Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 67 Fierce battle in space!

After several more rounds of naval gun attacks, the dragon army finally detected the presence of Lu Yuan's fleet!

Soon, one after another magic spells were shot from the dragon palace. The huge energy impact covered the energy shields of each shield ship, and a fierce space battle began!

After the dragon palace group approached a relatively close position, the entire palace group also began to disperse. One after another, the eighth-level dragons were preparing to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Lu Yuan's space battleship against the sky and the earth. Close combat.

Once these giant dragons get close, even if Lu Yuan's battleship has thick shields and strong attack power, a battleship without the flexibility of the dragons will easily fall into a disadvantage.

People can't break your shield with one strike. If you take a few more strikes when you see the opportunity, your shield will be broken. And your instantaneous reaction is not as fast as the enemy's, so it will naturally be difficult to hit the enemy.

So seeing the opponent release a highly mobile eighth-level dragon, Lu Yuan also released his mobile attack ship to fight with the opponent's eighth-level dragon.

The major large attack ships continued to charge their guns to bombard the enemy's war palace.

The opponent's war palace was not a vegetarian either. Eight-level long-range forbidden spells were blasted from the palace one after another, and violent energy explosions impacted Lu Yuan's warship.

In the rounds of bombardment, the enemy's small and medium-sized war palaces suffered a lot of losses, but Lu Yuan's warships were not completely without losses.

Many battleships still had their protective shields broken and were seriously injured and withdrew from the frontal battlefield.

However, Lu Yuan's battleships are bio-mechanical battleships after all. When these space battleships are combined in pairs at the rear, a brand new battleship with 80% of its combat power restored is born!

Except for some mechanical structures that have been destroyed and cannot be restored, as long as the fungus hull part can be restored!

So everyone who was fighting against the dragon was confused! He was obviously seriously injured just now, and some of them were even broken into pieces. Why did he go to the front line with an energy shield and continue to fight with them in the blink of an eye?

The large ships on both sides were fighting inextricably, and the battle between the mobile attack ships and the eighth-level dragons was no less intense!

Just like the result of the space exercise, the opponent's eighth-level dragon and Lu Yuan's mobile attack ship were like scouts from both sides, fighting fiercely in front of the two military formations!

As the most maneuverable warships in the Lu Yuan fleet group, the mobile attack ships can still keep up with the dragons in terms of flexibility.

Moreover, there is a main naval gun, dozens of light chain laser secondary naval guns, and a large energy protection shield. Although a sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs! The strength of these mobile attack ships cannot be underestimated!

The eighth-level dragons are also difficult to mess with, and their defense capabilities are as strong as their attack powers.

Dragon flames, claw attacks, single level eight forbidden spells, high-speed cutting...the attack methods of these dragons are equally sharp and diverse!

On the battlefield, a mobile attack ship fired a main gun, which happened to hit a level eight red dragon that was seriously injured and its speed had dropped!

In the violent fire, the red dragon's broken body was completely torn apart, revealing the red dragon's body inside. In the subsequent explosion impact, this red dragon with a powerful body could not withstand the ship. The shock wave of the cannon was directly blown into pieces and floated in the cold space.

Before the captain of the mobile attack ship could be happy, a golden dragon controlled his several-kilometer-sized Fa Tian phase and approached the mobile attack ship at a high speed!

Although the captain reacted quickly, he used the light chain laser secondary cannon to continuously attack the golden dragon while quickly maneuvering to avoid it.

Unfortunately, the golden dragon, which had witnessed the death of its comrades in arms, did not stop at all. It directly withstood the bombardment of the light chain laser secondary cannon and quickly approached the mobile attack ship.

A single level 8 forbidden spell metal storm was directly hit by the golden dragon on the battleship's shield.

The already shaky energy shield was directly blasted by such an energy impact. The violent energy impact tore open the thick metal shell of the mobile attack ship and directly hit the fungus hull of the battleship!

Violent explosions began to occur inside the battleship! Wave after wave of metal storms began to rage inside the battleship, and the fungal hull inside began to fragment and fall apart under the rapid cutting of the metal storm.

As the nuclear power engine is cut by the metal storm, a space firework begins!

The violent nuclear explosion directly covered the entire mobile attack ship and the golden dragon next to it.

After the impact of multiple nuclear explosions, the entire mobile attack warship was blown to pieces, and the golden dragon's law, sky, and earth were also blown away. Even his body was scarred, and there was not much combat power left!

One battleship replaces the combat power of two eight-level dragons. Overall, this wave is not a loss!

Scenes like this can be seen throughout the space battlefield. Although the two sides have never met, they are already life-or-death enemies once they meet.

This is the result of the encounter between two intelligent civilizations in this universe. Either you rob me or I rob you! This is a chess game played by the bosses of both camps. They are the pawns of the bosses of both sides. Everyone has no choice, unless they voluntarily choose to be a discarded piece, give up becoming stronger, and settle down.

The mobile eighth-level dragons were unable to attack Lu Yuan's main fleet group to cause damage because of the obstruction of the mobile attack warships.

Through continuous fragmentation and reorganization, Lu Yuan's main fleet slowly gained an advantage in such a confrontation.

The scout battlefield was still being fought hard, but the balance of battle in the main fleet battlefield was slowly shifting towards Lu Yuan's side.

As the number of dragon palaces became smaller and smaller, the morale of the dragon army began to inevitably decline. Lu Yuan's fleet did not rush in rashly, but attacked the opponent steadily, without giving the opponent a chance. Take advantage of the opportunity!

As the situation worsened, the dragon army finally became anxious. A large number of level eight dragons began to try to break through the obstruction of mobile attack warships regardless of casualties, and rushed into Lu Yuan's main fleet group to try to open up the situation.

Lu Yuan naturally would not give them this opportunity. If they really broke through the obstruction, even if ten dragons were exchanged for one ship, Lu Yuan would lose. Therefore, Lu Yuan also ordered the mobile battleships to use all their strength to block the opponent's counterattack. As long as After sustaining this momentum, this battle is basically a foregone conclusion!

In order to reduce the pressure on the mobile attack ships, the main fleet group with a little spare capacity directly mobilized the main naval guns of the three flagships and fired three shots at the eight-level dragons charging in clusters!

What will be the reaction if three destroyer-class naval gun shock waves explode in a single unit?

The giant dragons that didn't react for a moment didn't even have time to maneuver and hide, and the violent energy shock wave tore off the energy shells of the law, heaven and earth on their bodies!

The subsequent energy shock waves began to vaporize their proud physical bodies bit by bit!

Three space fireworks bloomed directly in the dragon pile! At this moment, Lu Yuanfang narrowed his eyes with a smile, and the dragon's eyes turned red with anger!

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