Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 26 Underground beasts on Mars!

Through the connectivity of the fungal carpet, Lu Yuan's fungal carpet continuously extracted water from the underground glaciers and began to expand rapidly.

100 meters...


Five kilometers...

ten kilometers……

Soon, Lu Yuan's fungal carpet expanded to about two hundred kilometers.

If it reaches this range, the efficiency of the fungal carpet in transporting water is not so high, so Lu Yuan ordered the fungi near the glacier to evolve into fungal water-carrying beasts.

This is a cigar-shaped eight-legged creature, shaped like a long cigar with eight legs growing underground, and its body is similar to a large truck on Earth.

The cigar-shaped body is hollow, and the liquid water extracted from the underground glacier will be stored in the hollow water-carrying beast. Through the transportation of the water-carrying beast, the liquid water can be continuously transported from the source to farther places for supply. Fungi grow.

Hundreds of water-carrying beasts line up at the entrance of the cave. Liquid water extracted from underground glaciers is continuously poured into their bodies. The water-carrying beasts filled with water run at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour on their eight strong and powerful legs. Towards the distance.

After all, the road environment on Mars is not very good, and the geological structure is also very loose. Being able to run at this speed is considered very impressive.

Anyone who has run a car on the grassland knows that it is difficult to run fast on the grassland, and the road environment on Mars is more than ten times worse than that on the grassland!

But just when everything was going on in an orderly manner, something unexpected by Lu Yuan happened!

A water transport convoy transporting water to the southeast suddenly lost news!

"How could something like this happen? They were so good, why did they suddenly die?" Lu Yuan said.

That's right, they were dead, not missing, because Lu Yuan could no longer find them when he changed the perspective of the sub-bacteria, which meant that they must have been completely out of control.

"This doesn't look like a sudden natural disaster! Was it attacked by some creature? And it was fatal with one blow? Otherwise, no news would be spread at all!" Lu Yuan said to himself.

Lu Yuan then sent the newly evolved tiger wolf beast to investigate the missing area.

The tigers, wolves, and beasts arranged in a scattered pattern soon arrived at the area where the water-carrying beasts disappeared.

As the tigers, wolves and beasts slowly moved forward, a huge slightly sunken hole appeared on the sand in front of them.

The entire ground surface sank slightly by thirty to forty centimeters, covering an area of ​​about one hundred meters, just enough to cover a small water transport fleet.

Lu Yuan also fell into deep thought while looking at this less obvious bunker.

"Are there any large underground creatures on Mars? If such large pits are not numerous or large enough, it would be impossible to form such a large sand pit!" Lu Yuan thought to himself.

While Lu Yuan was still deep in thought, suddenly there was a strange movement in the ground, and a strong earthquake was transmitted from the underground to the feet of the tiger and wolf beasts. If the tiger and wolf beasts had not had a good sense of balance, they might have been knocked down by now.

From Lu Yuan's perspective, a bloody mouth covered with barbs suddenly flew out of the underground sand dunes and swallowed a group of tigers and wolves in front of Lu Yuan.

The body shape of this underground alien beast is like a large round-headed earthworm, but it is magnified a thousand times. The round head alone is nearly fifty meters long and wide, and it has a bloody mouth densely covered with a Circles and circles of barb-like fangs look very scary.

I don't know how long this sandworm-like monster is, but from a glimpse just now, it is nearly 150 meters above the ground. With its giant round head, Lu Yuan estimates that the total length is not more than 150 meters. It would be less than a thousand meters. As for how long it was, Lu Yuan really couldn't estimate it, because the next second, the tiger wolf beast that Lu Yuan's consciousness was attached to was also swallowed by the giant sandworm.

Lu Yuan felt his eyes go dark, and after a stab of pain all over his body, his consciousness returned to a main bacterial strain near the glacier cave.

"Mars sandworm? Interesting, dare to kill my horse? It seems that I have to be Lu Silang again today!" Lu Yuan said angrily and laughed.

Following Lu Yuan's order, the fungal carpet that had expanded to a radius of 500 kilometers quickly began to emerge from the ground, and a large number of fungal beasts began to differentiate.

Thinking of the huge size of the sandworm, Lu Yuan directly selected a suitable creature as an evolutionary specimen from the large fungal creature copies previously designed by the Biological Vice Brain.

This is a giant fungus-like creature that resembles a millipede.

It has hundreds or thousands of auxiliary limbs, and its black and red hard shell is made of locally sourced metal particles extracted from the large amount of hematite on the surface of Mars.

Each arthropod is almost three meters in size, and hundreds or even thousands of arthropods are connected in layers to form a large thousand-legged centipede.

A pair of jaws are driven by biohydraulics, and the head is connected to a miniature nuclear-powered jaw. The force of this clamp can directly pierce several meters of titanium alloy steel plates. It is truly a combat weapon.

The centipede's mouth can also spray highly corrosive venom. Even anti-corrosion alloys will be corroded into a puddle of liquid when they encounter this corrosive liquid, let alone the biological body!

The hundreds of giant legs are also extremely sharp. Each of the several meters long legs can pierce the enemy's heart like a sharp spear. If necessary, the tip can be separated from the legs like an archer beast and shot. It is an extremely terrifying enemy-killing weapon!

The hematite armor on the back is also equipped with anti-injury spikes. These spikes can not only sting the attacking enemy, but they also have the ability to spray, making them difficult to guard against.

Lu Yuan modified this large centipede and installed dozens of digging legs on its head, so that it can adapt to the underground fighting scene of the sandworms and not only show off its power on the surface!

Due to their huge size, only 500 kilometers of fungal carpet can be used to create twenty large fungus centipedes. That is, almost 100 kilometers of fungal carpet can be used to create four centipedes. This consumable is quite high.

However, Lu Yuan believed that with the combat power of these fungus centipedes, twenty would be enough.

If it's not enough, then let's do it a little bit. Anyway, as long as you give him a little time, Lu Yuan can make the entire surface of Mars densely covered with fungi. Are you afraid that you won't be able to defeat the opponent by then?

For Lu Yuan, the outcome of this battle with primitive Martian creatures was already determined, and the rest was just a matter of time.

After all, even the legendary orc Lu Yuan, who can cross the void, can be killed. How can a few sandworms that can't even reach the sky stand up to him?

As Lu Yuan was ready, the fungus fighter plane flying in the air turned on the biological detection radar.

This kind of radar can detect heat sources and bio-waves, and it also incorporates the technology of the orcs. It can detect their extraordinary and mysterious life breath. Lu Yuan feels that it is impossible for such indigenous Martian creatures to escape his detection.

They were not discovered before because Lu Yuan's inertial thinking was that no other living things could survive on Mars, so he did not turn on the biological detection radar.

Now that Lu Yuan has noticed them, they must have nowhere to hide!

The second update today, the third update will be served in the afternoon, have a meal and take a rest!

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