Charlotte followed him all the way just to interview Navilette.

Charlotte:"That's right. It's not just me. Every reporter has this wish."


"Indeed, it is not easy to interview Mr. Villette."

"Lady Funina still has to schedule a schedule, and Lady Villette almost never rests and has no schedule."

"By the way, how is Lady Funina doing?"

"I do not know"

"What about the boss of Elite Live?"

"I heard that it seemed like he hadn’t spoken a word."

"It's over, it's over"

"What's the matter? Don't you Fontaine people like to watch the fun?"

"There are many people who think so. Charlotte had a keen sense of smell:"It's rare to see him on the street today, and you guys seem to be investigating something. This is a good opportunity for exclusive reporting!"

Paimon:"We are conducting a secret investigation and cannot make any announcements!""

Charlotte said that she would not tell 983 out, in exchange for wanting to know what the threatening letter was.

Ying and Paimon looked at each other, and told Charlotte about the letter.

Charlotte:"What? Someone wants to take action against the lovely Mei Luxin?

Paimon immediately said:"Keep your voice down." Charlotte

:"I just did an exclusive interview with Chiara last month, and the response was very good. I also planned to release the second issue another day, but someone actually tried to take advantage of her? I also asked other journalist friends to see if I could find any clues. Don't worry, I am sensible and will not expose your affairs. Charlotte also reminded:"But even if I keep my mouth shut, many people will definitely know about it in the future. You should be mentally prepared.""

This is because:" Lord Villette's every move has attracted much attention, and many people will definitely notice his abnormality. And this matter also involves Meluxin……"

【Clolinde: That’s very reasonable. When Lord Villette came out of Momang Palace, a group of people were watching.】

【Navia: That’s for sure. Lady Villette and Lady Fonina tried to attract attention wherever they went in Fontaine.】

【Lisa: I guess it’s all over Tevat now.】


Saying goodbye to Charlotte, the two walked back.

I saw Chiara still chatting with the boss of Ellove, and Clolind was standing next to her.

"Miss Clolinde also came to protect Chiara."

"After all, everyone in Fontaine loves Meiluxin."

"Yes, some are a bit arrogant"

"Still very cute. Paimon:"

Clorind!" Why are you here? And he joined the chat naturally! Clolinde explained:"My relationship with Navilette is considered an employment relationship. It makes me uncomfortable for my employer to personally deal with such trivial matters." I happen to be free now, so I came over to take a look. I usually customize some clothes in this store, and there are many topics to talk about."

This store is okay.

Is the chest of Clolinde's clothes designed that way on purpose?

Apart from anything else, the quality of the buttons on the clothes in this store must be very good.

(aibf) Clolind:"Just leave this to me. You can meet Mr. Navilette first."

With Clolind, Navilette and I feel relieved.

"Miss Clolind, who can cut machine gun bullets, is very reassuring."

The two returned to Momang Palace and started investigating with Navilette.

Navilette:"I want to be prepared. On the one hand, starting with Chiara, we find the person who sent the threatening letter, and then uproot the gang behind it."

Villette's efficiency sounds very reliable, but this:"I read official documents very quickly. After all, I have reviewed it for hundreds of years, and I have also summed up some experience."



"Hundreds of years"

"horrible." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"After all, the Dragon King?"

"It's more interesting if you tilt your mouth"


Navilette:"I plan to read these piled up on the table first. You can browse through the parts in the room at will."

Ding - during the live Q&A time, which of the cases is about Chiara?

1: Application for Parliament and Expulsion The Film Court cooperated to complete some civil activities. After investigation, they believed that Meluxin could bring extra popularity to the activities.

2: A serious bribery case occurred within the police force. The special training team intervened in the investigation and has arrested all those involved.

3: The police team and the Shadow Court jointly cracked a smuggling case. The main participants in the case were tried to varying degrees according to their culpability.

4 This battle about reputation The duel came to an end. The suspect Carres never pleaded a defense from beginning to end. Lord Navilette had reservations about the case, and the specific details are still under investigation.

5: Leosli was exiled to Melo Petersburg, and what awaited him was a difficult sentence. During the trial, Mr. Navilette was silent for a long time in court

6: None of the above answers are correct. There are 5,000 places in the ordinary live broadcast room. The reward for the correct answer is a solid gold detective badge worth 88888 molars. The penalty for the wrong answer is the Fontaine Salvage of Water Debris in the Week.

Elite Live Room 3 There is no limit to the number of places, and the discussion time is three minutes.

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