Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 99 History of Trisolaran Civilization!

The history of the development of the Trisolaran civilization is really magnificent. It's so majestic and yet so sad to compete with the sky! Lu Yuan sighed.

Lu Yuan then continued to examine the subsequent history of civilization development.

Trisolaris Civilization No. 141.

By the time of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the ruler was Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

The scholar Mozi built a star observatory and a double-sphere model for predicting the rise and fall of the sun on the top of the ancient pyramid palace where King Zhou lived.

Mozi believed that the model of the three-body planet is a double-layered spherical shell. This spherical shell is placed above the sea of ​​fire in the universe. The sky is the inner spherical shell, which is densely covered with small holes. There is also a large spherical shell wrapped around the inner spherical shell. , there is a big hole in it.

The light and heat of the cosmic sea of ​​fire penetrate into the interior through the large hole in the outer spherical shell, and through continuous refraction, form starlight through the small hole in the inner spherical shell.

The sun is the light spot reflected on the inner spherical shell by the light and heat from the large hole in the outer spherical shell.

The two-layer spherical shell can shrink and expand with heat, causing changes in the light of the sun and stars.

Next to the pyramid observatory there is a double-sphere model based on Mozi's theory.

Mozi calculated the changes in the next era of constant chaos by rotating this two-sphere model.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty listened to Mozi's words and ordered the whole country to be soaked to welcome the next constant era.

The short Constant Era lasted seventeen days.

After the sun set on the seventeenth day, another long night ushered in. Fortunately, the sun finally rose.

However, this is a giant sun!

The giant sun is in the sky, and the Trisolaran planet is heating up rapidly! A lot of water began to evaporate, rivers dried up, and the earth cracked!

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered dehydration urgently, but it was too late! Both the dehydrated and non-dehydrated Trisolarans on the earth have been ignited by the giant sun and set on fire!

Like the burning trees on the roadside, the burning Trisolarans turned into torches!

Mozi also went crazy. He stood on the observatory with flames all over his body and became the last torch of civilization!

Trisolaran civilization No. 141 was destroyed in the sky of the giant sun!

The two-sphere model is very clever, but unfortunately, it is not the real answer! Mozi was also an ingenious person, but it is a pity that the manpower is overwhelming! Lu Yuan sighed.

Lu Yuan then continued to watch the subsequent development history of the Trisolaran civilization.

Trisolaris Civilization No. 183.

In the European Middle Ages, there was a pope sitting in the West, and a lot of scientists thought hard and worked hard to predict the rise and fall of the sun, creating many schools of thought.

The wise man Copernicus met with the Pope and explained his ideas.

He believed that there were three suns in the sky. When the Trisolaran planet was captured by the gravity of one sun and revolved along a stable orbit, it would be a constant era with a stable climate.

When the Trisolaran planet is disturbed by two or three suns and moves erratically, it will be an era of chaotic climate!

The Pope and a group of scholars were furious and wanted to burn him to death. They believed that Copernicus's theories were all delusions and had no scientific basis at all!

Copernicus argued.

Some scholars asked, why have they never observed the existence of three suns?

Copernicus said that a civilization once observed a sky volley on two days! The three flying stars are actually three suns.

Scientists still don't believe it, saying that if this is the case, then there must be an intermediate state between the meteor and the normal state of the sun, which is the state when the sun slowly shrinks into a flying star! But no civilization has ever observed this intermediate state.

Copernicus began to elaborate on his insights:

The body of the three suns is the observable solar core of the sun. The huge solar outer shell that is normally observed is actually the outer ring of sunlight radiated by the core. When the sun is far away from the Trisolaran planet, this outer ring of sunlight will be in an intermediate state. Suddenly it can no longer be observed by Trisolarans, which is why the sun has no intermediate state and suddenly turns into a flying star.

But the stubborn Pope and others still did not believe in Copernicus's theory, and stubbornly wanted to burn him to death!

Use a gentle fire! The pope said the same thing as King Zhou!

Just when Copernicus was about to die at the stake, a Western knight who reported the news burst into the papal palace covered in flames!

Dehydration! Dehydration! Civilization has been destroyed!

The alarmed Pope and others all walked out of the palace, and Copernicus also broke free from the torture rack and walked out of the palace!

Not long after the pope and his entourage walked out of the palace, his whole body burst into flames. This scene was exactly the same as in Mozi's time.

But this time it’s not a giant sun volleying in the sky! But three days of volleying!

Three suns burned the earth, and the entire Trisolaran civilization began to be destroyed in the flames!

Facts have proved that the stubborn popes were wrong and Copernicus' theory was correct!

Civilization No. 183 was destroyed in flames again! However, the correct theoretical doctrine has been born, and the Three-Body civilization has taken a crucial step!

Finally, someone has come up with a correct theory of the operation of the Trisolaran galaxy! It took the Trisolaran civilization a full 183 civilizations to take this step. With the correct theoretical guidance, I think the subsequent development will grow explosively. ? Lu Yuan said after watching.

Lu Yuan then continued to look at the history of the next Trisolaran civilization.

Trisolaris Civilization No. 184.

East, during the reign of Qin Shihuang.

Two Western scholars, Newton and von Neumann, traveled across the ocean to the East, met with Qin Shi Huang, and elaborated on their ideas.

Newton explained a calculation method called calculus to Qin Shihuang, and assured him that as long as he provided him with 30 million forbidden soldiers for calculation, he would be able to accurately predict the arrival time of the next constant era!

Qin Shihuang was puzzled because more than 90% of his soldiers were illiterate and should not be able to help Newton perform such complicated calculations.

And Newton also clearly explained the operating principle of the human column computer through the drill of three soldiers!

In the end, Qin Shihuang was persuaded by him and decided to send 30 million elite soldiers to assist Newton in his calculations.

A giant humanoid computer covering an area of ​​thirty-six square kilometers began to operate in the flat ground below the pyramid.

After several months of practice, the human-line computer composed of 30 million soldiers was finally able to run smoothly without errors.

After all, the faulty door components have been cleaned one by one!

After running for one year and five months and consuming a lot of manpower and material resources, the results of the human column computer are finally out!

Newton and von Neumann held a giant cloth scroll with the calculation results and displayed it in front of Qin Shihuang.

According to the calculation results, the next year-long Constant Era will arrive soon!

Three days later, the sun did rise normally. Just when Newton and Qin Shihuang were about to show off their merits, a fast horse came from a distance!

A catastrophe is coming! A catastrophe is coming!

Qin Shihuang and others didn't understand what happened, but then they found out.

In the surprised eyes of Qin Shihuang and others, the distant earth began to fly into the sky in pieces, and the soldiers in the human computer formation in front of Qin Shihuang also began to slowly rise into the air.

Soon, everyone and everything was sucked up into the sky by the sun, and the earth continued to crack. Looking at the Trisolaran planet from a distance, the entire Trisolaran planet was pulled by the sun's gravity and split into two halves!

At this time, Qin Shihuang and others discovered that there was not one sun rising, but three. However, because of the three-day streak, they did not notice it at the first time!

The superimposed gravity of three consecutive days tore the entire Trisolaran planet apart, and the Trisolaran civilization No. 184 was destroyed in the great tear!

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