Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 48 Became a zombie (more updates)

The Lightning Rabbit transformed into an intelligent attack robot. It was small but moved extremely fast. It picked up a laser machine gun and fired randomly at the eyes of the Snow-Winged Giant Eagle.

The Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle was forced to close its eyes and flap its wings violently towards the Lightning Rabbit.

The fierce cold storm blew the Lightning Rabbit hundreds of meters away.

Ji! Despicable guy, I'll tear you apart!

The Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle pounced towards the Lightning Rabbit.

The Lightning Rabbit deliberately controlled his speed, and when the Snow-Winged Giant Eagle approached, he used a laser machine gun to shoot the Snow-Winged Giant Eagle's eyes.

Then, Lightning Bunny runs away again.

This repeatedly stimulates the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle.

Mouse Man asked Niu Dali and others to spread out in a semi-arc shape, follow the Snow-winged Giant King Eagle, and bombard the Snow-winged Giant King Eagle with laser cannons.

Once the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle returns to attack them, Niu Dali and others will stop attacking and scatter in all directions.

On the other side, the intelligent giant frozen cannon is also locked on the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle, ready to respond to Niu Dali and others at any time.

Su Yuan planned to drag the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle slowly.

Wait until the cooldown time of the smart giant laser cannon is up, and then kill the Snow-winged Giant King Eagle in one fell swoop.

Jijiji! Despicable human beings, you have the ability to fight in a duel! the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle shouted in frustration.

Su Yuan felt that the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle was scolding him.

Xiaoyu, what is this silly bird shouting?

Master, it seems to be saying that you are shameless! Xiaoyu thought with her mouth raised.

Ni Ma, if you dare to scold me, Niu Dali, hit him to death!

The Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle couldn't stand this frustrating style of fighting, so it gave up attacking Niu Dali and others, and turned around to pounce on Su Yuan's survival base.

It flapped its wings violently and stretched out its sharp claws, trying to tear apart the titanium alloy armor.

Looking for death, blast it!

The intelligent giant freezing cannon directly shoots out ultra-low temperature cold current. The extremely low temperature stops the movements of the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle instantly.

The Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle was frozen by the ice and fell from the sky, but it quickly broke free of the ice and took off again.

Like the snow bear on earth, it is not afraid of cold or heat.

It flew up and wanted to attack Su Yuan's survival base.

At this time, the cooldown time of the smart giant laser cannon has been reached and it can attack again.

The pitch-black barrel directly erupted with bright light, and the ultra-high-temperature laser beam drowned the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle that rushed towards it.

The huge impact force directly blasted the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle from the air to the ground, creating a big crater.

The giant snow-winged king eagle kept struggling and screaming, hoping that the snow bear on the earth would save it.

However, a group of cowardly snow bears turned around and ran away.

Ho ho ho, snow-winged giant king eagle, the enemy is too powerful, you wish for good luck!

The Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle was so angry that he almost rolled his eyes and burped.

Su Yuan saw that the giant snow-winged king eagle couldn't fly and wouldn't live long, so he asked Niu Dali and others to chase the snow bear.

Niu Dali and others also learned Su Yuan's despicable tactics, flying behind the Earth Snow Bear and constantly bombarding the Earth Snow Bear with laser cannons or laser machine guns.

If the Earth Snow Bear counterattacks and sprays cold air at Niu Dali and others, Niu Dali and others will fly into the sky, making the Earth Snow Bear's attack fail.

Su Yuan waited for the cooling time of the two giant cannons to expire, so that he could completely deal with the Earth Snow Bear and the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle.

On the ground, the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle kept struggling and flapping around.

The wounds on its body got bigger and bigger, and it bled more and more.

It was continuously bombarded by Niu Dali and others, and was bombarded once by two cannons in turn. Its feathers had turned into coke, its internal organs were shattered, and it was unable to fly even if it wanted to.

And along with the meteorite rain, the zombie virus that came to Blue Star was revived by its blood and sneaked into its body.

Control its nerves little by little, and then control its physical body.

In less than ten minutes, the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle transformed from a strange beast into a zombie.

Its eyes were dull and its movements were stiff. It tried to flap its wings and flew up from the ground.

Instead of flying to Su Yuan's survival base, he flew to the nearby survival base in the car.

Ni Ma, what's going on?

Master, the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle's movements are a little weird!

Su Yuan also saw the abnormality of the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle through the multi-functional satellite image.

Damn it, you won't be cut off by the zombie virus!

Because the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle turned into a zombie, Su Yuan did not receive the system reward.

Su Yuan was unwilling to give in and asked the survival base to follow the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle.

The Che Che Survival Base is built near the original Che Che City.

It is still far away from the Hongdu survival base. It is the largest survival base in the surrounding area, with more than 300,000 people currently living there.

Since yesterday afternoon, the survival base in the car has been affected by the zombie virus.

The first person to turn into a zombie was the guard captain in the car, Kafki.

Kafuji people are tall and strong as bears and love to eat raw meat.

He responded to Hongdu's order and took the lead in trying to eat the meat of exotic animals.

He only eats a little bit at a time, hoping to transform his body and become a person with super powers.

But he was unlucky. Some of his subordinates showed signs of alienation, but he did not.

Unwilling to be surpassed by his subordinates, Kafki secretly went out and killed a fox wolf, carried it back to his survival base, and enjoyed it alone.

He didn't know that the foxwolf had just been infected with the zombie virus.

Wait until he peels off the fox wolf's skin.

The fox wolf corpse was completely transformed into a zombie and bit him on the thigh.

In this way, Kafki also became a zombie.

Zombies erupted from the inside of the survival base in the car, and the first one to fall was the headquarters of the escort team.

Then the top brass of the survival base in the car were quickly infected and turned into zombies.

In a leaderless survival base, ordinary people fight on their own.

But zombies are hard to kill.

Often, in just one shot, the bullets will pulverize the zombies into sieves, but they can still be alive and kicking to bite you.

In the end, only heavy weapons such as bombs and tanks were used.

With one cannonball, although the zombies were blown into countless pieces, the survival base was also severely damaged.

People began to flee the survival base.

What greeted them outside was a strange beast.

All kinds of strange beasts smelled the smell of blood and rushed towards the survival base in the car from all directions.

Before long, this place became a purgatory on earth.

When Su Yuan comes here.

People were like ants, fleeing from their car survival base.

The men held children in their arms and carried machine guns on their backs, shooting as they ran.

The women also threw grenades at the zombies, followed the men, and shot the zombies with their guns.

It has to be said that the people in Hongdu are still very powerful in fighting, and they will drag two people behind them when they die.

Unfortunately, soon after their death, they will become part of the zombie army.

With the addition of the Snow-Winged Giant King Eagle.

People become more passive.

Originally, some people were able to escape in tanks or armored vehicles.

However, the Snow-winged Giant King Eagle flapped its wings, and a cold storm hit, and all the tanks and armored vehicles were frozen.

At this time, Hongdu did not know that the survival base in the car had suffered a devastating blow without any reinforcements.

Ni Ma, this zombie virus is too scary!

Master, bombard them with lasers. Most of the viruses will be killed under the ultra-high temperature!

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