu Yuan didn't care what the fleet members behind him thought. Now he was obscenely turning on his stealth skills to observe the situation on the side of the road.

Lu Yuan plans to disguise himself as a native after finding out what the main race of the planet is, so that he can better hide his identity and blend in behind enemy lines.

However, he has been invisible for most of the day, and he has not found a single intelligent creature after walking on the road for most of the day.

He didn't dare to fly rashly, fearing that using different energy would attract the attention of Heaven.

Venom's body can use all energy systems, so as long as he transforms into the shape of a native creature, it will generally be difficult for the enemy to find any flaws without dissecting him.

He couldn't fly, but Lu Yuan's physical fitness had reached the fifth level of extraordinary level, so after he let go of his courage and ran with all his strength, it didn't take long for him to find a city.

Lu Yuan carefully stepped into the dilapidated and old city gate.

Such a big city doesn't even have any soldiers guarding the city? That's weird! And why does it feel so sinister! Lu Yuan felt something was wrong.

The whole city is like an empty city, dilapidated and gray, as if no one has lived there for a long time. Spider webs can be seen everywhere in every corner, and the doors and windows of every house are closed. This is a city similar to ancient China. City.

Although it is still daytime, it seems as if you have entered another realm as soon as you cross the city gate. The whole city seems to be suddenly shrouded in dark clouds, making it eerie and a bit strange.

Isn't this a ghost town? Although it is said to be an extraordinary world, is there really a spiritual civilization? Lu Yuan thought a little scared.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan switched the sensing mode of his body, from ordinary naked eye observation to energy sensing, and specifically converted all the energy running inside the body into psionic energy.

In an instant, the originally gloomy city suddenly burst into color, and dense crowds suddenly appeared on the deserted streets!

Lu Yuan was so shocked that he almost jumped up!

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