Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 14 Firepower and hand-to-hand combat!

Lu Yuan was very aggressive here, and the orc army was naturally not one who only took beatings without fighting back!

Magic crystal cannons were moved to the top of the city by the orcs, and they aimed a round of shelling at Lu Yuan's temporary camp.

Although the range and rate of fire of these magic crystal cannons are not as strong as Lu Yuan's bacterial cannons, the shells they fire are originally high-energy magic crystal balls! The lethality caused when it hits the ground is more than ten times more powerful than human TNT bombs!

Lu Yuan could only command the bacterial cannon not to stop while letting the anti-aircraft artillery in the camp intercept the enemy's magic crystal cannon.

Fortunately, the rate of fire of these magic crystal cannons is not too high, and the interceptor artillery in Lu Yuan's army is very sensitive. Although from time to time, land beasts in the camp will be blown to pieces by the magic crystal cannons, this is a small loss. Lu Yuan could still afford it.

Lu Yuan is still launching a steady stream of attacks on Juxiong City, but from an aerial perspective, it seems difficult for such artillery attacks to cause a devastating blow to Juxiong City.

After all, there are tens of millions of accomplished orcs in Jixiong City now. If they take turns charging the city walls, they can last until Lu Yuan runs out of ammunition and food!

There is nothing we can do. If we can't break through your defenses on the frontal battlefield, then don't blame us for the dimensionality reduction strike!

After saying that, Lu Yuan commanded the hundreds of thousands of air and space fighters to fly above Jixiong City.

Spore bombs, acid bombs, nuclear energy bombs, electric energy bombs... began to be thrown down from the air and space fighters in a steady stream!

Most of the protection in Bear City is for the front, and there is also defense for the sky above, but it is obviously not on the same level as the front.

A giant screen emitting a faint blue light covered the entire sky above Jixiong City. Most of the various bombs dropped by Lu Yuan were blocked by this light screen, but a small part still penetrated some weak points. Entered the city.

Naturally, there are some high-level orcs in the city who are constantly checking for leaks and filling in the gaps, but Jixiong City is so big, how can they check it out!

Although those low-level orcs are also very powerful, even a first-level orc can beat an ordinary human a hundred times, but in the face of these shell attacks, those below the third level are basically unable to fight back.

Therefore, like Lu Yuan, the orcs also continued to suffer casualties.

Lu Yuan is not at a loss for exchanging injuries for injuries. After all, his bacterial army is not a normal creature in the strict sense. They have no fatal weaknesses. Even if they are blown to pieces, several corpses can still grow again if they fight together. Bring out a soldier.

But the orcs can't do it. No matter how strong they are, they will still burp when they are fatally injured. So if they fight for consumption, Lu Yuan will definitely win!

The two sides continued to fight for firepower for three days, during which both sides suffered millions of casualties.

But as said before, Lu Yuan's army has no fatal weakness. Even if it is blown to pieces, a few corpses can be put together to grow a soldier.

Therefore, in the eyes of the uninformed orc army, Evil God Lu Yuan is like an immortal evil creature, and his numbers have not been reduced after fighting for so long!

The casualties on their side were increasing day by day. Gradually, rumors spread among the army, and the morale of the army was also a bit low.

Generalissimo, there are rumors circulating in the army. They say that the Evil God's side are undead creatures and we can't defeat them at all! The morale of the army is also very low. What should we do? asked a tall officer.

There are no immortal creatures in the world. I have observed carefully. Their soldiers who were bombed will also be shattered to pieces. I just don't know what magic they used to turn the collected corpses into soldiers! Generalissimo Man Hong said.

But even if that's the case, it's still very troublesome! With almost the same troop strength, we can't defeat them even if we use up our energy! the officer said.

Indeed, but if they can destroy even the broken corpses, there is probably nothing they can do! Give the order to prepare for hand-to-hand combat! Although I want to defend the city, it seems that I still have to go out of the city to fight in the field! Man Hong frowned. said.

Yes! Generalissimo! After saying that, the officer went out to deliver Man Hong's military orders.

Soon, Juxiong City took action. All nine city gates were opened, and groups of orc soldiers lined up neatly out of the city gates and began to march towards Lu Yuan's military camp.

And this is exactly what Lu Yuan wants, he is worried about not being able to fight hand-to-hand! After all, he was fighting across planets, and it was not so convenient to transport supplies back and forth. He couldn't stand it if he continued to fight a war of attrition like this. It was a pity that the orcs didn't know Lu Yuan's details. Otherwise, if the fight continued like this, the outcome would really be uncertain. !

Since they wanted to go out to fight in the field, Lu Yuan naturally would not give in. He directly lined up his entire army and prepared to fight them hand-to-hand.

Of course, pre-war fire coverage is essential. Although bullets are no longer very lethal to these extraordinary orcs, artillery and the like are still very lethal to orcs below level three.

Therefore, before the two sides engaged in battle, round after round of artillery and magic crystal cannons took turns attacking the enemy formation.

The strong men on the orc side directly opened their energy shields to resist Lu Yuan's artillery attack. However, Lu Yuan did not have the energy shield technology of the orcs and could only use interception artillery for air interception.

However, compared with the comprehensive protection of the orcs, Lu Yuan's interception artillery missed many. Before the two sides engaged in battle, Lu Yuan's side was the first to suffer casualties. Although it did not harm the overall situation, Lu Yuan still held back for a while. The tone is in the heart.

Now that there is a hand-to-hand combat involving millions of people, and there are specialties in the art industry, Lu Yuan will not be ashamed of this kind of micro-management project, and directly hands over the battlefield command to the biological brain.

Its brain contains all the war cases and military art guidance on the entire earth, and it is professional in hand-to-hand combat.

Moreover, its huge computing power allows it to command its land beasts like a command machine. Such an army is simply a nightmare for the enemy!

Sure enough, as soon as the two sides engaged in battle, the biological brain that was proficient in battlefield command showed its strength. Through constant micro-management, it split and cut the enemy. Lu Yuan's side often used local superiority to quickly eliminate the enemy with more strikes and less.

Although the communication system of the orc army is much more advanced than the ancient messenger flag, no matter how fast it is, can it be faster than the local area network? Lu Yuan was completely at his whim. No matter how fast they were, there was still a little time difference. The battlefield was changing rapidly. I think they had never encountered such an army of millions of people, right? He was immediately stunned by Lu Yuanfang!

Generalissimo, the opponent's formation changes are too flexible and weird. Whenever we want to encircle them, they will detect it in advance and escape the encirclement! On the contrary, our army often falls into the trap and goes deep into the enemy's territory, and is cannibalized by their superior strength. If this continues The situation is very unfavorable to us! A military advisor orc said anxiously.

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