Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 296 Sacrificing an entire river system just to get a chance to get out of trouble

Battleship against battleship, extraordinary force against extraordinary force.

When they realized that they could not break through the law barrier arranged by Lu Yuan in a short time, a large number of law masters began to follow Lu Yuan's aura to prepare for a decisive battle with Lu Yuan.

Only by putting them to death and reviving, and killing Lu Yuan, can their civilization have a chance to survive. The strong will live, the weak will die, that's all.

A very small number of extreme law comprehenders who have accumulated their strength to the top of the mythical realm are willing to die and survive. They choose to break through at the critical moment, hoping to successfully break through to the realm of the Lord of the Law before being exterminated, so that they may be able to gain a glimmer of hope.

But this is too difficult. In the galaxy now, most of the mythical creatures with this accumulated background were once defeated by Lu Yuan.

If their Taoism is damaged, it is almost impossible for them to survive the disaster of the law.

Lu Yuan's killing efficiency was also very high, and they did not have this time to successfully break through.

When Lu Yuan went through thousands of reincarnations, he almost spent nearly a hundred days in reality, and a hundred days? According to the calculations of the computing power system, in just ten days, all the civilized races in the center of the galaxy will be destroyed by them. It is impossible for them to succeed.

Thousands of mythical creatures besieged him, but Lu Yuan didn't panic at all.

Now he has reached the realm of the Lord of the Ultimate Law. Compared with these creatures who are still in the mythical realm, his strength can be said to be as different as clouds and mud!

No matter how many mythical creatures came, it was impossible to threaten Lu Yuan. They just thought they could delay Lu Yuan's massacre.

You devil! Haven't we always followed your orders to pay taxes? Why do you want to massacre all our civilized races at the slightest disagreement?

Devil! Butcher! Today I will avenge my trillions of dead people! Take my life!


The proud men of each era, the great heroes of racial civilization, rushed forward without hesitation. They vowed to kill Lu Yuan and find a glimmer of hope for their racial civilization.

The hymn of intelligent life is a hymn of courage. The history of intelligent life is the history of daring to draw a sword against God. You are all the essence of civilization of various races. I really don't want to kill you at will, but I have my Demand, so I’d better ask all the proud men of heaven to die today!”

Lu Yuan finished his final words calmly, and then an all-out space-time barrier burst out, giving these warriors who dared to die their final dignity!

Time flies by billions of times faster, and the nearest one of these proud men is already less than a thousand kilometers away from Lu Yuan!

Normally, this thousand kilometers would be enough to reach in milliseconds, but within this time and space barrier, it was like a chasm. It seemed that he would never be able to cross this chasm in his life!

Under the acceleration of billions of times of time and space, and equipped with the special suppressive power of Lu Yuan's time and space barrier, these proud sons of heaven and peak mythical creatures who are attacking now move even slower than a snail.

This long distance from one thousand kilometers to three thousand kilometers is the other side that they will never be able to reach in their lifetime.

Lu Yuan only stayed firmly at the center of the time and space barrier.

Those weak mythical creatures that had spent a long time before the battle began to die one after another and turned into old mummies.

Under the power of time and space, these dead mummies soon emitted a strong smell of decay, and finally turned into dust after being washed away by time, and then returned.

There are also some stronger and younger mythical creatures who are still persisting, but their green hair has begun to sprout white hair, and their skin has begun to appear brown spots, losing luster and elasticity.

This is the power of cultivating the law of time to the extreme! No one can stop it, no one dares to stop it!

But intelligent creatures have that drawback. They always burst out with incredible power in desperate situations.

One, two, three...

Among the large number of mythical creatures trapped by the time and space barrier, there were actually ten ultimate mythical creatures that broke through the time and space restrictions set by Lu Yuan, and gradually accelerated their flight speed and approached Lu Yuan.

One thousand kilometers, nine hundred kilometers, five hundred kilometers, three hundred kilometers...

When these ten mythical creatures that burned everything for the sake of racial civilization were approaching Lu Yuan step by step, the other mythical creatures that did not rely on their amazing will to burst into flames had all gone back and turned into piles of dust.

One hundred kilometers away, another mythical creature collapsed and died, leaving only nine white-haired heroes of heaven still holding on on the battlefield.

Fifty kilometers away, three mythical creatures collapsed this time, and now six are still holding on.

Twenty kilometers away, two collapsed and four survived.

Ten kilometers away, one collapsed and three survived.

One thousand meters, two collapsed, and one single seedling.

Lu Yuan recognized him, an extreme mythical creature with the law of force, the strongest among the three strong men of the original law.

The comprehenders of the three laws were probably their back-up men. They did not come to attack Lu Yuan. They probably found a secret place to take advantage of the opportunity to overcome the calamity.

This comprehender of the Law of Power had already burned everything he could when he arrived in front of Lu Yuan.

Essence, Qi, God, physical body, understanding of laws, Tao foundation, true spirit of soul...

Everything that could be squeezed was burned by him.

His fist was still one centimeter away from Lu Yuan's nose.

There was a loud bang, like a vase breaking, and cracked lines spread quickly from all over his body to his whole body.

The fist closest to Lu Yuan also fell apart at this time and completely turned into dust.

In the end, he still didn't hurt Lu Yuan even a hair.

The high-end combat power of all the advanced fourth-level civilizations in the center of the entire galaxy was almost completely wiped out in this battle. Except for a few guys who took the opportunity to overcome the tribulation, there was no longer a mythical-level combat power of other races in the entire central area.

Lu Yuan did not follow the fleet to slaughter those creatures with mythical combat power, but used the calculation of the computing system to find those few guys who took the opportunity to overcome the disaster.

Even if he succeeded in overcoming the tribulation, Lu Yuan was not afraid that they could overturn the world!

However, the fluctuation of information about the promotion of the Lord of Laws will spread throughout the organization's territory. Daoxuan will definitely be alerted by then, and he cannot be careless.

Under the fullest calculation of the computing power system, hundreds of thousands of possible hiding places were quickly given.

Lu Yuan kept teleporting to investigate and quickly checked out more than 100,000 possible hiding places, but found nothing. The enemy was really too cunning.

However, with Lu Yuan's speed, it would be very quick to find out clearly.

Soon, the first person to overcome the tribulation was found by Lu Yuan.

Those who comprehend the laws of space.

Seeing the familiar figure hidden in the mezzanine of ten thousand layers of space, Lu Yuan was also filled with emotion, and then a full force bomb of the law of time and space was blasted out.

collapse! collapse! collapse……

With a series of loud noises, the ten-thousand-layer space interlayer shattered almost instantly, and the tribulation-transcending person inside was also killed by Lu Yuan in the tribulation-transmitting space. His physical body and true spirit left outside were killed instantly.

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