"yes, okay. If you can. Shadow nodded, then shook Dehya's hand.

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, my Dehya network is still very extensive. Dehya waved her hand and said with a nonchalant expression.

"By the way, can you ask what the flower god birthday festival you just mentioned ......" Amber asked curiously.

"Have you heard of the Great Mercy Tree King, the Red King, and the Flower God?" Nilou didn't answer directly, but asked a small question.

"I've heard of it before, it's the grass god of the previous generation, right?" Amber nodded, "The Red King and the flower god haven't heard of it. "

She did hear about the matter of the Great Cishu King, who was the former grass god of Sumeru, but he died five hundred years ago. But the Red King and the God of Flowers were not mentioned by the Shadow, so maybe the Shadow didn't know too much.

"Well, legend has it that the reason why it is called [Flower God Birthday Festival] is actually the meaning of [Flower God Birthday].

Once upon a time, the Tree King's birthday was celebrated, and her friend held a drill to celebrate her birthday. At the feast, several gods were drunk, and one of them took advantage of the joy and started to play, and the tree king sang, and the flower god danced for him.

As the flower god danced, countless pattisharans grew on the ground she stepped on. The bright fuchsia flowers set the stage for a splendid scene, and the gods said, "Ah, if only time had stood still forever.] ]。 Nilou explained.

"But why don't you mention the festival of the gods?" Amber said, wondering why the Wind Flower Festival in Mondstadt celebrates the destruction of the Solone King of the Tower and the establishment of Mondstadt.

Liyue's Immortal Ceremony, although the Rock King Emperor Immortal Fall, was attended by almost all of them. Just to see Morax as he really is. Even after the Immortal Fall of the Rock King Emperor, the most talked about in the streets and alleys was the topic of the Rock King Emperor.

But on the other hand, Sumeru, why are festivals also related to gods not only banned by the Akademiya, but even disdainful of the little grass god.

This left Amber feeling confused.

"It's a little hard for you to explain. Nilou sighed, then continued, "The Great Tree King passed away five hundred years ago, and the same former Flower God has fallen.

Although the gods are no longer there, the tradition of dancing to celebrate birthdays is sure to remain.

It is said that when the little grass god first returned to Sumeru, it was indeed the whole of Sumeru who was happy together, and everyone was celebrating the arrival of the little grass god. At that time, there was also a festival for the birthday of the god of flowers.

For this reason, the first great sage also personally commanded the construction of a Jingshan Palace, which is also a palace belonging to the little grass god.

It was the only time that all the people of Sumeru spent the Flower God's Birthday Sacrifice together for the Little Grass God, but from the second year, the Great Sage seemed reluctant to celebrate the Flower God's Birthday for the Little Grass God, and since then people have rarely seen the Little Grass God, for reasons no one knows. After that, the festival of the god of flowers almost became a festival outside of the Akademiya.

"It's too much! how can this be!" Amber said as she clenched her little fists and huffed, her little hands waving as if they were striking the air, "why should it be forbidden if it is a festival of the gods?"

"That is, that is the god of Sumeru, how could those sages do such a thing. Ying said with his hands on his chest.

"Probably because the sages and adults think that the little grass god is not qualified to have the same festival as the Great Cishu King. Nilou shook her head.

"That is, what those sages in the Akademiya want is not a god, but a marionette that they can use to obtain knowledge at will without resisting, right?" Yang Xiu said with his hands on his chest and his eyes sharpened.

Yang Xiu's analysis was so amazing that Nilou and Dina Zedai didn't react for a while. After the two of them reacted, they immediately looked around and made a silent gesture, "Mr. Yang Xiu, you can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, be careful that the wall has ears." "

The wall has ears, I don't think anyone dares to cut through my wall?" Yang Xiu thought in his heart, but he didn't say it. Just a slight nod.

"Mr. Yang Xiu, maybe you're right, but what can we do?" Nilou said with a sigh.

"We can overthrow the Akademiya and rescue the little grass god. Yang Xiu said calmly. But he just said it, without thinking that Nilou and Dinazadze would agree.

"Hahahaha!This little brother, your idea is very good, I like it a lot!" Dehya came to Yang Xiu's side and said boldly after hearing it, but the painting style suddenly changed, "But, how can we

believe you?" Yang Xiu spread his hands and didn't explain too much, "I don't need you to believe it, because I will do it." "

Yang Xiu's words seem to be saying that it doesn't matter whether you are or not, a few of us can solve the Akademiya.

Nilou looked at Yang Xiu in disbelief, she couldn't be sure of the truth of Yang Xiu's words, but she always had a feeling that what Yang Xiu said was true.

Di Na Zedai looked excited, she was a big fan of the little auspicious grass king, for her, whether Yang Xiu's words were true or not, he wanted to take a risk.

Dehya looked Yang Xiu up and down, thinking about the truth of Yang Xiu's words, although she didn't believe it, her intuition after being a mercenary for many years told her that the man in front of her could believe it.

"Brother Yang Xiu, what did you just say?" Amber was stunned, she forgot the purpose of coming here.

"We're here to see the little grass god, and since there's no way to see it through the Akademiya, then let's just go over the Akademiya. Yang Xiu explained to Nilou and the others, and also to Amber.

Yang Xiu stretched out a hand, asking if a few people wanted to be together.

Shadow didn't hesitate to put her hand on Yang Xiu's hand, she had been like trying to cut down the Akademiya from the last gathering of the Seven Gods.

Little Klee also nodded without hesitation and put her little hand up.

Amber and Ying naturally put their hands up.

"I'm willing to help, and we still have a lot of connections in our family in Sumeru. Dinazeda said excitedly, and put her hand on it.

"Miss...... I have to keep Miss safe. Dehya smiled helplessly, the corners of her mouth raised.

Dinazada looked at Nilou, but she didn't want to force Nilou too much, but she also wanted to work with her best friend to help the little grass god.

"I, I'm ......" Nilou hesitated, to be honest, she really wanted to help save the little grass god, but she was afraid that she would drag everyone down, so she didn't know whether to answer or not.

Nirumo tugged at the corners of her coat like a little girl when she made a mistake. I didn't dare to look directly into the eyes of several people.

"Nilou, believe in yourself, you can do it. Haven't you always wanted to perform the Flower Dance for the Little Grass God?" said Dinazeda with reassurance as she saw Nilou's thoughts.

Nilou looked up and met the smiles of several people, which gave him a feeling of spring breeze. It also gave her a sense of self-confidence.

"I can, I'll help!" Nilou said inwardly.

Yang Xiu also nodded, this one was exactly the same as what he thought. They could, but it took a bit of work, and it would take Nilou to solve tomorrow's problems.

"So what's our plan next?" Several people withdrew their hands and looked at Yang Xiu to ask Yang Xiu about his next plans.

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