【Lady: Even so, is it okay if you don’t even contribute?】

【Dadalia: You are really lucky】

【Skirmisher: Seeing your expressions, this reward is really good.】

【Paimeng stamped his feet: Paimeng is so angry, he can also be drawn in the live broadcast room]

The lottery is divided according to the winning area, and it is random.

【Skirmisher: Oops, the live broadcast is really fair, even though I’m not interested in rewards.]

Ying pulled Paimon, and the more he talked about Skirmisher, the more proud he became.

That guy quarrels with everyone, including his colleagues.

Everyone looked at Sano to see what kind of wish he would make. 200 wish power was actually relatively small, usually items, and everyone had some experience with it.

The skirmishers on the other side were alone in the machinery inside the Order.

Skirmisher:"I want a heart of God." It

's far beyond my wish and cannot be realized.

Skirmisher:"That's not interesting."

Then you can keep it and use it in the next issue or later. Skirmisher:"Is this still possible?"

The skirmishers were frightened by the thunder. This live broadcast room was too terrifying. Even the Seven Gods were not enough to see in front of the live broadcast room.

Skirmisher:"In the live broadcast room, after I became a god, did the strengthening liquid only improve my strength at that time?"


Skirmisher:"Very good, hahahahaha, hahahaha, just wait for me."

Turning his eyes back to the Grand Bazaar, Sano thought about it.

【Seno: I want to resurrect Murtada]

Sorry, Seno, your reward power is not enough to resurrect a completely dead human being.

【Seno: Then... I want the key to the Garden of Silence without giving up my life]

The blood-red light shone brightly, and a talisman that seemed to have the breath of life fell into his hand.

The substitute blood sigil can fulfill your wish requirements

【Sano: Thank you]

The final wheel turns, who else is on the Xumi delegation?

Paimon, Ying, Dolly, Nero, and Tinari.

Ding——Nilu won the first prize and was protected by the four heavenly kings of the ultimate secret.

【Yun Jin: What kind of reward is this?】

【Elhaysen: Is it related to Xumi? I once read a story in classical literature, but I can’t remember it clearly.】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, if we consider the four heavenly kings from the perspective of Sumeru, it is an ancient story of Sumeru. There is a mountain in the belly of Mount Sumeru, named Gandhara Mountain. The mountain has four tops, and each of them lives on its own mountain. The four heavenly kings who protect the world are called the four heavenly kings who protect the world. They protect the country, increase growth, widen eyes, and learn more.】

【Kelai: It sounds very powerful.】

【Zhongli: But that’s just an ancient rumor.】

【Nilu: It is somewhat similar to Hu Tao's Ten Palaces of Yama, but the four heavenly kings can resist four life-threatening injuries for me, so, and it can be... powerful.】

【Paimon: What is the form of power? 】

I saw Nilu with her hands on her hips, and four huge shadows appeared behind her. The phantoms of the four heavenly kings seemed to appear and grow infinitely.

Nilu:"That's it. Even if you don't summon it, you can scare those ordinary people so much that they don't dare to come forward."."

The lottery for the ordinary live broadcast room has reached the final first prize and special prize. Everyone in the elite live broadcast room should turn over and watch.

Hundreds of thousands of people smoke it, and the name shines super fast.

The winners of the first prize of God’s Eye are

Fahad, the porter of the Grand Bazaar, who won the God’s Eye of Rock attribute.

"Wow, rock properties!"


Everyone in the Grand Bazaar is excited.

"Farhad! sure!"

"This luck is amazing!"

Fahad took the discount and said:"Thank you. When the incident is over, I will treat everyone to a drink."

The second one is Setale, the scholar of the Order Academy, who obtained the Eye of the Grass Elemental God.


"That woman!"

"That woman next to the great sage?"

"She can be randomly"

"I can only say it's really random."

The third place is Fende, the lady who watches the storm in Mondstadt, who has obtained the Eye of the Wind Elemental God.

"It's Fender!"

"The lady watching the storm? Looks so awesome? What is the position?"

"Never heard of it!"

"It's Lady Fender!"

"Fender: Thank you to the live broadcast room, thank you to Lord Barbatos"

【Paimon: Who is she? I haven’t seen it before] (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Qin: The lady who watches the storm. Fender and his family have watched the sea for generations. If there is a crisis, they will blow the horn as soon as possible to alert Mondstadt.】

【Yura: But now there are very few waves in the nearby sea, so people have gradually forgotten about it.】

【Lisa: I said in the live broadcast room that rewards and punishments are actually biased to a certain extent. This is also a kind of recognition for her. It proves that their quality has begun to qualify for the Eye of God, right?】

【Barbara: I’m so happy.]

The winner of the special prize is--Lana Rolan Muhu Kunda[]




"Lan Lizhe: Lan Mu Kunda was violently buried!"

"Lan Rama: Got a violent burial!"

"Is Lan Muhu Kunda okay?"

"Is reality still alive?"

【Barbara: Didn’t Lanmu Kunda disappear?】

【Ying: No, Paimon and I just went there the day before yesterday.】

【Paimon: Hehe, I forgot to mention it. Lanmu Hukunda said that he signed a contract with the live broadcast room. As the guardian of the new King of Enlightenment Tree, he will continue to stay there, but he can go to Huanalan at any time. The one that moves back and forth, although the area is not large, is very satisfied with the contract】

【Kelai: That’s great. I couldn’t bear to see you last time.】

【Amber: Me too】

【Wulang: And me]

This live broadcast is coming to an end, please watch the next one - the void agitates and the calamity fire rises. Preview

"Next issue preview!"

"I'm coming!"

"Knife in hand, follow me!"

"Did he raise the rank of the Order?"

"Jedi counterattack"

"The void agitates, and the calamity fire rises high!"

"So cool."

Introduction to the core characters. The three- dimensional images of the"villains" appeared on the screen. They are: the second doctor of the executive officers of the Fools, the sixth executive officer of the Fools, and the great sage Azar of the Apostolic Order.

Then the screen turned, here The core characters are arranged in a ladder shape.

At the bottom are Senor, Elhaysen, Nelu, Desia, and Tinari.

At the top are Ying, Paimon, and Nasida. (Okay) Big Counterattack It’s about to start.

The void is stirring, and the calamity fire is rising.

The picture is in the desert, with several bottles of knowledge placed next to it.

Alhaysen:"Please start imagining that our plans are completed at this moment."

Elhaysen is seen in the camera, standing not far away.

【Paimon: Alhaysen's voice]

Alhaysen:"We rescued the little Lucky Grass King and changed the entire Sumeru"

【Cole: What are you doing?】

【Elhaysen: I guess he is recording the filling knowledge]

The screen turned and he came to Xumi City, and saw a girl with white hair flashing past.

Yes, girl.

Guard:"Huh? Did...something flash past just now?"

The scene shifted to the port of Ormos, where the fleet of fools gathered here, and the doctor stood on the ship.

Desiya is monitoring the doctor from a distance.

Disiya:"The doctor's departure from Sumeru may be a good thing for us and for him.""

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