Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 232: Development, challenge to the third-level arena.

After unifying the original galaxies of the Black Snake and Black Crocodile Empires, Lu Yuan's ruling territory reached 180 light years. Not only did he eliminate the hidden danger of his identity being exposed, he also obtained a large amount of resources and resources needed for the development of civilization. Strategic depth.

There are now eleven satellite civilizations under Lu Yuan. Except for the galaxies where these satellite countries are located, the remaining galaxies are directly under Lu Yuan's territory. Lu Yuan can send fleets to take over and develop the resources of these directly affiliated galaxies.

With the expansion of the direct-controlled star system, the number of warship production lines built by Lu Yuan also began to increase.

However, Lu Yuan no longer wants to follow the previous path of battleships being king, because after the civilization reaches the fifth level, he has seen that the decisive factor that determines the success or failure of a civilization is the strategic power of a civilization, the ability to overwhelm the entire civilization system of the enemy. The strongest person is the foundation of a civilization.

If before the fourth-level civilization, the combat power and number of battleships were important factors that determined whether a civilization was strong or not, then when the civilization reaches the fifth-level, the important factors of whether the entire civilization is strong or not are all weighed down by the strongest of the civilization. On the person.

This is because the individual combat power is so powerful that it can completely overwhelm all people and things that have not reached this level.

Millions of battleships, tens of millions of battleships are not as powerful as a single attack from the Lord of Laws.

Therefore, after the civilization reaches the peak of level four, the civilization should concentrate its resources on cultivating the strongest person to break through the civilization level and reach level five.

Lu Yuan has already estimated that as long as the resources are sufficient, the territory of nearly two hundred light years is enough for his civilization to successfully develop back to the fourth level peak, so in the next time, outward expansion is no longer his most important thing The direction of action is the most secondary.

Now his goal is to continuously obtain a lot of resources through the gladiatorial arena, to develop civilization back to the fourth level peak as soon as possible, and then to concentrate all the power to strengthen himself, so that he can successfully break through to the realm of the Lord of Law, and drive the entire civilization to break through the level.

After breaking through to the fifth level civilization, he will definitely be able to allocate a river system as his territory, and he will also be able to completely enter the core high-level of the extraordinary camp. At that time, Lu Yuan can decide for himself whether to take a step forward or take a step back.

After consolidating the newly added territory, Lu Yuan decisively handed over the affairs of the empire to the biological deputy brains for management, and he himself entered the arena with the latest Leviathan giant ship. Let’s go challenge the level 3 arena.

In order to lay the foundation for the master who will break through the law later, the single soldier participating in the battle this time is Lu Yuan himself.

Lu Yuan built himself a physical body that was at the peak of level nine. He added tens of thousands of buffs at the beginning, reaching the peak of level nine in the conventional sense.

If the power of law is not used, ordinary tenth-level mythical creatures will have to kneel when they encounter Lu Yuan's physical body. Even if the power of law is used, Lu Yuan can temporarily break through, because his original realm has already reached the peak of level ten. Yes, it's just that he doesn't use it.

Therefore, it is very safe to challenge Lu Yuan in this one-on-one fight. However, in order to increase his combat experience, Lu Yuan will try to keep his physical strength similar to that of his opponent after carefully observing the opponent in order to practice his fighting skills and enhance his understanding.

As for the battleship duel, there is nothing to say. The improved Leviathan, light speed maneuvers, and computing power blessing, attacking these ordinary third-level battleships is simply a massacre, and basically there will be no accidents.

Opening the yellow magic disk in his hand, Lu Yuan entered the third-level arena. This was also the first time for Lu Yuan to enter the yellow arena. His authority on the magic disc had been upgraded from orange to orange when he defeated all second-level civilizations. It was yellow, but Lu Yuan never came to challenge, but was busy expanding his territory.

The distance of the galaxy covered by the Yellow Arena is 10,000 light-years, which almost occupies one-tenth of the Milky Way, so the number of level three civilizations above is really overwhelming.

The level 4 green arena covers the entire river system, a distance of nearly 100,000 light-years. It is also a huge number of arenas.

The higher the level, the larger the coverage area and the greater the number of civilizations that appear. In fact, generally speaking, the lower the level, the greater the number of civilizations. This is just expanding the space to expand the number.

Because there are just as many low-level arenas, the number of first- and second-level civilizations seems to be very small. In fact, in terms of quantity, the first- and second-level civilizations are as numerous as the stars in the entire river system.

Without thinking too much, Lu Yuan went directly to the waiting hall, preparing to find the first unlucky guy of the day to complete his certification challenge.

Lu Yuan had to win this first battle, otherwise he would have to go back and clear the second-level arena again to be eligible to upgrade again.

Because his tree civilization has just been certified and upgraded to the second-level civilization, it is not suitable for him to be certified to the third-level civilization again. At least he has to wait and see. In this case, the way to pass the upgrade is more important.

It was indeed one of the top ten arenas covering an area of ​​10,000 light-years. As soon as he entered the waiting hall, Lu Yuan felt what a huge crowd there was.

There are only ten level 3 arenas in the entire galaxy, and one level 4 arena. The level 5 arena is set up directly in the Daoxuan Star Territory, not in other river systems.

So you can imagine the grand scene in the waiting hall. What does it feel like to have a full tenth of the third-level civilizations in the galaxy gathered together? There are more people than the legion wars in the cold weapon era!

Lu Yuan didn't choose, he randomly picked a fish-headed lord from the periphery and started the battle certification.

When the other party saw that Lu Yuan was newly opened, and seemed to be a second-level newcomer who had passed the customs clearance certification, he naturally did not want to let such a fat sheep go, and directly confirmed the battle without saying a word.

Because it is low versus high, the minimum return for Lu Yuan's gambling capital this time is twice, and the maximum return is ten times. The basic gambling capital for a third-level civilization is the building materials of 10,000 Star Destroyers or the same value of natural materials and earthly treasures. Therefore, if the fish-headed lord loses this time, he will have to pay at least 20,000 Star Destroyer materials for building materials.

But why would Lu Yuan be so insidious and give him such a low odds? He took advantage of his lack of understanding of his own strength and gambled ten times his money. Anyway, ninety-nine percent of the lords in the entire hall wanted to pinch a soft persimmon like Lu Yuan, not least him.

There was no other way, the fish-headed lord could only agree to Lu Yuan's request, because the initiative was in Lu Yuan's hands. He could only passively respond to the challenge and could not take the initiative to provoke.

The two sides arrived at the Arena of Valor, and their battle attracted a small number of people.

The competition between the two sides this time was about personal combat power. The opponent sent a ninth-level high-level combat power with a fish head and human body. Naturally, Lu Yuan sent Lu Yuan himself. As I said before, he was going to fight now. Lay the foundation for becoming the Lord of Laws.

A fish-headed man and a tree man, the battle between the two aliens is about to break out.

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