Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 163 Three-thirds of the world

Lu Yuan invited more than a dozen commanders, large and small, to the resource planet for a meeting.

Among this group of commanders, the Prison Armor commander who had cooperated with Lu Yuan before was considered relatively powerful. Thirty thousand battleships were twice as powerful as these 10,000 to 20,000 warships, so the Prison Armor quickly laid the foundation for He holds the second position in the team.

The prison armor civilization has also developed rapidly in recent years. After the last cooperation, he also exchanged a Leviathan giant ship like Lu Yuan. With the help of the Leviathan giant ship, and the prison armor lord is also very powerful. With their courage, they gambled on their family fortunes several times and sent out the whole army to conquer extraordinary galaxies. Fate favored them and did not allow them to encounter powerful extraordinary civilizations in the early stage. The snowball started rolling later, and only then did they achieve their current achievements.

Lu Yuan and Commander Jailjia still have some friendship. With the cooperation of the first and second figures in the team, the entire combined fleet quickly determined the goal of this trip, which was to march into the core area, sweep across the extraordinary fleet, and harvest a large number of War points and energy supplies.

Because Lu Yuan had explained the situation before coming, this short combat meeting ended quickly, and everyone aggressively began to assemble the fleet to prepare to set off together.

Lu Yuan did not delay any longer and directly recalled the exploration ship on the resource star to prepare for departure.

Although Xuan Mo's skull has not been completely repaired, his eyeballs and external injuries have been completely repaired and will not affect the battle, so he followed the battleship and prepared to heal his injuries while sailing.

Although Xuan Mo is very long, his thickness is only more than three hundred meters. The cabin of the Leviathan giant ship can still accommodate him, but there is not much room for movement, but there are piles of heavenly materials and earthly treasures for him. Eat, Xuan Mo doesn't care about these small details.

After determining the target, Lu Yuan's fleet took the lead and headed for the core area with an army of 300,000 warships behind them.

It was indeed the Chiyan battlefield, and it was still in the inner area. After only five days of sailing, Lu Yuan's combined fleet encountered an extraordinary fleet.

However, this fleet of only 20,000 warships was wiped out by a salvo before it could even let out a breath when facing Lu Yuan's army of 300,000.

Lu Yuan's fleet did not take much. They only took a little energy and supplies to replenish their sailing consumption, and distributed the rest to their teammates. After all, Lu Yuan was not short of these supplies. It was most important to win over good people now.

He just wants to tell his teammates that they will not suffer any disadvantages if they follow him. As long as they are brave enough, there will be great benefits!

After sailing for another four days or so, Lu Yuan's army encountered another extraordinary fleet, but judging from the number of warships, it should be a small combined fleet.

However, 50,000 warships still could not cause any harm to Lu Yuan's 300,000-strong army. With just two salvos, the small combined fleet on the opposite side was completely scrapped and turned into energy supplies for Lu Yuan's combined fleet to store in the cabin. Woke up.

In this way, Lu Yuan and the others continued to push forward, hunting down many extraordinary fleets and encountering many technological fleets along the way.

Some of those technology fleets were still hesitating about Tiema and Lu Yuan, but some fleets were still very decisive and directly chose to join Lu Yuan's combined fleet to act together.

Lu Yuan accepted all comers under his command, and did not distinguish between newcomers and old veterans when dividing the spoils. They were all treated equally and distributed reasonably according to their contribution and battle losses. Therefore, the newly arrived fleet quickly recognized Lu Yuan's status and assigned them to him. The Iron Horse fleet was forgotten.

Therefore, although Lu Yuan's combined fleet suffered large and small battle losses along the way, due to the addition of the new fleet, the number of battleships did not decrease but increased. Before entering the core area, Lu Yuan's combined fleet had surged to six One hundred thousand ships.

This kind of strength on the chaotic battlefield is almost the strength of all the technology fleets in the entire core area, but on this red flame battlefield, it can barely compete with the other two giants.

Because he had accepted many local fleets, Lu Yuan also obtained a lot of information about the Chiyan battlefield through these newcomers.

In the core area, the technology camp headed by Iron Horse has almost a million combined fleets, while the Blue Sharks also have a combined fleet of nearly 1.2 million.

Before Lu Yuan came, the extraordinary fleet was slightly ahead of the technological fleet. However, in the last siege, the 100,000 warships sent by the Blue Shark Fleet were jointly destroyed by Lu Yuan and Tiema's younger brother fleet, so the Blue Shark Fleet Shark's fleet was weakened by one point.

And now Lu Yuan has brought in nearly 300,000 warships from outside. Now if we talk about the camps alone, the extraordinary camp is completely at a disadvantage.

However, neither party intends to let Lu Yuan go, so the technology camp is now divided, and for a while there is no plan to completely destroy the extraordinary fleet.

The Iron Horse Fleet is now equivalent to diverting 300,000 warships to Lu Yuan's side. There should only be about 700,000 warships still under his command, which is about a 50-50 split with Lu Yuan.

If calculated according to the three-point pattern, the extraordinary fleet is actually the strongest.

However, this Blue Shark is now like the Wei State during the Three Kingdoms period. If he wants to take the opportunity to attack Lu Yuan or Tie Ma, then Lu Yuan and Tie Ma will not hesitate to join forces with Shu and Wu to fight against the Blue Shark. Therefore, the current situation of the Blue Shark It's not as optimistic as imagined.

After thoroughly entering the core area, Lu Yuan stationed himself in an area between the two camps. The base camp of the three parties now resembles a triangle in the core area, and the pattern of three parts of the world has been completely formed.

Of course, the Blue Sharks didn't know Lu Yuan's plan, so they were already anxious, because in their view, the addition of Lu Yuan's fleet would enhance the overall strength of the technology camp.

The technology camp now has more than 1.3 million warships, while their extraordinary camp currently only has more than 1.1 million warships. If the technology camp is really cruel and starts a war, the loser will definitely be them, so They are also worried.

Although they still have a lot of fleets in the inner and outer theaters, it is one thing whether those fleets can be obedient and enter the core area to support them. If those warships are really mobilized, things will become big. Maybe it will happen. If a battle broke out across the entire Red Flame battlefield, there would really be countless casualties, so Blue Shark did not dare to rashly mobilize all the warships.

Now they can only take one step at a time. Originally, this battlefield was for them to exercise the combat power of their individual fleets. However, due to the emergence of three super powerful individual fleets: Blue Shark, Iron Horse, and Lu Yuan, now it is actually going to be staged. The combined fleet fought.

Such a battle does not matter the strength of your personal fleet. Even a strong team will still be wiped out if it is attacked by concentrated fire. Therefore, neither the strong nor the weak want to participate in such a battle.

But the situation is now like this. Unless they withdraw from the battlefield and stop participating in the war, there is no way they can escape this maelstrom.

However, such a big action naturally alarmed the managers of both sides. Now the offline withdrawal function of both sides has been locked. It seems that the managers do not want to cultivate some timid juniors, so they directly disconnected the network. , until this battle is over, no one in the fleet inside will be able to escape.

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