Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 110: Get gold coins in Novice Village!

After understanding the crisis of advancing to the third-level civilization, Lu Yuan decided on this development strategy. He would first stay in the second-level civilization for a period of time, and use the star gates that are still free to use to plunder a large number of second-level extraordinary civilizations. Accumulate energy supplies and vigorously develop the space fleet.

Once your strength reaches a certain level, you can upgrade it. Even if you break into the camp galaxy battlefield, you won't be afraid of being treated like a little chicken and being slaughtered for meat!

Anyway, as long as he does not develop sub-light speed spaceships or expand his civilization territory to the ten surrounding star systems, the system will not judge his civilization as Level 3. As long as this loophole is exploited, Lu Yuan will be able to It has become the most powerful new level three civilization.

After all, the common main battleships of third-level civilizations are nothing more than Star Destroyers. Most of the higher-level Leviathan-class giant ships are killer level and will not be easily used in interstellar battlefields.

As long as Lu Yuan can build a sufficient number of Star Destroyer fleets, then he will be able to protect himself on the interstellar battlefield!

Therefore, the next focus of development is to continue to plunder supplies, build more Star Destroyers and Star Destroyer shells, and lay a solid foundation for the subsequent interstellar war!

Therefore, after this large amount of supplies was delivered, Lu Yuan quickly ordered the suspended Star Destroyer manufacturing factory to start working again to build more Star Destroyers for him!

Lu Yuan did not rest long in order to cope with the upcoming war crisis.

After ordering to replace the damaged conventional battleships and mobile attack ships.

After only five days of rest, Lu Yuan led another thousand Star Destroyers, five thousand main battleships, and twenty thousand mobile attack ships to once again prepare to invade the next extraordinary world!

After the fleet was assembled, as usual, Lu Yuan opened the door again to release venom, and asked his younger brother to explore the way first!

A wardrobe-like star gate appeared over a crater.

Lu Yuan's venomous little brother just stepped out of the star gate and fell down with a whoosh.

Lu Yuan's consciousness had just possessed him here, and before he had time to see his surroundings clearly, he suddenly saw the hot lava coming towards him!

Damn it, am I so excited when I come here? Lu Yuan exclaimed, and quickly began to transform his body and undergo the structural evolution of a flying bird form.

Finally, just before falling into the magma, he soared into the air with a pair of evolved wings!

Although he was covered by a lurking bracelet, Lu Yuan still adhered to the code of conduct of exposing as little as possible. In such a critical moment, he still thought about not using energy flight, but using the most primitive power flight to reduce exposure. risks of.

Just like that, a black venomous bird flew away from the crater and flew towards the forest under the volcano.

After flying into the forest, Lu Yuan controlled the venomous body to enter an invisible state. Before determining the biological form of this extraordinary civilization, Lu Yuan would remain in this state until he found an organism that could be imitated before switching back.

Soon, Lu Yuan encountered the first native creature.

Here, isn't this a Tyrannosaurus rex? It has these iconic little hands, strong hind limbs and a big mouth with amazing bite force! Is this a dinosaur civilization? Physical ascension? Lu Yuan said in shock.

However, after having the imitating creature, Lu Yuan no longer had to be so sneaky. Lu Yuan quickly changed his form, and soon, a venomous Tyrannosaurus rex that was 80% similar to the Tyrannosaurus rex that just passed by appeared.

Lu Yuan dangled his short hands, imitating the walking posture of the Tyrannosaurus rex that just passed in front of him and began to explore the surrounding situation.

Yo! Triceratops! A grass-eating one is more aggressive than a meat-eating one!

Long-necked dragon, this is too tall. Even if it eats grass, not many predators can defeat it, unless it's a group fight...

Tyrannosaurus, this shape is really similar to Tyrannosaurus rex, but it looks much more ferocious than Tyrannosaurus rex!

Lu Yuan explored the past all the way and found that this extraordinary civilization was really a dinosaur civilization.

But how did the dinosaur civilization break through the shackles of race and ascend beyond the native planet to become a second-level transcendent? Lu Yuan asked doubtfully.

It wasn't until he discovered a velociraptor using blood energy to fly into the air to chase a herbivorous dinosaur that the doubt was solved.

Is it blood energy? All dinosaurs continuously refined their physical bodies to pure their blood energy, and finally their bodies ascended, breaking through the seventh level and ascending to outer space? Lu Yuan said clearly.

But if you want to break through to the seventh level just by tempering your physical body, it will take years and years of the monkey! Lu Yuan thought as he moved forward, and suddenly smelled a strange fragrance.

Following the strange scent, Lu Yuan soon discovered the source of the strange scent.

A small tree with red fruits!

Sensing the rich blood energy in the red fruit, Lu Yuan also understood why such a dinosaur civilization could be upgraded to the second level of transcendence.

Although these large dinosaurs on the surface still look dull, as if their IQ is only that of an eight or nine-year-old child, as long as they break through level seven, I think the dinosaurs' IQ will reach the normal level of intelligent creatures.

But why do I always feel that this extraordinary civilization in the form of physical ascension is a bit deformed? It is as if it is a semi-finished extraordinary world that has been upgraded to the second level by resources.

Isn't it normal that there are intelligent organisms first, and then the level of life is improved step by step through cultivation? Why does it seem that the planet's heavenly law used resources to promote a group of less intelligent organisms? There is something wrong.

But Lu Yuan didn't think too much, and the intelligence collection was almost done. Anyway, the dinosaurs on land now don't have much intelligence. They all rely on instinct, and there are no written records or anything. It is difficult to find out whether the enemy is a blood-energy person. Civilization, it is enough to take the route of physical strengthening, no other exploration can be done.

Lu Yuan's consciousness quickly returned to the solar system, preparing to invade this dinosaur civilization!

After Lu Yuan uploaded all the enemy's basic information to each ship, each warship also began to make targeted adjustments.

The first is to convert the energy shield into a physical and blood-energy one, so that it can resist the enemy's attacks in a more targeted manner.

Then, the venom troops carried by each ship have their whole body blood energy energized, and their physical resistance has been strengthened. Biological scales are installed on the surface of the body, so that they can fight against dinosaur civilization in a more targeted manner!

After everything was ready, Lu Yuan opened a five thousand kilometer star gate, and the huge fleet behind him began to pass through the star gate and enter the Dinosaur Galaxy under Lu Yuan's command.

It was naturally difficult not to attract the attention of the dinosaur civilization with such a big movement, so while Lu Yuan's huge fleet was still flying out of the star gate, the space combat troops of the dinosaur civilization had begun to gather continuously!

There are very few planets in the Dinosaur Galaxy, only five!

There are no palaces built by dragons in the outer space of the planet. There are only space battleships served as huge aerial behemoths suspended in the outer space, serving as the foothold for those advanced dinosaurs.

Now, it is these giant beasts in the sky that are constantly gathering to resist the invasion of Lu Yuan's army.

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