Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 290: I picked up the life-buying money from Li Gui, so I threw it into the merit box.

When Lu Yuan first picked up such a large bag of money, he didn't think much about it. He just felt that he was really lucky and could not stop it. He could get unexpected wealth even when he went out to buy groceries.

After returning home, a pool of blood-red liquid slowly leaked out of the big bag of coins, and Lu Yuan felt something was wrong.

Lu Yuan immediately went to check the strange catalog that recorded strange events nearby.

Finally, I found clues among the ten strange events around me.

"The devil buys your life. Please don't pick up the big bags of money when you see it on the road. Once you pick it up, the devil will come to take away your life at twelve o'clock that night. There is almost no solution." Lu Yuan said every word. After reading the introduction in the catalog, I was sure that I had been tricked again.

"My luck is too bad. I've been attacked every day for three days in a row. Could it be that the devil in this world is trying to trick me?" Lu Yuan glanced at the sky, and with his powerful consciousness, he quickly saw a person. The trembling weak Tiandao.

"No way, he dares to do this without fear that I will destroy him?" Lu Yuan quickly rejected this conclusion.

Lu Yuan then tried to deal with the bag of life money in a way that ordinary people could think of, but it was of no use at all.

After getting on the subway, he threw it on the subway and let it circulate with the subway, but when Lu Yuan returned to his rental house, it inexplicably returned to the table.

It was burned in a gas stove, but it turned out that the money was made of unknown material and could not be burned at all.

Sewers, dismantle the chaos, pour children's urine, black dog blood, use fire lit by old peach wood to burn, strong acid corrodes...

Lu Yuan used every method he could think of, and in the end, the life money returned to Lu Yuan's table intact.

There is no other way. Lu Yuan had no choice but to use his trump card. In the afternoon, he took a taxi and rushed directly to Jinguang Temple, the most famous temple thirty kilometers away.

This is a large temple covering an area of ​​nearly 2,000 square meters.

Lu Yuan bought a large bundle of incense candles at the door and put a whole bag of life-buying money into the merit box in front of the abbot. Then he told the abbot that he wanted to stay in the temple for three days, fast and bathe, and purify the six roots.

Originally, Jinguang Temple did not accept believers to stay, but Lu Yuan gave him too much. The money to buy a life was at least hundreds of thousands. For the sake of incense, the abbot agreed to Lu Yuan's request and arranged for him. Got a clean room.

Lu Yuan had no choice. What if he returned home and the evil ghost came to take his life? Anyway, the money to buy his life has been given to Buddha, and others are also at Jinguang Temple. If the ghost is brave enough, he will come to see whether it is Buddha or the ghost.

If everything goes well, then Lu Yuan's fortune was in vain. After all, he only spent a little money on travel expenses and incense candles to eat and drink at Jinguang Temple for free for three days.

If something happens, Lu Yuan has a clear conscience. After all, he paid for the incense, and Buddha should also contribute.

In this way, Lu Yuan happily ate and drank in Jinguang Temple.

That night, Lu Yuan did feel a large wave of Yin Qi approaching, but it seemed that the other party was also quite afraid of the incense of Jinguang Temple, so he did not break in immediately. Lu Yuan spent the first night without incident.

On the second night, Lu Yuan clearly felt that the opponent's patience had been worn away a lot. After all, according to the rules, this evil ghost should have killed Lu Yuan the night before. Now on the second night, he has not found a chance. How can he let him? Isn't he in a hurry?

On the third night, the evil ghost finally couldn't hold it any longer and broke into Jinguang Temple directly and started to commit murder.

And Jinguang Temple is indeed the largest temple within a hundred miles, and it still has some tricks.

"What kind of monster do you dare to do this? I think you don't know how to live or die! In the past few days, you have been wandering around the temple every day. If I don't kill you, you have already opened up the door. Today, you dare to come and commit murder!" With an angry shout, a person The Buddhist king-like warrior monk soared into the air from the backyard of the temple to confront the fierce ghost.

The fierce ghost didn't say much nonsense, and came forcefully with Yin Qi, as if he wanted to gut the monk on the spot to vent his anger at being teased by Lu Yuan in the past few days.

"I don't know how high the sky is! Look at my mighty Tianlong!" A disdainful shout came.

The monk then loosened his cassock and turned it into a hundred-foot red wall, shrouding the evil ghost.

"The mighty heavenly dragon, the World Honored Ksitigarbha, the Boruo Buddhas, Boruo Padamako!" A series of Buddha's names came out, and the monk's back was revealed to be full of dragon patterns.

The dragon pattern emits brilliant Buddha light, and then a golden dragon appears and attacks the ghost that has been surrounded by the red wall of cassocks.

There was a loud bang!

The golden dragon directly blasted the fierce ghosts surrounded by the red wall into nothingness. A large amount of Yin Qi spilled out, and was then expelled to the outside world by the faint Buddha light of the temple.

Before he died, Li Gui only had time to cry out: I am not willing to accept it, but I was tricked by a mortal!

If he could know Lu Yuan's identity, he probably wouldn't be so aggrieved.

For a fierce ghost with around level 5 strength to be plotted by a master of laws like Lu Yuan, it was considered the highlight of his life.

Although no evil ghost would like such a highlight moment.

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that this fierce ghost was dealt with like this.

This shows that even ordinary people can barely survive in such a strange world as long as they have a big brain.

Except for Lu Yuan, probably not many ordinary people can think of such a cool operation.

When you pick up the life money from a devil, you turn around and throw it into the Buddha's merit box? Let the evil spirits and the Buddha seize the food from the tiger's mouth? Only Lu Yuan could think of such a cool operation.

After finishing dealing with the life-buying ghost, the monk gave Lu Yuan a deep look, then left here without saying anything.

The next day, after dealing with the evil spirit, Lu Yuan, whose life was not in danger, left Jinguang Temple and returned to his rental house.

After not encountering any other strange incidents for several days, Lu Yuan went to work.

His incarnation is actually an online ride-hailing driver. Now that there are fewer weird incidents, it's time for him to work normally.

After driving his old Honda, Lu Yuan started taking orders freely. Driving from morning until eight or nine in the evening, Lu Yuan had a good experience of the life of an ordinary online ride-hailing driver.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening, and Lu Yuan was ready to close his stall. The world was strangely recovering, so it was better not to wander around at night.

Just when Lu Yuan was about to close the stall, another passenger got on the bus.

"Xinghua Village, East Gate, on the outskirts of the city."

A cold voice sounded.

Lu Yuan was stunned. It was so late, and this passenger was still going to the outskirts of the city? This time, it was almost midnight when he returned to the city, and he didn't really want to take this order.

"I'm sorry……"

Before Lu Yuan could refuse, the passenger handed him ten big bills.

Lu Yuan said nothing and stepped on the accelerator. He did not notice that the car did not become heavier at all after the passenger got into the car.

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